My failure in the library. Help a newbie out.


Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Day 1. First of all, if yiu read my thread before this...this girl had asked me if I could do her project last night on facebook...Today she didn't even ask me about me because I had a serious look like, "No, I ain't doing it." Class is over and I head over to the library.

[First girl] It's 9:30 AM in the library and I'm looking for a table to sit. Every table is taken so I go out and sit on a desk like couch. Across from me was this chick I've known since she's at the counter for Financial Aid. I'm sitting like beside 10 feet away. I'm playing the ignoring game, and I'm just chilled out, relaxing on the couch, eyes a bit low, leaning like a characteristics of a Alpha Male. I'm not giving her attention at all. I'm all acting cool, greeting the people around me and working on my homework as well. As she leaves, she has a split second glimpse on me, and then she has that look where she refuses to look at me. I'm trying to make eye contact with her and she went out like she was pissed. Next.

[Second girl] 10 mins later, I see this girl sitting by herself in the computer lab. I go over there, and strike a convo with her and it went pretty well. She asked me where I was from because she recognized my accent, and I said New York and she told me she was from there. She laughed a bit at some stuff I said... I'm a newbie at expanding the conversation so there was a lot of silences but I figured she was doing a project so I didn't really wanna distract her too much. Anyways, her classmate that was doing the project with her comes up and they start talking about the project. I'm sitting on the computer doing my work and after I was done, I just got the **** up out of there. When I stood up, she said "you're leaving?"...I said, "yeah, peace out brooklyn...I'mma start calling you Brooklyn from now on".

[Third girl] I go out to take a bathroom break. I see an old classmate of mine sitting at the lobby so I go there and sit next to him, chillin on the chair, regular convo with him... I see this girl coming and I make eye contact with her for like 4 seconds and then she leaves. like 5 mins later, I tell my friend peace out, and I head back to the library. I see the girl I was just making eye contact with 5 mins ago in the library. We both made eye contact again so I start sitting 2 tables away from her. I'm constantly lookin' at her and there would be times where she look back and smiled (like 6 times). She had a friend who would look at me too (I guess she asked her if I was still lookin'). I saw them laugh, and etc... I was waiting for her to come to me (since I was the prize). She didn't come so I said **** it...I moved on to the next girl who was sitting at another table right next to her.

I make eye contact with this new girl like 2 times. The people who were at her table left so I said to my self, "**** it, let me go over there and start a casual convo". I wasn't even gonna ask for her number or anything...Just a regular conversation to work on my social skills. The first thing this b!tch does is text on her phone. I ask her if the internet is working on her laptop, she said "yeah". I go to the librarian to ask if there's something wrong with the internet, blah blah...I go back to the table and next thing you know, her man (I assume) approaches the table and they start flirting, talking and smiling at each other.

I'm like **** it, I'm not going no where so I sat there and did my work. Put my iPod on to block out their conversation, and proceeded to not care whatever she was trying to do. I went on my laptop and continued to do some homework until my next class started at 1PM.

In summary...

first girl: Couldn't make eye contact with her. She was avoiding me.
second girl: We had a casual conversation
third girl: she didn't wanna approach me, so I said **** it and went to the fourth girl
fourth girl: the scared ***** text mesaged another man to come to her table.

So yeah...I want CONSTRUCTIVE criticism folks. Give me details on how I could improve in general. List out my faults and strengths. Thanks sosuave.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2010
Reaction score
stop waiting for girls to approach you. t a girl making eye contact for an extended period and smiling is her way of putting herself out there. that's YOUR cue to approach.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
SeymourCake said:
first girl: Couldn't make eye contact with her. She was avoiding me.
second girl: We had a casual conversation
third girl: she didn't wanna approach me, so I said **** it and went to the fourth girl
fourth girl: the scared ***** text mesaged another man to come to her table.

So yeah...I want CONSTRUCTIVE criticism folks. Give me details on how I could improve in general. List out my faults and strengths. Thanks sosuave.
Constructive criticism? You didn't f**kin' do anything.

Girl 1 - wasn't avoiding you. She didn't know you existed, because you didn't do anything. Same for the 3rd and the 4th.

Must be nice living in that imaginary world.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
SeymourCake said:
[First girl] It's 9:30 AM in the library and I'm looking for a table to sit. Every table is taken so I go out and sit on a desk like couch. Across from me was this chick I've known since she's at the counter for Financial Aid. I'm sitting like beside 10 feet away. I'm playing the ignoring game, and I'm just chilled out, relaxing on the couch, eyes a bit low, leaning like a characteristics of a Alpha Male. I'm not giving her attention at all. I'm all acting cool, greeting the people around me and working on my homework as well. As she leaves, she has a split second glimpse on me, and then she has that look where she refuses to look at me. I'm trying to make eye contact with her and she went out like she was pissed. Next.
So she looked at you.

[Second girl] 10 mins later, I see this girl sitting by herself in the computer lab. I go over there, and strike a convo with her and it went pretty well. She asked me where I was from because she recognized my accent, and I said New York and she told me she was from there. She laughed a bit at some stuff I said... I'm a newbie at expanding the conversation so there was a lot of silences but I figured she was doing a project so I didn't really wanna distract her too much. Anyways, her classmate that was doing the project with her comes up and they start talking about the project. I'm sitting on the computer doing my work and after I was done, I just got the **** up out of there. When I stood up, she said "you're leaving?"...I said, "yeah, peace out brooklyn...I'mma start calling you Brooklyn from now on".
And you didn't get a number or anything?

I hope this is someone you'll be able to see around again, if not, you passed up an opportunity.

[Third girl] I go out to take a bathroom break. I see an old classmate of mine sitting at the lobby so I go there and sit next to him, chillin on the chair, regular convo with him... I see this girl coming and I make eye contact with her for like 4 seconds and then she leaves. like 5 mins later, I tell my friend peace out, and I head back to the library. I see the girl I was just making eye contact with 5 mins ago in the library. We both made eye contact again so I start sitting 2 tables away from her. I'm constantly lookin' at her and there would be times where she look back and smiled (like 6 times). She had a friend who would look at me too (I guess she asked her if I was still lookin'). I saw them laugh, and etc... I was waiting for her to come to me (since I was the prize). She didn't come so I said **** it...I moved on to the next girl who was sitting at another table right next to her.
That bolded part... ridiculous.
Just because we advocate "being the prize"... it doesn't mean that women will flock to you and make the first move which is supposed to be YOUR move. You're doing it wrong. That's not what being the prize is about.

It's not this belief that since you are the prize, everyone will want to walk up to you and strike a conversation.

Not only that, but she was there with a friend.

You probably went from "looking cute" to them to "being a pvssy" to them in less than 5 minutes.

I make eye contact with this new girl like 2 times. The people who were at her table left so I said to my self, "**** it, let me go over there and start a casual convo". I wasn't even gonna ask for her number or anything...Just a regular conversation to work on my social skills.
You couldn't do that with girl #3???
Man, you need a lot of work.

The first thing this b!tch does is text on her phone. I ask her if the internet is working on her laptop, she said "yeah". I go to the librarian to ask if there's something wrong with the internet, blah blah...I go back to the table and next thing you know, her man (I assume) approaches the table and they start flirting, talking and smiling at each other.
That... made no sense.
What's the point of eye contact and them smiling if you are going to waste away all of the opportunities.

I don't get the whole "librarian" part.
And she texted on her phone? So what... probably because you bored her just by saying "HI" or whatever you said first.

4 wasted opportunities.
You did absolutely nothing.

Maybe with Girl #2, but all you got out of that was giving her a nickname.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
Also guys...SeymourCakes is either quite dumb or has some trollish tendencies that you should look out for.

A guy comes on the board and his first few topics are vague nonsense like "How can I be the prize" or "I just wanna bone random girls"... chances are either he's half-retarded or looking for some internet attention.
and don't forget the next thread where he's asking if he should do some chick's homework. He should have told that girl that he'd do it if she f*cked him, lol. But then again she's probably too lazy to even lie on her back :p


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Scion said:
and don't forget the next thread where he's asking if he should do some chick's homework. He should have told that girl that he'd do it if she f*cked him, lol. But then again she's probably too lazy to even lie on her back :p
Yep. And it's hard to imagine someone writing a 7-paragraph essay on a message board just to get some laughs....but this is the internet, after all. And it's about 3/4 full of morons looking for attention.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!

Here's some constructive criticism for your ass. Grow some balls and take the initiative! Lead! Don't wait for women to approach you! Make the ho say no! Oh, and read my sig!

All of these stories tell me one thing. You have a vagina. And AFAIC you got no #'s out of these approaches yet you call yourself the goddamn prize?! Miss me with that bullsh*t! The prize isn't scared of the fact that he's a sexual being! Some "Prize" you are! :rolleyes: Put some manliness and kino into this "Prize", lose the insecurities, hold the fear!

Now that's constructive criticism and tough love for your ass. A 2 for 1 combo!


Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Meh, all I hear is approach the females. Easy said then done.

Of course this is the internet. Where everyone is Don Juan, most successful, sexiest people on earth.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
God, do you ever get out of your head bro?

What is with everyone on this board over analyzing ever god d'mn detail? Listen, if you can recount ever detail, you're f'n doing it wrong.

You're not the prize. You're a waste of time.

Do you know why you aren't the prize? Listen what do you have to offer that other man can't? An awkward conversation? If you're going to EVER call yourself the prize, you're over compensating how little you're worth. You won't convince us, here that you're the prize just because you say it in parenthesis.

If you want to meet girls, get the hell out of the library. Go to bars. Go to dorms. Go to stores. No one lingers in libraries, no one talks in libraries, no one wants to meet anyone in libraries.

Good luck brah, but you need a lot of work.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Suppose you had a son and he was trying to learn shootin' hoops in your backyard... You go outside and try to help him at it. Would you say: "Damn, you suck, you are not a good basketball player at all and still you have the guts to pretend your Michael Jordan when you're playing blah blah, negative, negative, bring down, bring down..."

Don't mean to be a whiny ass here, but the above style is how most people in this thread responded to SeymourCake. I get the feeling a lot of people on this board just try to "help out" beginning DJ's so they can reassure themselves how great of a DJ they are themselves...