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  1. A

    dont want to do anything

    i can't figure this out... early 30's healthy male i don't have any ambition anymore. i don't want to go out on dates, it seems like too much effort. i don't want to get intimate or close to ANYONE other than a few close friends. i don't have much energy anymore i would rather sleep...
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    I'm having issues with my girlfriend and a guy she used to like

    oh man... I am not even trying to say that I am a 100% ace with women because i still make lots of mistakes. and, i have def. made many (if not all) of the mistakes you are making here. The simple fact that you are typing so many letters and paragraphs in all your messages about her...
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    dealing with call back / call flakes

    I am not saying this happens often, but voice is huge for me. if i sense b.s. or drama, depression, falseness, anger or anything other than normal, even-keeled emotions, i will usually pass. i am not willing to meet people in person that often. to me its a waste of time. i try to qualify online...
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    dealing with call back / call flakes

    so come on guys what do you think? its been a couple of hours since her "explanation" text. i kind of feel like her going with a friend and forgetting her charger is b.s. I think she just wants to see how I will respond (either with neediness, passivity, or indifference). I would like to...
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    dealing with call back / call flakes

    right but what's the point of that? if you are meeting women online, all you have is a picture and THEIR self-assessment. they can use any photo / say anything they want about themselves. but they can't fake their voice. and it is not even about do they have a sexy voice or not. it is about...
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    dealing with call back / call flakes

    yeah, your probably right about the meetup, but I need to hear a girl's voice first. I can get so much information regarding what she has going on within 15-45 secs of hearing her talk. bascially, i am not going to meet a girl or even offer to meet a girl until i hear her voice. so how should...
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    dealing with call back / call flakes

    i should have said i met her online. after sending a few messages online, i asked for her number, and said i would give her a call sometime this week. she sent her number to me in an online message. the next day, i texted her saying who i was (so she would recognize my number) and that i would...
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    dealing with call back / call flakes

    Ok just looking for some general feedback on call flakes here. So I met a girl and within a short time of some chit chat, I asked for her number. She gave it to me, and I said I would call her on a certain night. Later I sent her a text message saying "hey this is so and so, just wanted...