DJBC - Week 3 Results and feedback requested


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
OK, I I just finished week 3 last night...unsuccessfully. I didn't chat to the full 10 HB's, in fact I only manged to chat to 7, who were 5-7's. I'm really considering starting again from week 1 as I don't feel I have the momentum to continue at this stage.

The 50 Hi's went well, I greeted many ladies, and was surprised by the reaction I got back. Girls are actually quite friendly if you're not a weirdo. But in the UK you can't just approach girls on the street the way you could just isn't cricket. So week 1 was a success.

Then week 2 came along, I got into quite a few conversations, but like week 1, most were whilst out in bars/clubs as I'm finding it difficult to approach in every day situations. It didn't help that half way through the week I met up with my ex for a drink, we agreed to stick as friends, but since then it has gotten more and more intimate and after a week of flirting/touching/erotic playing we had sex last night. I still have feelings for her but don't want to get back with her (yet) for various reasons, although she is hot and since we met 3.5 years ago she's been one of my best friends.

I did manage to complete the quota for week 2, but I struggled and found myself talking to men as well as women, prob 80/20 women/men ratio. I didn't want to sleep with most of the women I spoke to either. I find that I pick up on faults pretty quickly and this puts me off the woman - maybe I need to look past that and just see how it goes, but out of all the women I spoke to over the last 3 weeks, theres only 3-4 that I feel are close to being good enough for me (arrogant maybe but I work hard to be who I am - I don't wanna settle for some dumb-ass, ambitionless slapper!).

Week 3 was a different story, I've spent a couple of nights with my ex, but also went out clubbing 3 times. Friday night was quiet, I was tired and chose to go home before the places got busy, hence I didn't chat to any girls. Saturday was great, Halloween party and I pulled on my DJ knowledge to chat to 4 girls, who then wanted me. I turned these down for various reasons. I also said hello to many other girls who stopped as if they wanted to chat but I carried on walking. I was also out for halloween, where I chatted to 4 girls, although 1 I already knew and 1 was my mates girlfriend (who I haven't really chatted to before). So I'm classing that as 3 (I flirted quite well with the one I knew, but didn't move for a close after she had smoked).

So what do you guys think? Am I setting my standards too high? Should I start from the beginning or re-do the week? Should I carry onto week 4 and make up for this past week? Or should I just abandon the Boot Camp and sort things out with my ex?

I've realised that most of what is preached through this site I used to do already when I was 17-19. It was my fault that I split with my ex because the relationship got boring (although I know she should have put more effort in too), I wasn't being DJ enough!

Cheers Fellas!


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
DUde, I didn't read all of that, but the fact that you have an ex and she still wants to hookup with you is a good sign. read the forum man, there are alot of these guys who don't even have that going for them (downward social comparison :)

On only talking to 7 7-s. It's better to go out talking to 7s than stay home talking to 10s on the Internet.

The only thing I can say that might be useful is that you sound to be looking for a gf which is great but don't forget to just have fun with women on the path.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for the reply! My sticking point seems to be actually approaching and closing - once I have a date then I'm cool from there.

I don't want a girlfriend, but I want all the good stuff that goes with it - kissing, sex, massages, someone to wash my back etc etc. I'm getting that from my ex now, but I know she has had a date since we split. I'm a little jealous that I haven't - hence why I can't get back with her yet.