Does it get easier with age?


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Hey I'm 24 and pretty pissed off with dating

Dating life was always full of rejection, then when it was lokoing great I messed up a really good LTR and after that messed up a really good **** buddy (who I wanted LTR with). My confidence was LOW, so I started going for uglier chicks, but somehow that's been failing recently. Now my confidence is REALLY LOW.

I'm successful, on the brink of buying my own house and a sportscar. I'm only 5'6 but I am good looking and fit. I have more friedns than most people I know and I have interesting hobbies. I meet new chicks and get numbers but they never follow up.

So, honestly, is my dating life gonna get better? It really seems at rock bottom now, like chicks hate me or something...for no reason...

Maybe when I'm in my thirties?

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
This thread will be deleted. I am 24 also but because of one chronological year we are deemed too immature for this part of the forum lol. I think experience helps you recognize trends that work, although I too feel like it's hit or miss sometimes.

If you look at the posts of some of the regulars in their late 20s and 30s, you get the feel they can create opportunities at times when they want women, not just when they find women that already want them. my opinion... but don't you think things have already gotten better with women since 18-20? I used to have a totally different and very romanticised notion of sex and dating that was very limiting. However just because someone is older, they can also have the AFC mindset still going for Rollos post about AFCs he knows.

sigh... all this typing on a PS3 controller but I know it's gonna get canned.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
LIFE gets better, get the house paid off, investments etc. Life will get better. Women are the mystery that keeps screwing men up. I'm 49 and can pull 25 year olds,but they are usually so immature I don't wnat to. The 49 year olds are about 60 lbs past their prime{but think they can land me}
When I was 25, I asked my grandpa[85 and married for 50 years],"how do you understsnd women?' he replied"when you figgure it out, tell me" With 24 more years experience, I can tell you I still don't have it figgured out.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
Single_Sucks, your screen name sums your problem up right there.

Unless you're a troll.

Don't be so dependent on women for happiness. Be happy with yourself.

And think of it from the woman's perspective. As you get older, your value goes down.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
sodbuster said:
LIFE gets better, get the house paid off, investments etc. Life will get better. Women are the mystery that keeps screwing men up. I'm 49 and can pull 25 year olds,but they are usually so immature I don't wnat to. The 49 year olds are about 60 lbs past their prime{but think they can land me}
When I was 25, I asked my grandpa[85 and married for 50 years],"how do you understsnd women?' he replied"when you figgure it out, tell me" With 24 more years experience, I can tell you I still don't have it figgured out.
Women are NO mystery at all - we just think that they are . There is NO deep secret that you need to know - no unknowable pearl that hides inside their soul.
WE men overthink "the mystery of women". The reason that we believe that woman are unknowable is not because we have not stumbled on "the key' yet ... it is because we are not realising that woman's actions are purely driven by selfishness and immediate gratification all mixed in with a huge dollop of their feelings, and their feelings swirl and switch like a puff of chimney smoke in a stiff breeze.
Talk about stating the bloody obvious.
There is no Mystery to be revealed as such - there is no deep mystery, no nuggets of wisdom or insight.

What appears to be a bewildering mystery is just a collection of impulsive inconsistencies and contradictory juvenile behavior.

Women are the ultimate relativists - their perceptions are their reality,their instant feelings are their currency.

How many of us 'really mature' men have spend countless hours "communicating" with our SO about the latest pothole in our LTR and gotten ablsolutely nowhare. The more rational your debate, the more foolish are her replies.

The reason that men have been unsuccessful in unearthing the "mystery of women" is that there is no mystery to be found...none at all.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
The above post reminds me of Pook's old post about the Woman Sphinx's riddle: "There is no riddle". It's man's ego that makes women seem so mysterious. They're like a mirror that reflects what we think they are.

They're not hard to understand. The hard part is to make them like us the way we want it to be. :D

It does get easier, OP. A few years ago I got a lot of rejections and many times I didn't even have the balls to give it a go. Now I still have many rejections but also many good results. I used to go for the less attractive girls, now I'm going out with the ones I used to consider to be "out of my league".

When I reach my 30s, with the accumulated experiences and values I build for myself, I reckon it'll be even easier and more fun.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
Women are NO mystery at all - we just think that they are . There is NO deep secret that you need to know - no unknowable pearl that hides inside their soul.
WE men overthink "the mystery of women". The reason that we believe that woman are unknowable is not because we have not stumbled on "the key' yet ... it is because we are not realising that woman's actions are purely driven by selfishness and immediate gratification all mixed in with a huge dollop of their feelings, and their feelings swirl and switch like a puff of chimney smoke in a stiff breeze.
Talk about stating the bloody obvious.
There is no Mystery to be revealed as such - there is no deep mystery, no nuggets of wisdom or insight.

What appears to be a bewildering mystery is just a collection of impulsive inconsistencies and contradictory juvenile behavior.

Women are the ultimate relativists - their perceptions are their reality,their instant feelings are their currency.

How many of us 'really mature' men have spend countless hours "communicating" with our SO about the latest pothole in our LTR and gotten ablsolutely nowhare. The more rational your debate, the more foolish are her replies.

The reason that men have been unsuccessful in unearthing the "mystery of women" is that there is no mystery to be found...none at all.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
thanks guys

also...I had noticed that some girls I knew were caught perving over some guys in a magazine who were in their thirties and actually it occured to me that guys in their thirties can look really damn good. I look quite young so when I hit 30 I think it will be a good thing for me. Whereas I think women look hottest around the 20 mark.
This is why I am expecting a 'power-shift' as it were.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
OMG last night I had a one night stand with a super hot girl, hotter than any before her anyway, and she was loving it...

Consider my confidence level HIGH !!

Thank you Lord of sosuave for heeding my prayer


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
I'm 23. I recently started grad school and most of my classmates and fellow students tend to be a little older (mid to late 20s). I find that the single 25+ year old chicks are totally on the prowl and overall they're way cooler than than 18-22 year olds. They've lived a little and have had a few more life experiences so they're more comfortable with themselves and they tend to be friendlier and more outgoing. They're way more approachable.

I'm only a year out of college, but college-age girls are already starting to seem rather immature and less interesting. Sure they may be in their physical primes, but the slightly older women (notice I say "women") are just as beautiful and what's more, they're more experienced and more developed personality wise.