Indian male planning to come to USA on H1B visa for better dating life


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2006
Reaction score
Ok, I'm gone give my

perspective, after starting DJ path 1 year ago in Canada..

#1) There is no Discrimination, so take that out of your head, you need this thought process to get on equal footings with your rival competition..

#2) You control everything, and it gets easier with experience, don't be afraid to fail, this will redefine your own self image, and what you can or can not do...

#3) Get excited about life, and make yourself the integral part of everything you do, Get that happiness by actively getting involved in many hobbies, and extracurricular activities, you should be the source of your happiness, not some girl...

#4) Learn to be more romantic, and demonstrate that in your body language, and tonality..

#5) Experiment, you will learn more by trying new things then anything else, be romantic, be ****y and funny, be that "nice guy" one day, experience alll that you can, and don't judge anything.

I can tell you more, yet I don't want to overload, so just focus on this and you will surely progress very well with girls...:cheer:


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
NW Suburbs...=P
Dude,if it's gonna take that much trouble to get out of India to come to America then I don't think you should do it. I mean, I'm a Gujarati person myself who has lived in American just about all of my life so...getting white women isn't the most difficult thing for me haha. Anyways, like everyone else said...confidence/masculinity go a longer way than looks do.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
AreYouSingleFemale said:
You say they discriminate based on skin colour but also say "some back guys" get chicks. I don't think you have a valid point. In my own eyes many white Americans on movies look as brown as a fair skinned Indian. May be they discriminate based on confidence, etc? Few days ago I asked on yahoo answers whether American women discriminate against dating Indian men and they all said no :;_ylv=3?qid=20080208055954AAsrSWh
And my friend doing MS in US said he is dating 4 white chicks and that they actually love his brown skin.
I said 'some black guys' because thanks to the media and sport and political movements in the last 50 years black men have some more status now and there are more positive connatations associated with them as masculine, tall, athletic, outgoing etc. However they still are deemed inferior in society to white men in general. As for Indians and Orientals, they do terribly with women in the UK, US, Australia etc. They are just seen as an inferior race and a step down in social class, which yes is very sad. Society has been brainwashed to believe white men and white women are the best, so indian and oriental men get shot down badly. Conversely, white men pick up indian and oriental girls very easily as the girls see it as a step up into a culture where there is more glamour and status. Read up about ethnocentrism, that explains it all; white people are still pedestalised today, not just the women. 75% of black women in America are single. It's all about race and class. Looks, game, personality etc. are secondary.



Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
why USA?
it will be hard to go to the states why not england instead?
I thought Indians have the right to come to the UK (commonwealth blabla?) or am i wrong?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Metador the PUA is an Indian and he gets a lot of ass. Out of all the PUA's, his got the most natural game due to the fact that he relies more on his mascualinty then looking like a clown with nail polish or using the same old lines to raise IOI and sounding really gay.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Indian from India and Indian descent are vastly different things. Most of the "manly" Indian guys are really of more Arabic descent. The Southern Indian little wormy guys are not gonna be a big hit.

Also, a British born son of Indian parents is going to come to the USA and have that rockin' accent going on, but the typical Indian accent isn't going to get you anywhere.

Stay in Bangalore or whatever.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
NW Suburbs...=P
bigjohnson said:
Indian from India and Indian descent are vastly different things. Most of the "manly" Indian guys are really of more Arabic descent. The Southern Indian little wormy guys are not gonna be a big hit.

Also, a British born son of Indian parents is going to come to the USA and have that rockin' accent going on, but the typical Indian accent isn't going to get you anywhere.

Stay in Bangalore or whatever.
And India doesn't only have a has a North,East,and a West also.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
In all honesty, America is the single hardest place to get anything decent. I would be celibate if I was forced to live there 12 months of the year.

From all the time I have spent in some unusual places I will give you my rankings for what ethnic (or nationality) groups get the best girls (and they don't get them in their countries). 1) Turks...Walk up and down Kreshatik in Kyiv. 'Nuff said. There is a fancy cell phone store that sells $1 SIM cards called "Life" that is PACKED with Turks all weekend. Girls from the old Soviet Union seem to love all things Turkish. This includes really cheap Turkish vacations and Tarkan music. 2) Lebanese...HUGE egos which help them. "I am Michel from Liban. Did you know Jesus Christ was Lebanese? Yes, and my shirt cost me $300. Want to touch it? Be gentle." 3) French (includes the French in Belgium)...I am in a personal feud with one of these characters. They are my least favorite guys on this list. 4) Wealthy Gulf Types (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc.).....Probably the most normal of this group. The Italians would have a shot but they are very very shy around girls. They also have terrible English skills. The group with the most potential are American guys. My point is that in order to get an amazing girl you have to be in a place where they are common. Simple concept, but yet nobody on here gets it.
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
I was originally planning to go to UK on HSMP but got discouraged by many people that the cost of living there is very high even more than the USA. And I don't like the practice of sharing flat with strangers (unless they are female).
Canedian, you are from India; so tell me if you find the west a better place for dating? Have you tried picking up women when you were here? Also all those men discouraging me, what do think about me coming there and trying my luck with the ladies and taking my ass back to India in 6 months if I don't get laid??


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
sry dude but dont waste your time if you are only here for the ladies

you will still be poor and socially awkward here just like anywhere else you live

dont run away from your problems

if you are here for six months it will be rough...try finding some kind of indian community so that you wont have to start from zero


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2006
Reaction score
Mad Manic said:
I said 'some black guys' because thanks to the media and sport and political movements in the last 50 years black men have some more status now and there are more positive connatations associated with them as masculine, tall, athletic, outgoing etc. However they still are deemed inferior in society to white men in general. As for Indians and Orientals, they do terribly with women in the UK, US, Australia etc. They are just seen as an inferior race and a step down in social class, which yes is very sad. Society has been brainwashed to believe white men and white women are the best, so indian and oriental men get shot down badly. Conversely, white men pick up indian and oriental girls very easily as the girls see it as a step up into a culture where there is more glamour and status. Read up about ethnocentrism, that explains it all; white people are still pedestalised today, not just the women. 75% of black women in America are single. It's all about race and class. Looks, game, personality etc. are secondary.

Dude you sound like the hillbilly from Arkansas that i talked too when i vacationed from my Beverly Hills Condo.

Money talks BS walks. End of story. That's where your sense of class and social status stems. Fortunately for us Persians, we are deemed classy and on top of your sense of the social spectrum because we are the richest, most educated minority in the USA. Black men have social status? Sure, maybe the rich ones, but for the rest we give them our trashy girls to Fvck with sense they seem to love their black skin. But for the persian males such as myself, i take my choosing of hot, classy blondes with the rest of my lambourghini driving persian buddies. And the Funny thing is I don't spend a pretty penny on your beautiful, blonde, classy girls.

Orientals don't do too well because they lack confidence, and are shy no matter how rich and classy they are. Same goes for Indians but to a lesser extent cause they have a better understanding of how money brings power and confidence. I know a few Indian players

Arabs on the other hand have superior confidence and social skills, but they lack class and along with the blacks do very well with average and below average income households unless they acquire money and status, but i don't know about class. This group has potential to become major players no doubt
And i know a few rich ones here in the area, but they seem to get more marginalized the richer they get. Just something i noticed.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
If you got a accent forget it then LOL, whats the problem with you in India ? is not the place man its YOU! i switched my environment so many times because i thought that was the problem but really its not.. and its just so stupid.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Mad Manic said:
Indians and Orientals and virtually anything that isn't white other than some black guys get nothing in countries like the US, UK, Australia etc. The women want white men, indian and oriental men are seen in a bad light as an inferior race with bad connotations. Don't waste your time moving over just to get discriminated against due to your skin colour. They say it's not about race but about masculinity etc. but there are a ton of scrawny white guys who look like women who still get women. White men are still deemed the best, end of.

Agreed, although Indian men will have it better since they are more caucasian-looking (minus the dark skin).

However, the status of men in the Anglosphere is at an all-time low due to feminism...which is why PU evolved from the grassroots here to begin with. Unless you're a natural-born physical specimen stud here - you WILL have problems dating. Otherwise, why do you think PU evolved here at all - if the women were so easy? They ARE easy - but only to the small % of natural-born alpha studs. They can be really hard for the other 80% or more of guys though...which probably includes the OP too. :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
PrinceBeavis said:
Indian women are hot.
naw man they ****ing suck at sex and give the worse head.
unless you're lucky enough meet one of those freaky indians, otherwsie they all suck


New Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
No way in hell is mad manic right at all when he says that only white men can consistently poke the meat hole. There are many great asian playboys in the community, some notable ones are: Loverboy(Chinese), Hoobie(Vietnamese), Papa(Chinese), AsianPlayBoy(Vietnamese).

I'm Asian too! I have a girl who was my fcukbuddy for 1 month before I decided to make her my girlfriend. I'm dating cute girls on the side, not cheating though, just screening. A white girl from work made me promise several times we would hang out since I no longer work with her. All these girls know that I like to ****, I've made moves on them so there's no way that they could enterpret me as just a friend. I have girls flirting with me and calling me a smooth talker and player! They don't believe that I used to be a loser in high school! I'm Asian, I get laid, I got clips on my phone to prove it. I'm the Asian Paris Hilton baby!

I'm a living, breathing FCUK YOU to Mad Manic's beliefs!

to be continued when I wake up...