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  1. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    You are correct, this is better. I shall do so. :) Thanks for sharing a bit of history about your similar situation, it was helpful.
  2. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    It's ok, I understand what you are saying and that you were just trying to make sure I didn't get taken advantage of. I appreciate that, and it is nice to get advice from other people. Everyone sees things from different perspectives...which provides for some broadly similar advice with...
  3. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Thank you for your advice. I really wasn't thinking too deeply about remaining in a holding pattern for her... That would be destructive for me. I'm just going to her apartment to drop off a few of her things, and pick up a few of my things...give the talk, which will be "you seem to want...
  4. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Well it is incorrect to say that she doesn't care about me at all. She would have simply done what she wanted to do and went behind my back. She has enough integrity and respect for me to say what she is thinking and not lie about it. That is much different from most women. I have to give...
  5. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    The fact that she is being honest is a nice sign of a good person...she isn't doing this behind my back. I do appreciate the evidence of integrity... it is just disappointing that these feelings have arisen in her, even though I've known since the beginning there was almost a certainty they...
  6. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Interesting idea. I've considered this approach a bit too... Might be amusing in any event to turn the tables when she leasts expects something like that, since she'll be expecting me to supplicate and win her over, away from these thoughts she's having.
  7. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    I agree. There's not really a chance that will be avoided, no matter what I do. Perhaps the outright dump is the best way to go. I wonder what the chances are that she'll eventually contact me again. heh
  8. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    No emotional affection, I agree. :) I am planning on discussing things reasonably and stating the facts. I was mostly looking for advice on the right words to use, and the right tack to take. I already know what she is thinking, for the most part, and it is something that I've expected from the...
  9. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    True. That is the essence of what is going on. But I suppose I just have to be careful and no longer be invested in her and see other girls. And let what happens...happen.
  10. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Thanks for your input. I agree that just leaving her is a definite possibility. Maybe the best one... but I am thinking there's a chance that by saying she should go ahead with it, she'll go out with this guy and see that the unknown is not so amazing as what she has already. :)
  11. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    I guess it is a (maybe) temporary loss or sacrifice, with the possibility of a future reward...remaining with her, if that seems appropriate. I think her response in person and subsequent talks with her will be most revealing... as you said, all will come out and I'll find out just how much she...
  12. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Well she is young and curious. I understand that. I'm just asking about the best way to handle everything, with the assumption I'd like to be with her in the future. Of course, in the mean time, I will see other girls if this is what she wants to do.
  13. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Understood. Inside it will hurt to say it, but I think the best possible thing I can do is to tell her to try it. She already wants to, so making a big argument or telling her no like I own her is not going to help matters. I will definitely let her know that I will be spending time with...
  14. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    At this time, I've come up with telling her, when I see her, "Well, this is something that you're curious about doing, and I don't own you. Go ahead and go out with this person. I am sure that you will realize that I am the better option for you, both now and in the future. I don't like the idea...
  15. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Hi guys, I posted this in the general discussion forum, but I wanted to post it here to get some advice from older people who are probably more knowledgable about these types of situations. I'm 28 myself.... And yes, as you'll see, I like younger I've been a lurker for quite...
  16. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    At this time, I've come up with telling her, when I see her, "Well, this is something that you're curious about doing, and I don't own you. Go ahead and go out with this person. I am sure that you will realize that I am the better option for you, both now and in the future. I don't like the...
  17. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Hi guys, I've been a lurker for quite a while... I thought I'd ask the following and try to get some useful advice. I need some quick replies because we talked for a while tonight about this...I didn't really give any answer because I wanted to discuss this in person instead of on the phone...