No Response to Text. Next?


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
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jonnnb said:
hopelessguy, change you name.

you are subconsciously reinforcing your hopeless state using that moniker... typing it everytime to login... seeing it associated with you...

change your name.
I like his name... If his name was THE LADY KILLER!!!!!!!!! :D :D That's a lot of pressure. He'd be shuffling up to a girl in a bar, repeating to himself "come on, they call you the lady killer on the ladies mens forums, you can do this!", like urcle walking up to a chick.

Anyways Hopelessguy, I really like your attitude!
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Is there a special kind of stick I can buy that I can use to BEAT the following into you - STOP GOING ON DATES!!!

DATES are lame, DATES are for hang out, you drink, you have fun, and you fvck - THAT is the don juan way.

A ****ing typical AFC chumpified DATE will get you exactly what you are getting - no spark, no attraction, no 2nd meeting, and NO SEX!!

Hell, you even said it yourself, that you did not feel a spark with her but you wanted to get LAID - YOU SAID THAT YOURSELF IN THIS THREAD!!. If that is the case, then why did you take a girl out on a DATE out to somewhere IN PUBLIC where sex is guaranteed to NOT happen. Do you realize that a real player of women, NEVER takes some b1tch out on a date until he's had sex with her at least once.

Then again, maybe you like wasting money and then jacking off at home thinking about the "nice" date you had with the "nice" lady.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2010
Reaction score
well it was only coffee and i spent maybe $4.

i dont usually "date" either. im trying to think about my past "successes" and I realized that ive never really done the whole dating thing. but ive been on a dry spell so i thought maybe it's because im not doing the ritual everyone else seems to be doing.

also, regarding my moniker...

its just part of hte four or five stages or whatever... denial, then acceptance. ive accepted my status.

i dont know the more i read this forum and look at my own behavior the more i realize that i actually dont have any trouble once i get the ball rolling. i just need to get the ball rolling. im accomplished, good looking, funny, charismatic etc. etc. i guess im just too lazy and think all this stuff we have to do is bull****. then again, i kind of want a bj so that's why im posting here hahahaha

also im terribly awkward+needy+desperate when i actually focus on trying to get the girl (which is maybe why I probably shouldnt be here)... usually if it's at the back of my head and my intentions in the conversation are entirely somewhere else, i do a lot better. i met this one girl at a wedding for whom I had 0% attraction, and I was pullin hte punches left and right and all the jokes and stuff just kept coming without effort. but when im like ZOMG HOT CHICK WANT HER yeah things get bad.

also im not looking to be a player or anything. im looking for an LTR. i cant stand most people (met a cute girl once, dumb as balls. next.), so im just looknig for someone i can tolerate and who excites me. typically this involves NOT banging on the first date (or meeting or whatever), but hey i have no rules. if the spark is there and we have to go at it, then by all means ill rock out with my **** out.
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
hopelessguy said:
she was cute, but there was just no spark. just wantd to get laid i guess. time to spin more plates.
hopelessguy said:
well it was only coffee and i spent maybe $4.
See, that is the problem with "nice" guys like you - you are all FAKE. You wanted to get laid, and yet you went out for a casual cup of coffee, which is another way of saying to a girl "I would like to sit there for an hour and just talk to you."

OF course, you went for the coffee date because you thought "well that's what everybody does" - WRONG, that is what AFC'S do!

So, you got what you wanted, a nice conversation over a cup of coffee.......maybe next time you want sex from a girl, you will think with your d1ck and not with your illogical brain :)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
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wall street
does it really matter whether to call/text a girl if she is INTERESTED IN YOU.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
I like the Two Strikes rule, but don't think it would apply in this case. The chick hasn't even responded to him at all, so the OP shouldn't contact her again.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2010
Reaction score
I like the Two Strikes rule, but don't think it would apply in this case. The chick hasn't even responded to him at all, so the OP shouldn't contact her again.

Besides, it's simply rude not to respond. I expect more from her. She can't fulfill, so time to look for someone who can...


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
If you're ever in a position where you're sitting and wondering whether or not you need to call or text her again, then it means you need to be spinning more plates i.e. have more girls to be getting with.

Texting or really doesn't matter if she's into you. If the approach was solid and she's interested, she'll respond either way. If shes not or she's on the fence, it doesn't matter. Now, there HAVE been exceptions to this. I've taken girls who were initially on the fence and gently persuaded them to get over their inhibitions, and finally was able to nail them. Then I realized I wasted a whole bunch of time I should have been using with other conquests.

BUT your time should be more valuable. My advice is don't waste time or energy on chicks that aren't responsive after the approach.

In fact, I prefer using text nowadays to quickly and efficiently weed out the chicks who are not interested enough to get down and dirty in a timely manner. The chicks who made demands, make you wait, think too much about it, etc, are usually just going to drain you of your valuable time and energy (and for most of the guys on here...$$).

In a nutshell: Play the field, make the approaches, get the digits, weed out the flakes and uninterested, and focus on saving your time, money, and energy.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
hopelessguy said:
also im not looking to be a player or anything. im loosking for an LTR. i cant stand most people (met a cute girl once, dumb as balls. next.), so im just looknig for someone i can tolerate and who excites me. typically this involves NOT banging on the first date (or meeting or whatever), but hey i have no rules. if the spark is there and we have to go at it, then by all means ill rock out with my **** out.
maybe part of your problems stem from the fact you look down on most people...maybe most people cant tolerate you either, and dont find you exciting ??!
instead of being a cool guy that people WANT to talk to, you probably project a "im better than most people" vibe that others pick up on!

i think your name is appropriate!

RE: your response below... deny it all you want, but you said it so its true!
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Don Juan
Apr 6, 2010
Reaction score
kingsam: i have plenty of friends, so no i dont think people cant tolerate me. and no, i dont project an "im better than you" vibe because i dont genuinely think im better than you (or anyone). i just have standards. they arent high. they are usually along the lines of: dont be a moron, be interesting, have energy, be positive, have passions, etc. if, as a girl, you think im going to go for you because you simply look good, you're out of your mind. sure, the lay will be good, but since im looking for an LTR, it's not the most important thing to me.

If you're ever in a position where you're sitting and wondering whether or not you need to call or text her again, then it means you need to be spinning more plates i.e. have more girls to be getting with.

Texting or really doesn't matter if she's into you. If the approach was solid and she's interested, she'll respond either way. If shes not or she's on the fence, it doesn't matter. Now, there HAVE been exceptions to this. I've taken girls who were initially on the fence and gently persuaded them to get over their inhibitions, and finally was able to nail them. Then I realized I wasted a whole bunch of time I should have been using with other conquests.

BUT your time should be more valuable. My advice is don't waste time or energy on chicks that aren't responsive after the approach.

In fact, I prefer using text nowadays to quickly and efficiently weed out the chicks who are not interested enough to get down and dirty in a timely manner. The chicks who made demands, make you wait, think too much about it, etc, are usually just going to drain you of your valuable time and energy (and for most of the guys on here...$$).

In a nutshell: Play the field, make the approaches, get the digits, weed out the flakes and uninterested, and focus on saving your time, money, and energy.
thanks. I'm watching RSD and am beginning to focus on doing what feels right to me and not wasting my time with people, letting myself be able to walk away from things and realizing when im wantnig something so badly but shouldnt want it that badly.