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  1. J

    Your favorite Metal band?

    Gotta agree with splinterkb that Blind Guardian definitely deserves a mention. They are pretty damn cool, and it was great to see them play live in Chicago on Thanksgiving in 2006. They put on a hell of a show. Other interesting metal bands to check out: Wuthering Heights Falconer...
  2. J

    Anyone in Chicago...

    If you're in Chicago, or the suburbs, send me a message. It would be nice to hang out with some new friends and chase some girls.
  3. J

    My girl going to movie with her X

    OK, so what if you're the ex boyfriend... what's a good plan to get the old girlfriend back if she's seeing the rebound guy? There probably isn't any, I know, other than waiting for her to contact me...right? If she calls then she misses me. Hah. If I contact her, I come across as the more...
  4. J

    I can get phone numbers easily enough, but...

    I accept what you're saying. These were cold approaches, so to me it's a numbers game in getting the numbers. :) Lots of approaches, lots of numbers = occasional actual success. I can say with high degree of certainty that the first, younger girl definitely thought I was attractive and...
  5. J

    I can get phone numbers easily enough, but...

    it seems I have troubles getting the girls in questio to actually see me a few days later. I was at the local bookstore and there was a hot girl sitting at the table doing homework. I had a notebook with me, and I was writing some stuff. I brought it with me as I approached her, and said...
  6. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    I did what I wanted to do, it was something I did for myself. No worries. I am not going to contact her again.
  7. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Just a little update, I thought this would be interesting to share. I called and left a message on the phone. I felt I had additional things to say. Now don't get all worried guys, I did this for my own reasons again. I didn't get all mushy or beg for her back or supplicate in any way. I...
  8. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Just a little update, I thought this would be interesting to share. I called and left a message on the phone. I felt I had additional things to say. Now don't get all worried guys, I did this for my own reasons again. I didn't get all mushy or beg for her back or supplicate in any way. I...
  9. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    I liked your post. Your words summarize everything well, and what I've been thinking. The most difficult part of all this has been the realization that I'm losing a good friend and a good person I was able to relate to very well... that is unfortunate. Of course there are other good...
  10. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Thank you, I appreciate the nice words and the help. Posting on here has been very helpful to get through the situation. I wish some of you guys were close by, it would be fun to hang out and chase some girls and have a few beers... I enjoy hanging out with interesting people and discussing...
  11. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Good point. It is funny how things like that happen... How there sometimes seem to be very subtle "strings" that sometimes attach us...but only when we least expect it.
  12. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    I will do so. :) Might make for an interesting story someday... heh
  13. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    I agree. I appreciate your advice, along with the advice of the others who have posted. I also agree that it is reasonably likely she'll try contacting me sometime in the future. That ought to be interesting...
  14. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    I see your point, and a part of me felt that way when I first heard about it. I did lots of nice things for you, passed up other girls, etc. But I realized as well that she didn't do what she did in a mean and dirty underhanded way. She did what she thought was best for herself, just like...
  15. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    It's done...was easy enough. I could tell she was a little upset, and I remained calm...even laughed a little at how silly everything seemed. I felt quite serene, really. I noticed she seemed taken aback and upset when I said that I didn't want to talk anymore...she asked if I wanted to. But the...
  16. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    That's what I meant, we are saying the same thing regarding her reasons and thinking. :) See above, I did the deed.
  17. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    It's done...was easy enough. I could tell she was a little upset, and I remained calm...even laughed a little at how silly everything seemed. I felt quite serene, really. I noticed she seemed taken aback and upset when I said that I didn't want to talk anymore...she asked if I wanted to...
  18. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    Exactly :) I don't think it would be good for me to stay in a relationship while she's seeing other people. Best to move on...and if our paths should cross again...meaning she someday wanted to be with me again... well, maybe. But probably not. Such is life.
  19. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    I think it is the right thing too. Her deciding I'm not number 1 at this time is based upon ignorance of relationships and life in general... I have to accept that and let her move on with her decision. I mentioned it earlier, it is something that I knew in the back of my mind would happen...
  20. J

    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    I think the problem is the fact she was a virgin when I met her, not that I'm boring and predictable...because I'm not. :) I knew that going in this was almost certain to happen at some point, and that is true for everyone. The chances are extreeeeeeeeeeeeemely small that a girl, or a guy, is...