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  1. R

    Night out with the ex

    Ok, for anyone thats interested, went out and we were cool like friends. I'm over her now! Can finally move on - got a lot more reading to do first though...DJ Bible for the win!
  2. R

    Night out with the ex

    Thanks for the support guys. An update, I text her the next day (yesterday), and spoke to her being all friendly. We arranged to go out today (she's picking me up shortly). However I think I'm over her, last night I was at a formal dinner, and met some HB8.5 at the table. I gamed her for the...
  3. R

    Night out with the ex

    Nah man, I ain't asian, and what are the stars please?
  4. R

    Night out with the ex

    OK, so stupidly I invited my ex out with me and my friends this evening to watch a movie. I asked her today if she wanted to eat first, she suggested going out for food so I booked a table at a chinese restaraunt. I let her drive so I can drink, we have a good meal, chatting etc etc. Then she...
  5. R

    Night out with the ex

    I'm being a little b!tch aren't I? I need to get out there and find some fresh talent. Cheers fellas, I can sleep now!
  6. R

    Is she cheatin on me?

    I'd answer her phone next time - but make it sound like you're doing her a favours: "I'll answer in case its some weirdo" or something to that effect. Be persistent and if she really won't let you then you know something is going on. Either way, she's acting strange and you don't trust her...
  7. R

    Girl makes fun of ur job

    She's being a woman. Women like to see ambition in someone who they want to be in an LTR with. Tell her you're going to the best conductor in a couple of years and earning a 6 figure salary. You don't care what anyone thinks because you'll be the one with the big house and Aston Martin on the...
  8. R

    DJBC - Week 3 Results and feedback requested

    Thanks for the reply! My sticking point seems to be actually approaching and closing - once I have a date then I'm cool from there. I don't want a girlfriend, but I want all the good stuff that goes with it - kissing, sex, massages, someone to wash my back etc etc. I'm getting that from my ex...
  9. R

    GF making me feel like ****

    QFE - my opinion also
  10. R


    Hmmm, I've always worked on the basis that if you phone once, its up to her to call you back. With mobile (cell) phones now your number flashes up, and if she misses the call then it displays as "missed". The most I would go to would be to text once a while later if I'd still not heard. The ball...
  11. R

    DJBC - Week 3 Results and feedback requested

    OK, I I just finished week 3 last night...unsuccessfully. I didn't chat to the full 10 HB's, in fact I only manged to chat to 7, who were 5-7's. I'm really considering starting again from week 1 as I don't feel I have the momentum to continue at this stage. The 50 Hi's went well, I greeted...
  12. R

    What would you do if your GF accidently got pregnant?

    I always thought I'd ask for an abortion, but I've changed my mind over the last month... If you're gonna play around like that you should be prepared to be a man and raise the kid - if you're not man enough to take responsibility for it you shouldn't be anywhere near the woman in the first place.
  13. R

    I need some advice on sex...

    Yeah, PC ( I assume it means Penis Control - am DJ under training :-\). It takes some practice, but can't think of why you wouldn't want to :D. Let me know how you get on! Good luck!
  14. R

    I need some advice on sex...

    As for giving her an orgasm, I've had 2 LTR's where I've been having sex regularly (4-5 per week) and it was very rare that I didn't give the girl an orgasm. It helped that the previous relationship I didn't have sex with the girl but did everything else (and learnt how to make a girl orgasm...