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  1. D

    A Man Trying to Escape His Hell

    No need to give up hope, mate. Women always expect their man to be confident - thats an attribute you lack immensely. First you need to work on that. Second, you need to work out. I am not talking 'hitting the gyms and lifting weights' workout. Just basic pushups and running for say 15...
  2. D

    Good read on the Jerk vs. Nice guy, check it out.

    Exactly. Thats the whole point.
  3. D

    Good read on the Jerk vs. Nice guy, check it out.

    Well your game is definitely not in your English or in your personality. Which only brings the question of your meat - but anybody can brag about meat over the internet. Sorry mate, you seem too young to be posting in the mature men part. How old are you? 15?
  4. D

    Good read on the Jerk vs. Nice guy, check it out.

    Lets be realistic - 7s dont go about selecting between 8s and 9s. They are 7 for a reason - to get 7s and under. :yes:
  5. D

    How to respond to generic messages...

    Well, thats where you are mistaken. There will always be a few fake ids that are created so that regular users like you will be tempted to join the site in question. Or there would be a feature which would restrict communication with a non-paying member of the site. But it still doesnt change...
  6. D

    Good read on the Jerk vs. Nice guy, check it out.

    Sorry mate, you got that all wrong. Its all about natural selection. If you are an 8 and you are dating a '10', (and you are an average joe from a personality perspective) chances are you will be all 'nicey' with the girl in question. However if you are a 9, and the girl is an 8, chances...
  7. D

    Is a pat on the back a bad sign?

    Ask her number - you have nothing to worry about.
  8. D

    how often do you call a gf?

    let her call you.
  9. D

    Might try acting aloof for a change....

    If you want to fauck her, then just make a move on her. You only play hard to get if you want a relationship with a woman. Get the latest DVD and invite her to your room for a screening :cool:
  10. D

    I got a good one for ya...

    Have you slept with this lesbian? Secondly, regarldless of the sexual orientation of the person in question, the fact of the matter is she talked about the other girl to you simply because she wants to dump you. Sorry to burst your bubble.
  11. D

    Indian male planning to come to USA on H1B visa for better dating life

    Very good point - in my case, I must admit that the accent hasnt really been much of a problem. However, my English is impeccable - so I guess, that could be the reason.
  12. D

    Indian male planning to come to USA on H1B visa for better dating life

    If you are going to a country with the sole purpose of getting laid, come for a holiday instead of coming on an H1. Anyway, here are a few things you need to consider before coming to America. 1) If you are a 'I soo want to get laid' type of guy and you havent got any puessy in India...