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  1. P

    Question: How To Know If You're Good Looking Or Not

    this! what the fvck happened when men discuss the reactions of a woman and try to derive from them how they look. wake up! a real man doesn't give a damn sh!t about what others think how they look. either than want you or not, if not that's THEIR problem. they want to be part of your world...
  2. P

    Do gay men bag hotter women than straight men?

    i am friends with a gay guy and he is constantly surrounded by hotties. he never does them cause he is GAY. girls enjoy being around gay guys because they can rest assured that the guy doesn't want more than friendship. if u remember the clip where a guy asks people at a library whether they...
  3. P

    My current opinion on women after last night.

    when i go to clubs i don't do it to get chicks anymore. a lot of them are attention *****s who enjoy blowing off dudes. club game is totally superficial, if a girl wants to get laid she can choose the guy she likes best and she will do so, not too much room to rise on the social ladder by...
  4. P

    Good date discussion topics?

    conversations became much easier and better flowing once i realized that not everything i say has to be super important/correct/interesting. even when you say something trivial she has the chance to pick something out of it and tell you something interesting. girls love to talk anyway. it's...
  5. P

    Books that could change my life

    power of now, a new earth (both by e. tolle), wherever you go there you are (j. kabat-zinn) not pick-up related, but life related
  6. P

    Phone game

    i talked with a few female friends about this and they said they rather receive a text than a call. that way they can think about it and take time for their response, when you call them they need to decide immediately and feel pressured. when i said "but you already know if you want to go out on...
  7. P

    My goddamn penis refuses to "listen"!!! **** THIS!

    I study Psychology and it's true that porn desynchronizes your erectibility. If you give a male rat a chance to screw a female rat he will *** quite fast, however, the more often he screws her the longer it takes him. The second you exchange the female rat with another female rat the time it...
  8. P

    Asking her out

    there's a christmas celebration at our institute today, she brought it up, i asked if she wanted to go. she said she didn't know yet and i should text her later. i'm gonna call her, if she says she doesn't want to i'll suggest we go somewhere else, if she says no then that's her problem edit...
  9. P

    Hank Moody Style

    no it stands for germany
  10. P

    Asking her out

    Christmas and New Year might spoil this massively then. I'll be here until Friday, maybe Saturday, and then I won't see her again until probably 10th of January. Should I ask her to go to a random party with me then?
  11. P

    Asking her out

    I don't know if the time for a kiss is really right. We had very little kino so far, didn't really get a chance to do much at that party (it sucked pretty bad like all parties organized at university, terrible music, no real dancing or something like that). I think it would be too early for a kiss.
  12. P

    Asking her out

    Preface (might skip): I'm a freshman at university and didn't know anybody. There's a really cute girl and we knew that each other goes to the same course, but didn't talk much. I ride the same bus as her but only for 2 minutes so I randomly chattet her up once. Couple days later she approached...
  13. P

    Hank Moody Style

    be aware tho, he is funny, but doesn't laugh about his own jokes that much. only idiots crack a joke and laugh the loudest of all
  14. P

    I can't even make friends

    Hey, I don't only have a problem with getting girls but also with simply making friends (well, actually 80% or even more of my class are girls). University started a week ago and I don't know anybody here. There are 260 people in my class but it seems like I can't get to know anyone. We...