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  1. C

    How do prisoners get so buff?

    i like that
  2. C

    Question about Looks

    I used to be over 300 pounds too bro, and now I'm around 165/170. If you actually have the balls to see this through to the end you will get much more than you anticipated..... I have a thread in the health section with before/after photos
  3. C

    I was very reluctant to post this, but hopefully it will help motivate ppl in need

    I just checked, and it still works for me...
  4. C

    is it just me or are vaginas ugly?

    I'm not with you on this man....I love how vaginas look & smell.
  5. C

    I was very reluctant to post this, but hopefully it will help motivate ppl in need

    This is something that anyone who wants it bad enough can do. If any of you people that are reading this are sort of out of shape, or just plain tubs of lard...get off your fat asses and do something about it. Just having a flat stomach will put you ahead of most of the other flabby losers...
  6. C

    I was very reluctant to post this, but hopefully it will help motivate ppl in need

    I wish I could say I did it for myself and to improve my health...blah blah blah The main fuel for my change was a 5 letter word that starts with p and ends in y, haha This was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I had to work extremely hard on cultivating discipline. I actually quit...
  7. C

    Whats wrong with fast food meats?

    Fast food meats are loaded with trans fat...will bloat you up due to excessive sodium....etc
  8. C

    How am I doing?

    w3rd, especially if he's only benching 135. He should be keeping the weight uniform throughout all sets and trying to increase the load whenever possible imho....
  9. C

    I want to make sure I do this right...

    The high reps for lean muscles thing is a myth. Lift with intensity.
  10. C

    I was very reluctant to post this, but hopefully it will help motivate ppl in need

    In the spirit of self improvement.... This is what hard work can get you. If any of you are out of shape....getting yourself in shape will completely change your life. So here 15 pounds of muscle, minus 150lbs of fat, plus a tan...
  11. C

    too good looking?

    so sexy it hurts?
  12. C

    been a long time since i had a girl

    There is TONS of **** all over the net that you can read bro.
  13. C

    Some motivation

    werd I went from 305 lbs to 175lbs @ 5'11. It can be done, but you better have ,a lot of it
  14. C

    What to eat before bed?

    slow digesting protein like eggs
  15. C

    too good looking?

    bravo to this thread I go through a lot of the same ****....usually only swishy guys and ugly girls tell me Im cute:cuss: