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  1. C

    This is fvcked up on so many levels.

    Is the title of this thread not "This is so fvcked up on so many levels"? It's not about not being able to keep your girlfriend, it's about charlatan sh1theels like yourself knowing she's taken, and not picking from the MILLIONS of women out there who aren't. Do you know what "crime of...
  2. C

    This is fvcked up on so many levels.

    So, is this guy a friend of yours that you're stealing her from? And if not, I wouldn't feel sorry for him. I would feel worried. If he's your friend, then you're a fvcking chump and should be ground up into shark chum. If he isn't, I really couldn't blame him for breaking your fingers--...
  3. C

    Neutralizing The c0ck-block

    You know them. You hate them. They're the uglier friend that refuses to let her friends have willing, consentual sex with them. Are they bitter? Jealous? Drunk? Or just plain evil and want to ruin a few nights in a desperate bid for attention? How do you neutralize this threat?
  4. C

    This is fvcked up on so many levels.

    One thing about Bradd's advice: He says Don Juan's are above this, and don't do it. Then, he tells you exactly how to do it. I'm confused. Should he? Shouldn't he? Of course if I found out somebody was trying to steal my girlfriend, I would probably ass-fvck them with a stiletto knife...
  5. C

    Peacocking: Yay or Nay?

    Please explain.
  6. C

    Girl has me in Basket! how do i change that!

    You need to establish cro-magnon dominance. Next time you're together, smash a beer bottle over the face of the biggest bouncer in the bar for "making eyes at your girl." You might get your ass kicked, but her seeing you stick up for her like that and bro... you may as well throw on a condom...
  7. C

    Women and Sex

    I have known high school girls to have more sexual partners then that in the same camping tent over the weekend. Whatever a woman says she's slept with, multiply it by at least three, sprinkle glitter over it and give it some Ugg boots.
  8. C

    OMG i am so fvcked right about now...double pregnancy!!!!

    I say put a junglejim in your backyard, set it up like Thunderdome and have both babies fight it out. The winner gets you as a dad. They say that two babies enter, but only ONE may leave.
  9. C

    Peacocking: Yay or Nay?

    I think one of the great debate of seduction artists nowadays is if peacocking works or not: wear a loud, colourful, or stand-out wardrobe item to get a woman's attention. Now, peronsally I think it makes guys look like shameless, retarded attetnion *****s with zero social skills, but...
  10. C

    getting a girl's number thru a friend?

    Tell him to relay the message. Don't ask for her number directly, but if he knows her, have him say "He's interested, didn't want to creep you out by calling without proper consent first." If he agrees, that's your best chance. If he doesn't, smack him in the throat, knock him on his ass...
  11. C

    what do women want out of online dating?

    Women like to do this to men because that's what they do. They like to make you feel bad when they can because you make more money than them and are better at sports, so they like to go out of their way to give you snark, get fat and cut off their hair.
  12. C

    Lay it on the line.

    New here. As a new poster here, I have to say that it was indeed the best place to sign up. I have to say that it honestly gives me hope. Hope, because I have been searching for the right PUA forum for some time. I just spent some time with one the just seems to worship the Mystery...