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  1. H

    My failure in the library. Help a newbie out.

    stop waiting for girls to approach you. t a girl making eye contact for an extended period and smiling is her way of putting herself out there. that's YOUR cue to approach.
  2. H

    Coexisting with Girl who Rejects You

    She, in fact, is fat and ugly, so yes. Yeah, I don't really care about that. Email was boring. But I wasn't trying to engage her emotions. She made an argument. She was clearly wrong. And I wanted a chance to refute it. Sounds petty, I know. But I like winning on these things.
  3. H

    Coexisting with Girl who Rejects You

    well i said she "rejected me" because she might have construed it as my asking her out. but i suppose i was never rejected to begin with if i never had any intention of doing the horizontal monstermash with her.
  4. H

    Coexisting with Girl who Rejects You

    not trying to hook up with her actually. really just wanted to discuss the academic issue, but i feel like she might have felt like i was asking her out.
  5. H

    Coexisting with Girl who Rejects You

    Met a girl at a meeting. We had a lively debate about an academic issue we're really interested in. Emailed her later that evening to see if she wanted to discuss the issue further. No response. Will probably see her at future meetings. Should I just act like nothing happened?
  6. H

    is this good DHV?

    this is great stuff. tyler says a lot of things that resonate with me. thank you so much!
  7. H

    No Response to Text. Next?

    kingsam: i have plenty of friends, so no i dont think people cant tolerate me. and no, i dont project an "im better than you" vibe because i dont genuinely think im better than you (or anyone). i just have standards. they arent high. they are usually along the lines of: dont be a moron, be...
  8. H

    is this good DHV?

    I dont know why people take my username so seriously here. im pretty cool with myself. obvi im a little frustrated, but otherwise im living a good life:) sounds great. what's RSD's stuff? (i'm not too familiar with the acronyms)
  9. H

    No Response to Text. Next?

    Exactly. Besides, it's simply rude not to respond. I expect more from her. She can't fulfill, so time to look for someone who can...
  10. H

    is this good DHV?

    Nope... but that's mostly because of personal issues that are no longer in the way.
  11. H

    is this good DHV?

    After much soul-searching, my biggest problem is that I have trouble thinking of myself as the prize. It's hard for me to imagine that someone's interested in me (I have plenty of friends so Im not a loser or anything). I feel like I'm always pursuing and am never being pursued. I can't...
  12. H

    No Response to Text. Next?

    well it was only coffee and i spent maybe $4. i dont usually "date" either. im trying to think about my past "successes" and I realized that ive never really done the whole dating thing. but ive been on a dry spell so i thought maybe it's because im not doing the ritual everyone else seems to...
  13. H

    No Response to Text. Next?

    it's actually saved as a cookie, so i dont have to login and type it in repeatedly.
  14. H

    is this good DHV?

    ive read d'angelo's double your dating twice and hte book of pook. eh she probably knwos who i am. she's showering me with compliments over email. who deos that? edit: probably someoen who's reciving help from someone else. but im pretty sure she knwos who i am. she tried talking to me when i...
  15. H

    is this good DHV?

    burn, but some constructive advice on top of it would be nice.
  16. H

    is this good DHV?

    actually nvm it seems like dhv by definition, muaahahhaha
  17. H

    is this good DHV?

    so girl has been obvi checking me out for weeks now, but i havent really been motivatd to do anything about it... but im a bit more curious now. we've been communicating over email because she needs some notes for a class, but she doesnt know what my name is (and i only know im talking to her...
  18. H

    Books that girls like to see on your bookshelf/coffee table?

    not sure i understand the lost reference. but yeah, whenever i manage to get girls back at my place, they're usually wow'd by my genius. i then tell them that im really just stupid but i appear smart (really... im not smart), and then they're wow'd by my humility.
  19. H

    No Response to Text. Next?

    haha i guess it's flattering that she might have been rebuffed by my apparent low interest. will keep in mind next time. oh well.
  20. H

    Books that girls like to see on your bookshelf/coffee table?

    i actually have a mini library in my room, with books ranging from philosophy and art history to quantum mechanics and non-euclidian geometry. it's a real panty-dropper.