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  1. F

    Need to know what too do!

    Well she sent me an IM and told me that she got a job...but she made it sound like she was not going to have time for me. So I replied and she was not on, then I sent her a text and she answered and she called me and told me that she was just telling me. She said that we were fine and I left her...
  2. F

    Need to know what too do!

    Ok so I am dating this girl and everything is working out great. She is really into me we have had sex all of that good stuff. But last night she said that she was going to call me when she got home and I did not hear from her. Now I did not go AFC. I just sent her one text and asked her how her...
  3. F

    Gaming chicks online

    What is the best and most effective way to game chicks through online dating?
  4. F


    roflmao:crackup: You have got to love those psycho's and crazies! They're the spice of life. :crackup:
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    Just had a curious thought and I was wondering if anyone has had a girl break off contact from them and come back?
  6. F

    longest without a woman?

    Well let's see here! 13-17 not a damn thing! 17-20 best years of my life! Moved to Chicago and went to a rich high that meant hot rich women out the A$$!! Then went to college had all kinds of hot women taking classes because of me...but because I am a royal dumba$$ and I was in a...
  7. F

    longest without a woman?

    Hey man I have struck out 17 times in a row in the past year! One of them was with my ex of 7 years...if you need a break you need a break. Just tell them that you just want to be friends for the time being. Women do that shyte to us all the time, might as well do it back for a change!
  8. F

    Does it get easier with age?

  9. F

    Check this out!!

    Soo damn true!!!
  10. F

    Need some advice from vets!

    Hey I don't know what she will do...I kind of don't care at this point in time. It is for a very simple reason...I deserved to lose her! Everything I did and the way I went about doing it, was being a chump. I am not suprised that she did what she did. Do I think that she will ever contact me...
  11. F

    Need some advice from vets!

    Her interest level in me was entierly my fault! I never did the things that I needed to do...end of story! Men make or break interest. I gave her nothing to chase, nothing to wonder about, nothing to leave her hanging or lusting for me. If I had done it right then yea...I would not even be on...
  12. F

    Anyone in Chicago...

    Aurora here!!
  13. F

    Need some advice from vets!

    You're absolutely right in everyway. Her initial actions may have shown interest, but when her nutball ex came back and had her emotional side and got her all wet, that was when I was titering on the edge of friendzone and looking less and less like a romantic option. Then from there I pretty...
  14. F

    Need some advice from vets!

    I was always questioning her interest lvl from the start. It was high for the frist two months. Then when her ex got him self all fuked up, she ran to go fix, so right then and there I should have walked away, because if she truly was into to me she would have been trying to get in touch with...
  15. F

    How DUMB can I be!!!

    There is truth in what you said...hell A LOT of truth in what you said! But I just had a girl do that to me (I posted about it) She was always consistant with me, alwys kept her word, everytime it had been a few days since we talked she e-mailed me. I wound up getting a "I will never see you as...
  16. F

    Need some advice from vets!

    Oh yea I have! Sometimes you just get lost in happened to me.
  17. F

    Need some advice from vets!

    Maybe she was maybe she wasn't! But who the **** knows what she was really doing. I think it was more along the lines her being a little excited at first, becuase I told her what we had in commom (which happened to be quite a bit in the end). So I was either dumb because I thought it made me...
  18. F

    Need some advice from vets!

    I have not contacted her at all and I will not contact her! I have a lot of work that needs to be done, but she is my what better way to go than make great changes and then look back and say "You know I thought that I would need you, but I gess I really never did". I will also be...
  19. F

    Need some advice from vets!

    Hey guys...I need some serious help! I met this girl back on April 1st on this dating site. You know one of those girls that you just have to talk too. Well she was one of those for me. So I send her an e-mail, she e-mails me back and tells me that she looked at my profile and she did not think...
  20. F

    Any Life Left!?

    Can anyone link this DJ Bible for me?