Good read on the Jerk vs. Nice guy, check it out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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What equals dog shyt though. Insults? Hitting them? Threatening to kill them?

JackPrescott said:
Women are weird fukking people. They love a combination of as$holism, arrogance, aloofness, and a daring lifestyle. If I ask a woman to meet me at a lounge for a drink, she flakes. If she is already out on the town, and drunk as hell, and I am there with another woman, all of a sudden she wants me. Fukking looney toons if you ask me.
I do agree with this. I wonder if it's really being a cruel bastard though.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2008
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JackPrescott said:
This article was interesting, but definitley written by a woman who has been fondled by a jerk and left hanging as she was falling for his ass.

Women love to be treated like dogs*hit. Theres no three ways about that. They love jerks, because we can tend to be assertive, and take control, and they seem to like that. The times in dating when I have been a "nice guy" I have instantly lost the woman sexually to another man. The other times when I have been a complete a$$hole, she has fallen for me, or at least put out.

I have tired of using romance. Flowers and poetry only work in movies starring J-Lo and Matthew Moganahey. The last woman I bought flowers for almost started running away from me, and the last woman I used some simple poetry on thought I was a crackhead.

Women are weird fukking people. They love a combination of as$holism, arrogance, aloofness, and a daring lifestyle. If I ask a woman to meet me at a lounge for a drink, she flakes. If she is already out on the town, and drunk as hell, and I am there with another woman, all of a sudden she wants me. Fukking looney toons if you ask me.

Sorry mate, you got that all wrong. Its all about natural selection.

If you are an 8 and you are dating a '10', (and you are an average joe from a personality perspective) chances are you will be all 'nicey' with the girl in question. However if you are a 9, and the girl is an 8, chances are you will be trying to dump the girl after you have sex with her.

And thats how 'nice guy', 'bad boy' behaviours come out.

And last, if you are a 9 and a nice guy by heart - you will get married. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2008
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Lets be realistic - 7s dont go about selecting between 8s and 9s. They are 7 for a reason - to get 7s and under. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
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DonJaunStupidity said:
If you are an 8 and you are dating a '10', (and you are an average joe from a personality perspective) chances are you will be all 'nicey' with the girl in question. However if you are a 9, and the girl is an 8, chances are you will be trying to dump the girl after you have sex with her.

And thats how 'nice guy', 'bad boy' behaviours come out.

And last, if you are a 9 and a nice guy by heart - you will get married.
You know, I have to say I see some truth to this. I have a friend who tried the slow and steady "friendship" route to get a girl, which we all know is the worst. I cringed at some of the behavior he displayed toward her, he is probably a 5 and she's a 7.

However, he hooked up with a woman who is literally twice his senior (desperation) and he treats her the way a DJ should, it just comes out naturally because of his value in comparison to hers. It really is hard to change your behavior "consciously" if you feel a particular woman has more value than yourself, in general.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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JackPrescott said:
Women love to be treated like dogs*hit. Theres no three ways about that.
No, they want someone to be their leader. There is a difference.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2008
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JackPrescott said:
7's can get 9s and 10s if dey gots enough game, and enough meat hangin' betwix dey legs, som'n you wouldnt know nuthin' bout.

Well your game is definitely not in your English or in your personality. Which only brings the question of your meat - but anybody can brag about meat over the internet.

Sorry mate, you seem too young to be posting in the mature men part. How old are you? 15?


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2008
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Tazman said:
You know, I have to say I see some truth to this. I have a friend who tried the slow and steady "friendship" route to get a girl, which we all know is the worst. I cringed at some of the behavior he displayed toward her, he is probably a 5 and she's a 7.

However, he hooked up with a woman who is literally twice his senior (desperation) and he treats her the way a DJ should, it just comes out naturally because of his value in comparison to hers. It really is hard to change your behavior "consciously" if you feel a particular woman has more value than yourself, in general.
Exactly. Thats the whole point.