longest without a woman?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
What's the longest you went in your life without a woman?

For me it was 3 and a half years.. 18 in a half to a week after I was 21.


Feb 10, 2005
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How far are you counting back or what's the start point? If it's 13 then then about 6 years. So many opportunitities squandered that were thrown in my lap :cuss: .


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
What do you consider to be "without a woman"?

Since I broke up with my last LTR three years ago I have only had one situation that even resembled a relationship, and that only lasted a few months. Aside from that it's been a series of one or two date things and random hookups.

As far as I'm concerned I have been "without" for 3 years, due to the unfulfilling nature of my relationships with women in the recent past.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
backbreaker said:
What's the longest you went in your life without a woman?

For me it was 3 and a half years.. 18 in a half to a week after I was 21.
Do you mean without a regular sexual partner who was fullfilling and good for you OR do you mean without the faked up dramatics, the inconsistent behavior, the lying and the childish mindgames, the attention wh0ring from other men, the telling you what you want to hear, being deliberately difficult in times of conflict, the strutting of her bloated ego, the annoying beliefs in their pvssy power, the nerve janging "feminist" jargon ...and so on...?

Yeah, I really miss all that,,


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I meant wtihout a woman period. I didn't go on a date, no sex, no nothing for 3 years.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
backbreaker said:
I meant wtihout a woman period. I didn't go on a date, no sex, no nothing for 3 years.
NOt even bowling with a fattie ?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score

I'm curious, and I think you might have mentioned something about this before, but during those three years did you have opportunities? Did you simply put the blinders on and ignore women completely?

I am really curious about this because as I said in my last post, I have been through a series of unfulfilling encounters with women over the past few years.

I know part of it has to do with the fact that I went through a really, REALLY rough time in my life during about 50% of that time, but now that I have pulled myself back up and have my sanity back, things don't seem to be getting a whole lot better. Now I am back in the swing of things as far as interacting with women, but it still seems like it's all but impossible to find a woman who I want to share intimacy with, or vice-versa.

It's almost at a point where I think I need to be taking a break from women to be able to step back and get some perspective, but I don't really know how to go about doing it.

Sounds ridiculous, but it's not really, when you consider the fact that I know a lot of women, and I don't want to A) Burn bridges, B) Come off as a bitter woman hater, C) Stir up any sh!t.

If I were to "take a break from women" I would have to give up my entire social life, and I don't want to to become a hermit or anything.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
STR8UP said:

I'm curious, and I think you might have mentioned something about this before, but during those three years did you have opportunities? Did you simply put the blinders on and ignore women completely?

I am really curious about this because as I said in my last post, I have been through a series of unfulfilling encounters with women over the past few years.

I know part of it has to do with the fact that I went through a really, REALLY rough time in my life during about 50% of that time, but now that I have pulled myself back up and have my sanity back, things don't seem to be getting a whole lot better. Now I am back in the swing of things as far as interacting with women, but it still seems like it's all but impossible to find a woman who I want to share intimacy with, or vice-versa.

It's almost at a point where I think I need to be taking a break from women to be able to step back and get some perspective, but I don't really know how to go about doing it.

Sounds ridiculous, but it's not really, when you consider the fact that I know a lot of women, and I don't want to A) Burn bridges, B) Come off as a bitter woman hater, C) Stir up any sh!t.

If I were to "take a break from women" I would have to give up my entire social life, and I don't want to to become a hermit or anything.
Hey man I have struck out 17 times in a row in the past year! One of them was with my ex of 7 years...if you need a break you need a break. Just tell them that you just want to be friends for the time being. Women do that shyte to us all the time, might as well do it back for a change!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
it was a bunch of things coming together at once. most importantly that's when I was working on my business. Not far be hind is i had blinders for my old oneitis.

Yes I had opprotunities, espically before i put on weight. as a matter of fact i had a lot of opprotunities. Closer towards the end i had none. But by then i really didn't care.

most beneficial thing i have ever done and it's not even close. it really helps you put things in perspective with life.

I think that's why my GF and I after a year and a half now we still have alot of sizzle to our relationship, she knows I have no qualms about being alone. And I don't say that for face value.. I really have no problem being alone.

i recommend it for every guy


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
If we're talking about "sex", last time I had it(the natural way without the use of an escort) was April 2007 with a hot 19 yr old.

If we're talking about a "relationship", then it's been exactly 2 1/2 half yrs.

If we're talking "seeing"(non-serious) a chick, then it's been exactly 1 year and 10 months.

Now let's see how many others here will admit something like that. I admit these things and don't put on a facade, because:

1. I'm all about honesty


2. Because I'm not ashamed of it either. I know my situation as bad as it is, is not my doing. My game is there, although I may f*ck up sometimes(I'm only human, who doesn't? Nobody's game is ever going to be 100% on) and my looks are there. I've been coming to this site ever since I found it 5 yrs ago, I think I've learned a thing or two and can say my game is up there as a result...so there should be no reason why I shouldn't be able to reel in hot women...but it just so happens I only reel 'em in and get to f*ck 'em, every once in a blue moon, which I can only attribute it to just not being in my cards. So, during that in between time, to spare me the suffering, that's why there's escorts, right?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
edger said:
I know my situation as bad as it is, is not my doing. My game is there, although I may f*ck up sometimes(I'm only human, who doesn't?
It IS your doing.

I'm not exactly satisfied with my current situation, but I have noone to blame but myself.

You will never progress until you own up to the fact that you make your own destiny.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
STR8UP said:
It IS your doing.

I'm not exactly satisfied with my current situation, but I have noone to blame but myself.

You will never progress until you own up to the fact that you make your own destiny.
Ok, whatever, I'm not going to debate this again. You know myself better than me, gotcha! I know myself pretty darn well. I know what I know and see what I see. And that's all I have to say.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
Well let's see here! 13-17 not a damn thing! 17-20 best years of my life! Moved to Chicago and went to a rich high school...so that meant hot rich women out the A$$!! Then went to college had all kinds of hot women taking classes because of me...but because I am a royal dumba$$ and I was in a serious 7 year relationship (which I now regret to no end, but am still happy that it happened). Then broke up with my ex...lost my game have forgotten what I once was great at and have struck out 17 times in a row. Some fat some psycho and one really really really really fuking hot one! God I miss college!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I guess it depends on the definition of "with a woman". Using the slightest of definitions, a date or hookup or pickup, I've gone as long as 2 years - although I've certainly had my chances with women below my standards, either due to unattractiveness or family situation or age, during that time. I've been more cautious lately and don't pursue 1 night stands with women I know I would not be interested in dating.

I have a friend that once went 13 years without a date (and if the set of dates on the young side would not be counted since they were high school dance setup dates), then he could have been considered dateless until he was 31.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2001
Reaction score
probably about 5 years, grim really. Seems like mission impossible at times.


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
I went from 28 - 31 only making friends with girls. Got laid twice in that time period. Twice. In 3 years. I sunk into depression. I started reading. Realized why I was in depression, altered my life in certain ways, and then I beat the lonesome blues by "faking it til I was making it". Then I came to this site and learned even more about things like "being an alpha male", "peacocking" etc..

Looking back, I am surprised I had hot girls hanging out with me even as friends, I was pretty hurtin. And the whole time the only thing stopping me from getting laid was myself. I still haven't had a girlfriend since I was 27, but I don't need or want one, I have so much more fun being single!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
CFERD said:
Pretty much the same thing Str8 has said. Also thinking of taking a break from women for a month. think it was some of Anti dump's advice from way back. I have to strongly agree with Johil's perspective in regards to women and alot of their crap behavior. Times are changing.

Oh and in between I unfortunately did go bowling with a fatty. but that is when I had been drinking frequently.
can you point me to this post about women's crap behavior?