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  1. G

    not getting her because she thinks you're a player??

    hey there Have been gaming a lot in the last time. I always seem to create some interest and attraction with using ****y and funny and social proof. I also approach a lot of hb in front of my target hb. Now for some reason, some hbs started ignoring me from one moment to the other. I dunno...
  2. G

    quick tips against one-itis?

    hey I feel so afc today. I have this fcuking one-itis on a girl. but I should be learning for an exam real hard, but can not really concentrate. if some one has a tip on how not to think about a girl all the time that doesnt involve going out and fcuking other *****s i'd be really really...
  3. G

    Tip on 'How not to care'

    man, you understood exactly what life is about. if you are happy with your life, then everything is fine, and you dont have to give a fcuk about what others think. just one point. never neglect the fact that being surrounded by girls impresses other girls as well. so I think its ok to care...
  4. G

    This is how a Myspace Proflie should read

    RIGHT! Not giving a fcuking fcuk on what people think of you is also part of being a don juan. (unless you want to run for president perhaps). if you meet your hottie on myspace and she's great, then that's PERFECT. still, I prefer the good ol sarge "el physical". I would feel fcuking...
  5. G

    sexing 2 HB in one evening

    I LUV you man... you are not a bastard, you just know how to have a little fun some times. haha I wonder how you did it...?
  6. G

    sexing 2 HB in one evening

    Hi Ok I admit it, the problem is really stupid. In a week I have been able to attract those two HBs. they're both best friends or something like that. ok now I'd like to have a little sex. now I have following possibilities. invite hbA and fcuk her. --> probably hbB will get jealous...
  7. G

    How to Be and Become Attractive

    Hey! Great article! Would you be so kind to give us some links to your articles about walking?
  8. G

    Life is for Living

    but who is John Galt?
  9. G

    Neg hitting ....some cool examples please :)

    BOAH THIS ONE SOUNDS GREAT! is it field tested? either way I will gonna try THAT one. still I think u have to have some smile to show u dont really mean it. but this one is really, really good. hahaha. u initiate kino. and then u break kino. haha great, just great
  10. G

    handling attraction in DJ style?

    the thing is, they think that if THEY DON'T, u will start losing interest because u know u can have them!! its exactly the same! and if they're playing hard to get, instead of just rejecting you, means that they want u, and they dont want to scare u away by letting u have them. it also...
  11. G

    I want her only for a booty call....

    WTF my way would be to make ur gf clear that u are seeing other girls. (and ****ing them, what u dont absolutely need to mention). if she chooses to quit, fcuk it, take the NEXT! U just have to make sure u have enough game to be so worthy that she doesnt care if u see other girls, IF she can...
  12. G

    How would you respond to this!!

    whoo baby I think girl have cooties.
  13. G legit?

    Hi skimming through the articles on, I found the following website it seems pretty interesting, as it is working mainly with body language. it seems to create attraction before even talking to them girls. was wondering if anyone has bought/read his...
  14. G

    Hit it and left it and now I want it!!

    make sure u tease the biatch saying her like u are not gonna have sex with her and stuff. because she was not nice or whatever u are not in the mood. bla bla bla bla find anything u want. but keep touching her and making her really horny with bodylanguage (whisper slowly into her hear, so...
  15. G

    handling attraction in DJ style?

    sounds cool. I'm gonna try that **** as well.
  16. G

    handling attraction in DJ style?

    OH man, I like this sh!t. playing in two dimensions consious and unconsious. sounds POWERFUL. gotta try that. yeah somehow talking slowly and deep, sexual voice not only has the effects you want, but it also makes yourself feel more sexual and more controlled and relaxed. it shows...
  17. G

    handling attraction in DJ style?

    I happen to be somewhere and seeing some hotties. I make EC with them and notice how they are attracted. Either by looking a second time, or by starting to arrange their hair or clothes. But some of them, will start acting as if they weren't interested, like they walk past me with that look...
  18. G

    "Don't give up on me, we might break up"

    I suggest you use MAVEC aka mental kino (mental arousal via eye contact) and the voice stuff, like talking real slow and seductive. (check GGTW's post on this) look deep into her eyes and ask: "do you want to kiss me now or later?" (leaves her no option to say NO, just now or later)...
  19. G

    How to DJ on Video

    why is it illegal? jackass and all that crap isnt illegal either is it? and why hide the fcuking camera. do you care what does biatches think? just be a dj so da whoes dont notice the cam. or they dont care because they found YOU!