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    premarital screening questions and how to answer them (cheat sheet needed)

    huh? I don't get you, sorry. this is hers. I just imagine a woman would ask some of these questions when she's ready to take it to the next/final step. and of course i don't want to fail these questions.
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    premarital screening questions and how to answer them (cheat sheet needed)

    Hi guys, Any of you willing to shed some light on how to answer premarital screening questions? Questions like: Why are you interested in marrying at this time? What is your concept of marriage? What are you expectations of marriage? What are your goals in life? (long and short term) What is...
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    Question: How To Know If You're Good Looking Or Not

    if more than 2 people told you you're good looking then you probably are. to me it doesn't matter if it's men who said it because trust me, straight men can tell if a man is good looking or not. other way to know is if you get mesmerized stares from chicks on the street.
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    One contradiction I found on this forum

    So, you guys say if you want to get your ex back don't linger around her as it will put you in the friend zone or something. But you also say don't let your GF still in contact with her ex. I sense some contradiction here. Wouldn't it be better if you let the ex lingers rather than "separate"...
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    Which text message to send

    I'm indifferent about texting but the first one is funnier.
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    I "stole" a girl from her bf and now she's going back to that guy

    I learned a lot from this, believe me. Including all the things that you said. I just need to vent. Thanks, anyway.
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    I "stole" a girl from her bf and now she's going back to that guy

    Hi, So I was interested with this girl who's also my ex's best friend (more about this later). At that time she had a bf but we would chat online everyday and by her responses I knew she liked me too. One thing led to another and then she confessed that she adores me and that she doesn't feel...
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    Girl acting distant, then I read a flirty message from her ex.

    well, what if we haven't made boundaries about exes? maybe now it's time to set it with her instead of just dumping her while she thinks I'm okay if she still talks with her ex casually?
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    Girl acting distant, then I read a flirty message from her ex.

    First of all, I didn't snoop. It's not like I opened his profile and read his tweets. It's not under my control that his mention to her popped up on my timeline. And she's not the one who deleted it. Well, I don't know if you use Twitter or not but the only one who can delete a tweet is the...
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    Girl acting distant, then I read a flirty message from her ex.

    Yeah, I do mind if she still communicates with him because only months had gone by after their breakup when we started dating. Furthermore, signs point out that he still wants her back. So yeah, once I know for sure she's been communicating with him, I'll think about leaving her.
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    Girl acting distant, then I read a flirty message from her ex.

    No worry. She already knows I'm following him. I've been introduced to him even before I was dating her so we've known each other for a long time even though we're not really friends. I'd also like to add that she told me once that the ex still text her sometimes but it's only casual things...
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    Girl acting distant, then I read a flirty message from her ex.

    Hi guys, I've been dating this girl for a few months. Lately she's been acting distant. I don't know why but I have a gut feeling that she's been talking to some other guy, probably her ex. One thing for sure, this ex still loved her when they broke up. Then, some days ago, I read my Twitter...
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    GF can't be "romantic." A problem?

    I don't mean "romantic" in a sappy or corny way, but my gf just can't seem to express and receive adoration verbally (she admitted this herself), you know what I mean? I see other couples have "romantic" conversations like "I'm grateful to have you" while she doesn't even like it when I call her...
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    How do you game a girl that plays hard to get?

    I've read an article on sosuave about persistence. You guys don't agree with it?
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    When should I stop initiating dates?

    well then how do you explain those happy married couples that hadn't had sex until they're married?
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    When should I stop initiating dates?

    I'm looking for an LTR. Physically we haven't done anything and don't plan to because we both are religious persons (muslim). Yeah I know this is a rarity in this forum.
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    When should I stop initiating dates?

    What should I do if after five dates or so a girl hasn't initiated any date? But she's always willing to go on a date with me, she never refuses or flakes. A case of medium interest or simply a girl who expects a guy to initiates? Thanks.
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    3 "flakes" in a row. Is this girl flaking or are her reasons legitimate?

    but she still texts me just to ask what I'm doing, at least once a day. so surely the interest is not down yet? I know some of you will say she's keeping me as a backup (although I don't think she's seeing someone else). well, let's see if she makes a date offer while I keep distancing myself.
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    3 "flakes" in a row. Is this girl flaking or are her reasons legitimate?

    you mean needy because I asked her out again after she flaked?
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    3 "flakes" in a row. Is this girl flaking or are her reasons legitimate?

    I might add that these past week or so our relationship got a little too comfortable and the challenge and the excitement is not as strong as it was. We texted/IM too much so I cut it down a bit. Maybe she noticed that and mistaken it for a decrease in interest and her coldness and flakes are...