longest without a woman?

May 23, 2006
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The longest I've been without a business lunch was sometime last month.

Longest time without a coffee date would probably be a couple of months ago.

Longest perceived opportunity to get laid if I pursued it is not really known. I have actually flaked out with a nice girl (asked her out three times but no proper follow-up, appeared I just felt good hearing her say 'yes', but could not fit her in further than that), and signed off on a 50 year old woman to not pursue her. No woman is throwing herself at me and I'm not limerantly infatuated with anyone either.

Do not think there is any opportunities to find a gf, and think if I do she has to be like the perfect match made from heaven or it's likely a dead-end or wrong woman who will at best waste my time, and at worst cause some damages.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Luke Skywalker said:
Do not think there is any opportunities to find a gf, and think if I do she has to be like the perfect match made from heaven or it's likely a dead-end or wrong woman who will at best waste my time, and at worst cause some damages.

Thank you for that concise, one-sentence summation of Loser Mentality. I know that mentality well; it's exactly how I thought about women for the two years that I did not get laid after my divorce. After I changed the way I thought, I started getting laid again.

Luke, you are not a loser, so much as you think like one. Any guy in the world can drive away women by thinking that way. I did it for years, and you have done it all your life. Either you decide that you want to change the way you think, or else you are making the conscious decision that you don't ever want to get laid.

Night Owl

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
Sad reading

What is wrong with you people? Turn this darn thing off and get out and grab your piece of the action. There are millions of women desperate to be with a guy tonight and you lot are on here moaning & b itching like a load of old fishermens' wifes about the last time you got a bit of action or even a phone number.

Life's clock is ticking away quicker than you think - act now, computer off, and get out in the real world and get some real action. Okay, she might not be your dream HB10, but a least you have a bit of REAL experience under you belt. And... to be honest, you can't tell if you have got a good one, until you have been out with a couple of bad ones.

Me, I am 48, and had virtually back to back women since about 13. I can't remember a time when I didn't have a women in my life. I have loads of notches on my bedpost and I didn't get them by sitting on here night after night b itching away.

Turn off - get out - get laid It's a simple formula ...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2001
Reaction score
I like your optimism Night Owl, but in reality it's not that easy for some of us or at least the odds are battling against us.

The club and bar scenes in my town are a dead loss. Most of these places are full of men; the few girls that are around have boyfriends or male company. Any decent barmaids have about twenty men chatting them up all the time. And look at the state that of some of these women when they go out?. Fowl mouthed, aggressive, and I’m not just talking about my town but many places here in the UK. They are like men, many drink pints of Stella!.

Then you think of the odds of chatting some girl up at a shop. Well in reality how easy is that for the mature man?. Most people in shops are in a hurry and you would seem strange by loitering around making small talk. Sure a little banter, maybe possibly an exchange of smiles, but in reality that’s not enough to get the dating going. I think these scenarios only really work in films or if you are a teenager. By the way it seems to me that in England we don’t do dating, we just get drunk and have one night stands!. I don’t know anyone who goes on dates. Didn’t that only happened in the olden (golden) times when I believe men where gentlemen?. Where are those times and can we have them back please?, including those sweet charming women

I hear about all these lonely women in London. But where there hell are they?.

Some men I know have just about given up, and you can't help thinking that women are their own worst enemy. Many of them don't respect men, in some ways I blame the media; we are being made to look ridiculous. I’m sorry to say that some of our culture takes the worst part of what is on offer in the United States. This aggression that we see on our streets I believe in
part comes from bad media for example swearing on tv.

And then there is Internet dating. I think somebody mentioned that what some women are looking for is totally unrealistic, their dream man so to speak, someone who will sweep them of their feet. Maybe a film star or some rich entrepreneur?. Get real most of us are not in this fortunate position!.

I had a period of time of success with women about five years ago and this was when my Social group used to go to smaller more intimate venues. I think this is key, with these huge bars and clubs the odds are stacked against you. Maybe small cafés, bars, could be the answer. You have the opportunity to shine and let people get to know you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Jeremymichael said:
The club and bar scenes in my town are a dead loss. Most of these places are full of men; the few girls that are around have boyfriends or male company.
Same here in NY...every f*cking place you go to, the girls are either with their boyfriends, f*ck buddies, or "platonic" male friends. It's frustrating as hell, because how the f*ck do you hook up, if these chix are always with guys? That's also a big reason why I don't pull hotties regularly.

Night Owl

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
If there were no jobs in your town, what would you do straight away? MOVE !!

Likewise, if there is no available women about you MOVE too.

Reverse the odds, find a place with a man drought. Australia has one now and certain parts of the UK, where women out number men two or three to one. Yes, there are places where you can find plenty of action.

But, then again if you think there are no women, there will be no women - the world reflects what you think like a mirror !

As they say: If you have an itch, there is always somebody out there to scratch it


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Night Owl said:
There are millions of women desperate to be with a guy tonight
You mean the ugly and fat ones, right? Attractive/hot women are far from desperate to be with a guy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Night Owl said:
Life's clock is ticking away quicker than you think - act now, computer off, and get out in the real world and get some real action. Okay, she might not be your dream HB10, but a least you have a bit of REAL experience under you belt. And... to be honest, you can't tell if you have got a good one, until you have been out with a couple of bad ones.

Me, I am 48, and had virtually back to back women since about 13. I can't remember a time when I didn't have a women in my life. I have loads of notches on my bedpost and I didn't get them by sitting on here night after night b itching away.

Turn off - get out - get laid It's a simple formula ...
There are guys that do have standards ya know. I will not bang a woman unless she's of the "hot" category. If that means I have to suffer for long periods of time without any action(which I am now), then so f*ckin' be it...but one thing I won't do, is settle...and of course that includes settling in relationships too. All I can say is, thank god for escorts/prostitutes. They are truly a blessing. They are my savior at the moment. Without them, I'd literally be suffering.


New Member
Apr 25, 2005
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I am REALLY close to 30 and I have not had a gf in over 8 years and I have not had any type of physical contact with a woman in over 3 years.

Don't let the handle fool you... I am terrible with women and I have basically given up.

daring wraith

Don Juan
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
i've not really been without women since i was 17... if i have been without women i haven't really noticed. If you mean sex.... 2months maybe.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
1 1/2 years when I was 15-16 years old. I'm counting from when I started dating at the age of 14.

The problem I initially had was I kept going back to my ex's. Nobody else was interested in me at the time, so I figured somebody was better than nobody. And then I was reminded of why I didn't want to stay with them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
its been about 3 months since I've "been" with a chick, but more like 8 months since I've gone out with a chick. ( call it a date or whatever) This year has been mostly just random hook ups, no solid leads. In these past 3 months, I have managed to do everything except get laid. On the bright side, approaching and getting a # has never been easier.

Having just moved, I am hoping the dry streak doesn't last too much longer. All of my roommates seem to have solid girlfriends, so it might be more of a solo act initially. The key will be to get out there and get involved.


Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
I had my son at 28 weeks, and didn't know I was pregnant until 6 days before. I had gained a little weight, but I was working in fast food at the time, and attributed the gain to that. I was wearing normal clothes, my work pants being the only ones that were a little tight. I was on birth control, and was told this was the reason for not having a period. I later found out I have a rare medical condition, and am VERY Blessed to have any children, let alone four healthy kids!

I knew a woman who went to the ER with stomach cramps, and had to call her husband to congratulate him on their new son


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
womann said:
I had my son at 28 weeks, and didn't know I was pregnant until 6 days before. I had gained a little weight, but I was working in fast food at the time, and attributed the gain to that. I was wearing normal clothes, my work pants being the only ones that were a little tight. I was on birth control, and was told this was the reason for not having a period. I later found out I have a rare medical condition, and am VERY Blessed to have any children, let alone four healthy kids!

I knew a woman who went to the ER with stomach cramps, and had to call her husband to congratulate him on their new son
That's nice. Thanks for sharing.

*adds to ignore list*


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
First 27 years of my life. But I had *many* opportunities. I just wasn't willing to deal with certain issues.

Now I haven't had sex with a girl in 9 months. But again, it's my issues. Not a lack of opportunities. I saw three different women in one day couple weeks ago. All three came to my place. But nothing's gonna happen. Same for the hairdresser who wanted to drive me home. The lady next door who brought over wine. And on and on.

Seems my unique curse in the world is to have many opportunities at the wrong time.

Boo hoo :cry: :D Funny thing, I don't even care about women anymore. I am having much more fun playing with guns :up:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
The beginning of 2008 till about June this month longest i can ever remember. Had family issues to take care of. Hey Guys I'm back! Hopefully not forgotten.