Indian male planning to come to USA on H1B visa for better dating life


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
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persiangino said:
Dude you sound like the hillbilly from Arkansas that i talked too when i vacationed from my Beverly Hills Condo.

Money talks BS walks. End of story. That's where your sense of class and social status stems. Fortunately for us Persians, we are deemed classy and on top of your sense of the social spectrum because we are the richest, most educated minority in the USA. Black men have social status? Sure, maybe the rich ones, but for the rest we give them our trashy girls to Fvck with sense they seem to love their black skin. But for the persian males such as myself, i take my choosing of hot, classy blondes with the rest of my lambourghini driving persian buddies. And the Funny thing is I don't spend a pretty penny on your beautiful, blonde, classy girls.

Orientals don't do too well because they lack confidence, and are shy no matter how rich and classy they are. Same goes for Indians but to a lesser extent cause they have a better understanding of how money brings power and confidence. I know a few Indian players

Arabs on the other hand have superior confidence and social skills, but they lack class and along with the blacks do very well with average and below average income households unless they acquire money and status, but i don't know about class. This group has potential to become major players no doubt
And i know a few rich ones here in the area, but they seem to get more marginalized the richer they get. Just something i noticed.

Maybe in AmeriKKKa but it is certainley not like that in Europa. It is very common to see a well educated afrikan or african-american with a very beautiful white women. Step out of your tralier and get a passport and find out for yourself if you dont belive me.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
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My 2 cents

Ok I can't read all of this but here is my opinion:
I am 22 yrs old.
I'm from North India (New Delhi). I came to the US as a graduate student at University of Southern Cali. I think New Delhi is full of cute chicks. And its NOT tough to get a gf. Having sex with a guy who is not your bf yet, is something that is not common there. But life isn't that bad.

I came here cuz I wanted to make something of myself. Build a career. And I love all kinds of women as long as they are HB7 and above lol.

Trust me dude, there are many Indian guys who desperately search for parties to hook up with american girls but they just appear desperate.

Instead, strive to have a strong identity. Having success will make the world seem like a very tiny place and remove all boundaries. Women here are more confident (i don't think they are sluts). I can't stand weakness. So this is what I love about the girls here.

So, if people liked you as a guy in India.. and if you are not a south indian, and your prime motive is to be AWESOME.. and you love women in general (not just to satisfy your ****).. then I would say "Don't let go of this golden chance to come here".. BUT if you just wanna loose your V and conform to society and be lame.. then please don't come here. I love this place. I will kill you with my bare hands!!

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
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This topic reminds me of Eddie Murphy in Coming to America...
Dec 7, 2007
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daygameguy said:
So, if people liked you as a guy in India.. and if you are not a south indian, and your prime motive is to be AWESOME.. and you love women in general (not just to satisfy your ****).. then I would say "Don't let go of this golden chance to come here".. BUT if you just wanna loose your V and conform to society and be lame.. then please don't come here. I love this place. I will kill you with my bare hands!!
No I'm not looking for just physical pleasures; I'm more inclined towards being a successful alpha male who has no trouble getting women. And what is your hatred against south Indians? Yes I'm south Indian, what about it??


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2006
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you should go on vacation in the states first then see if you like it enough to move there.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
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AreYouSingleFemale said:
No I'm not looking for just physical pleasures; I'm more inclined towards being a successful alpha male who has no trouble getting women. And what is your hatred against south Indians? Yes I'm south Indian, what about it??
Dude south indians are good helpful people. But they are too nerdy.. at least thats what i've experienced. They don't have that DJness or awesomeness built into their genes.

But you look like an exception. I hope you are.
Dec 7, 2007
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rjones said:
you should go on vacation in the states first then see if you like it enough to move there.
That's a very valid thought, but the problem is that for this H1B visa they only process once a year; if I miss it I waste 1 whole year.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
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Ok i feel i have the right to speak about this topic since i have coupla indian friends.

Basicly, what i noticed is that here Indians are characterized in two ways. Cool Indians and Nerdy Indians. I have a pretty good Indian friend that is topping different ass every week, however he is full of confidence, dresses nicely and usually is the alpha male when it comes to group conversation. He gets two-three times as much girls as me and i am white.

I also have indian friends that are 22-23 years old and still virgins. They are nerdy and seem to not care about girls.

Honestly i would not recommend coming here just for girls. If you have a pretty good life in India and dont have any reason to come here other than girls than by all means stay in India. If you think you can get a better job here, have some family here, than i would recommend that you come. I hope that helps.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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persiangino said:
Dude you sound like the hillbilly from Arkansas that i talked too when i vacationed from my Beverly Hills Condo.

Money talks BS walks. End of story. That's where your sense of class and social status stems. Fortunately for us Persians, we are deemed classy and on top of your sense of the social spectrum because we are the richest, most educated minority in the USA. Black men have social status? Sure, maybe the rich ones, but for the rest we give them our trashy girls to Fvck with sense they seem to love their black skin. But for the persian males such as myself, i take my choosing of hot, classy blondes with the rest of my lambourghini driving persian buddies. And the Funny thing is I don't spend a pretty penny on your beautiful, blonde, classy girls.

Orientals don't do too well because they lack confidence, and are shy no matter how rich and classy they are. Same goes for Indians but to a lesser extent cause they have a better understanding of how money brings power and confidence. I know a few Indian players

Arabs on the other hand have superior confidence and social skills, but they lack class and along with the blacks do very well with average and below average income households unless they acquire money and status, but i don't know about class. This group has potential to become major players no doubt
And i know a few rich ones here in the area, but they seem to get more marginalized the richer they get. Just something i noticed.
Even people where I am at now know who the wealthiest and most influential American group is. JEWS! They are BY FAR the richest minority group in America. They make up half of the Forbes 400 Richest Americans, yet they account for less than 2% of the American population. There is no other group in America that is close to them.

Oh well, you are a hoot (in the way 15 year old suburban American boys are).

BTW, nobody vacations in Beverly Hills. You should have said Monterey, California. That would have made you sound clever and sophisticated. Beverly Hills makes you sound like a 11 year old who just got done watching an old rerun of "The Fresh Prince".
Hey! What do you know...A Jewish man created and made the big money from it. Suburban Americans probably think Will Smith made the bucks from it :crackup:
Oh yeah, speaking of Beverly Hills. This is a BIG hit still with the girls in these parts. I often lie and tell the local girls that I come from California :yes: . And by the way, who created and made ALL the money from this show? You guessed it - another Jewish gentleman (Aaron Spelling).

I will let you go now. Who knows maybe one day you could become a Beverly Hill's Cop. OMG, remember that movie? Created by...Martin Brest. Could he be a.... :yes:


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2008
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AreYouSingleFemale said:
I can't say for sure if my failure with women is entirely due to my personality or it has something to do with the country. I did try approaching women and it is not working. I'm getting old and wasted away. Don't ask me to ask my parents to choose my bride; I don't like that practice.
I have asked this question in a number of other forums (as the date for filing for H1B is fast approaching) and I get mixed response. Some laugh, some say it is a good idea and that American women love Indian men, some say I'd be disappointed, some say it is idiotic as India has 1 billion population and there are more beautiful women here. Some Indian men agree that David DeAngelo techniques of approaching stranger women don't work in India. I'm sure some Don Juans here are Indian/of Indian origin so I'd like to know what their opinion is. It does take a lot of uprooting for me to leave India and go to US, like leaving a job and go in search of new one that may not be so good, be forced to share accomodation with strangers due to high cost of living, the time and money involved etc.
Just to clarify, I want to date a number of women before commiting to one. I don't necessarily think that American women are easier, I just think they respond better to right techniques.
If you are going to a country with the sole purpose of getting laid, come for a holiday instead of coming on an H1.

Anyway, here are a few things you need to consider before coming to America.

1) If you are a 'I soo want to get laid' type of guy and you havent got any puessy in India (provided you have stayed in one of Bangalore, Bombay, Delhi or any other big city that has been sadly corrupted), chances are you are not going to get laid in America.
However, if you do get laid in India, you shouldnt have a problem getting laid in america either since you will know what to do. (though it will be a bit more difficult considering the fact that you are an Indian - i will explain that in part 2 and 3) However, my assumption is that you are a virgin in which case part 2 and part 3 is very very important.

2) Your best chance of getting laid would be as an undergrad - but i would assume you are too old for that. The reason why you could get laid as an undergrad is because you will have lots of horny friends who will fuack you if they think you are cool. However, if you are in your mid 20s, undergrad girls will stray away from you. Your best bet is women your age or women who are older than you - but the problem there is women are more selective as they grow older. by selective, I mean women date guys whom they would be interested in having a relationship with. Just like how I will only marry an Indian woman(since I am an Indian), white women will only look for white guys as potential soul mates. Of course, you may have luck with some fat chick but thats a different story alltogether. That said, you could get laid with ABCDs, but you dont need to come to America to fuack girls of Indian origin - you can do that in India. Again, if you have got peussy in India, the argument is completely different because chances are you would know the right buttons to play, and you would probably get laid either way even if older women (by older women, i mean women in their mid 20s and above) would generally prefer guys of their own race.

3) You obviously have the sluts whom you can hope to pick up in bars. But the problem there is that you need to be a stud. And I doubt it you are one, because if you were a stud, you could pick easy peussy in Bangalore.

My advice is hit the gyms and go get some peussy from Bangalore. Being confident over the internet might get you some webcam peussy over yahoo chat - doesnt make you a stud in real life.

More importantly, you are an Indian and you should be proud to be in a society with great moral values instead of coming to a country like America. i understand that feminists are running havoc with liberal stupidity in India - but the key is to realize that you are first and foremost an Indian. And being Indian means having family values which is something you wont find in America.

I agree that my post may have a dissuading effect on you - however, it should not have any bearing on your decision since I do believe that any guy can get laid in America (with an attractive chick too!!) if he really tried. But then, the same logic would apply to a person in India also. However, we all are racist to some extent, especially with respect to selecting potential mates - and that would play a part in your 'getting laid' process. But either way, best of luck on your endeavour.

But let me re-iterate one thing - dont come on an H1B for the sake of getting laid - thats just plain stupid. Come on a holiday - and you dont need to come to America either - just for getting laid.

Basic advice from a fellow Indian


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2007
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oye painchaud, i'm gonna reach india for vacation and see if my tactics from toronto can make magic there.... and wht everyone b4 said is true if u dont got game in india u aint gonna have any here especially if u got a strong accent!


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2008
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Unprez said:
oye painchaud, i'm gonna reach india for vacation and see if my tactics from toronto can make magic there.... and wht everyone b4 said is true if u dont got game in india u aint gonna have any here especially if u got a strong accent!
Very good point - in my case, I must admit that the accent hasnt really been much of a problem. However, my English is impeccable - so I guess, that could be the reason.


New Member
Feb 25, 2008
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where the continents meet
meitenesrigas said:
In all honesty, America is the single hardest place to get anything decent. I would be celibate if I was forced to live there 12 months of the year.

From all the time I have spent in some unusual places I will give you my rankings for what ethnic (or nationality) groups get the best girls (and they don't get them in their countries). 1) Turks...Walk up and down Kreshatik in Kyiv. 'Nuff said. There is a fancy cell phone store that sells $1 SIM cards called "Life" that is PACKED with Turks all weekend. Girls from the old Soviet Union seem to love all things Turkish. This includes really cheap Turkish vacations and Tarkan music. 2) Lebanese...HUGE egos which help them. "I am Michel from Liban. Did you know Jesus Christ was Lebanese? Yes, and my shirt cost me $300. Want to touch it? Be gentle." 3) French (includes the French in Belgium)...I am in a personal feud with one of these characters. They are my least favorite guys on this list. 4) Wealthy Gulf Types (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc.).....Probably the most normal of this group. The Italians would have a shot but they are very very shy around girls. They also have terrible English skills. The group with the most potential are American guys. My point is that in order to get an amazing girl you have to be in a place where they are common. Simple concept, but yet nobody on here gets it.

Turks are excellent at other nations except their owns:yes:


Feb 18, 2008
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AfRoSwiss-Disiac said:
Maybe in AmeriKKKa but it is certainley not like that in Europa. It is very common to see a well educated afrikan or african-american with a very beautiful white women. Step out of your tralier and get a passport and find out for yourself if you dont belive me.
oh my, those open-minded euros are at it again. just ask american basketball star marcus faison.

the website reported that the basketball player Marcus Faison, who is playing for the team “Kyiv” had been attacked by skinheads in the centre of Kyiv. The information, it said, had come from sources close to the team. Most disturbingly it said that Mr Faison had managed to break free of the skinheads and had run to a police patrol car. It claimed that the police officers had simply got into the car and driven away after which the skinheads had continued beating their victim

europe is ultra racist. much like argentina.

and i won't leave out western europeans. italy and spain are particularly extreme.

the always friendly spanish racing fans

only americans think that europeans are open-minded. i take it that you are a student hanging with your american and british friends.

hopeful loner

Don Juan
Jan 24, 2006
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Mad Manic said:
I said 'some black guys' because thanks to the media and sport and political movements in the last 50 years black men have some more status now and there are more positive connatations associated with them as masculine, tall, athletic, outgoing etc. However they still are deemed inferior in society to white men in general. As for Indians and Orientals, they do terribly with women in the UK, US, Australia etc. They are just seen as an inferior race and a step down in social class, which yes is very sad. Society has been brainwashed to believe white men and white women are the best, so indian and oriental men get shot down badly. Conversely, white men pick up indian and oriental girls very easily as the girls see it as a step up into a culture where there is more glamour and status. Read up about ethnocentrism, that explains it all; white people are still pedestalised today, not just the women. 75% of black women in America are single. It's all about race and class. Looks, game, personality etc. are secondary.

You really should stop speaking for America as you know nothing of the social dynamics of this country.

Americans do not have an obsession with "social status."

Americans have an obsession with work and the pursuit of wealth (which is NOT a bad thing at all--it's what makes the country great.) Class distinctions here are the result of that pursuit--those who become successful, and continue to be hard working and succesful, move up in class. Their descedants generally acquire the same characteristics, and therefore retain/increase that wealth. NO ONE IN AMERICA is concerned about class except in PURELY ECONOMIC TERMS.

Therefore, your suggestion that white american men consider dark skinned girls as a "step" into a world with more glamor 'status' is absurd, at least as far as America is concerned.