Question: How To Know If You're Good Looking Or Not


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2008
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Every now and then hot women stare at you and open playfull conversations, without you having to say anynthing nor show any interest.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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The more aggressive girls will also scream at you. I had this happen a lot.

A lot of guys I knew said I was ugly, not that attractive, etc, but almost every girl said I was "hot", very attractive, wanted sex, etc. Guys can think whatever the hell they want. As long as girls like you - who gives a **** what they think? Guys will hate on you big time, and try to tear you down whenever they see you successful with women - and they're not. "Oh, you're so ugly; they just want the attention." Heard it all. They get very competitive and offensive when you are doing better than them, and are better looking than them. A lot of them simply want to see you fail. If they didn't think you were good-looking - they wouldn't be talking so much **** in the first place. Eventually, they'll probably reveal that you are attractive - they just want to be better than you, and tell you that you're not.

This applies to everything. If you drive a nice car - its a piece of ****. If you have nice clothes - they suck. Guys have huge egos, **** talk, belittle each other, try to one-up one another, etc. Everything is a competition..Don't seek their opinion on matters like these.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
A woman will generally not tell you that you are handsome based on two variables:

1) She either likes you or she doesn't
2) She either thinks you are good looking or she doesn't.

Then there are 3 combinations:

a) She likes you and thinks you are good looking but she won't tell you because she is playing hard to get.
b) She doesn't like you but thinks you are good looking so she won't tell you because she doesn't want to lead you on.
c) She doesn't think you are good looking so she won't say she does.

That said, a woman cannot hide their body language. If you look good then random women will look at you, hold eye contact, and smile. It's that simple. And we all have good days and bad days.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2011
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lordson said:
How do you tell? i find that how i look in the mirror seems to differ a bit to what i look like in photos

i think i look pretty good front on, but side on its not as good

how do you know for sure?

i get comments from straight guys all the time saying im good looking

but that doesn't hold much credibility with me, im okay with judging other guys looks but dont really know what women want, like most men i assume.

have had one or two comments as well from women, saying im 'cute' and one said i shouldn't go out with this girl because itll pollute the gene pool i should keep my good looks elsewhere.
if more than 2 people told you you're good looking then you probably are. to me it doesn't matter if it's men who said it because trust me, straight men can tell if a man is good looking or not. other way to know is if you get mesmerized stares from chicks on the street.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2011
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Bag o' douche, UK
My mum says i'm good looking LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
lordson said:
How do you tell? i find that how i look in the mirror seems to differ a bit to what i look like in photos

i think i look pretty good front on, but side on its not as good

how do you know for sure?

i get comments from straight guys all the time saying im good looking

but that doesn't hold much credibility with me, im okay with judging other guys looks but dont really know what women want, like most men i assume.

have had one or two comments as well from women, saying im 'cute' and one said i shouldn't go out with this girl because itll pollute the gene pool i should keep my good looks elsewhere.
I get compliments from straight guys. I've been called good looking to hot, by guys. I know they are sincere about that because I've heard it from strangers with no vested interest in buttering me up.

But I'm invisible to most women. I get called handsome by a woman maybe once every one or two years, at most. Occasionally I can score, but only if I approach and she's REALLY attracted.

Generally though, if women approach you, you are good looking. If they call you "hot", you are VERY good looking. If you can pull regularly WITHOUT some niche or edge like being a bartender, disc jockey, band member, or being rich or driving an expensive car, you are absolutely very good looking.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I think what other people tell you. there is no other way IMO.


- people tell you regularly you're attractive
- members of the opposite sex check you out a lot
- you get lots of dates/sex, or offers of such at least

you're good looking lol...


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
You know... It can be difficult to judge if women even like you sometimes. You're gonna run into the stuck up, egotistical types who will bring you down even if they do like you. Women are competitive, too. They don't want you being better than them, either. Some of them are also abusive, neg the good looking guys, want the upper-hand, etc. Just like guys do to them.

You also have the status and popularity *****s who can't think for themselves, and will reject you because one of their friends did; you seem inexperienced and shy; and so forth. They only become interested once other women are showing interest in you, or are talking to them about you. Now, suddenly, they want you - because other women do.

I've encountered both types many times. It seems like everyone has to agree that you're attractive, so that they can seem high class. Women like to show off their hot boyfriends, too. A lot of them depend on their public image and social status. This is especially true among the pretty, popular, fake types. They're all about being accepted by their peers. Just another reason to avoid them.

Generally, if you are being successful, and have several women showing interest - you're probably good looking. If you're attractive enough - women will come to you. You just have to welcome them into your space, and they'll take it from there. They won't give you the cold shoulder, avoid you, seem bored and disinterested, make an excuse to leave, feed you a rejection line (without even asking), and so on.

Don Juan
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
Holland said:
It's sad how most guys are these days.

Topics like this. Men being as concerned about their looks as women. Why don't you go get together with your buddy's and talk about your feelings towards the imperfections of your body. Maybe you should buy some make up so you'll look better.
what the fvck happened when men discuss the reactions of a woman and try to derive from them how they look.
wake up! a real man doesn't give a damn sh!t about what others think how they look. either than want you or not, if not that's THEIR problem.
they want to be part of your world because you have the god damn d!ck in your pants.
tyler durden would not approve.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
budisudaryo said:
if more than 2 people told you you're good looking then you probably are.
More than 2? In one night maybe. Not in your whole life (family members don't count).

When you are looking good, at least one woman per week will say you are handsome. Randomly at the mall, etc. It varies based on health. Go on a 3 day fast and you'll have a healthy glow and you'll see what I mean.

Why not post your photo on Hot or Not?


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
floydb25 said:
Generally, if you are being successful, and have several women showing interest - you're probably good looking. If you're attractive enough - women will come to you.
Exactly. Also, if you have $500 to burn that night (and don't need any medication) you will be very attractive. So work hard for 20 years and you can earn more. Did you ever think it might be fun to spend lots of money with beautiful women?

Fela Kuti

Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
bigneil said:
More than 2? In one night maybe. Not in your whole life (family members don't count).

When you are looking good, at least one woman per week will say you are handsome. Randomly at the mall, etc. It varies based on health. Go on a 3 day fast and you'll have a healthy glow and you'll see what I mean.

Why not post your photo on Hot or Not?
3 day fast? what do you mean?


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
Girls will let you know when your good looking when you go out.

When your good looking you get those quick glares while passing on the street, in the mall, hallways etc. Girls will go out of their way to make eye contact with you.

From my own personal experience. When i turned 21 (April) i got contacts and changed up my look. Started shaving and doing more male grooming, more frequent haircuts and keeping my eyebrows groomed.

Then in the summer when half my old highschool decided to go to the grand opening of this one bar, no one had seen my new look. And the ladies were complimenting me all night. A Random girl eventually stalked me that night trying to win my attention, she was cute and DTF but back then i was fvcking Clueless and didnt make good on anything. Then the next morning i wake up to see a status about me on one of the "Jocks" facebooks quoting the hottest chick in my graduating class. "Is it me, or did Telfon get hot"... cause back in highschool i was probably the most accepted and athletic nerd in the grade.. and to hear a chick i had thought was untouchable call me hot was when i realized I was good looking.

Girls ask me to dance all the time, Girls that are shy make their friends approach me and spit game. Girls will come up to me and ask me to take pictures with them when i dont even know them. Ive hooked up with a chick within 3 minutes of first contact as recently as last week lol. Im just a very approachable person cause i act as fun as possible infront of girls. If stuff like this its not happening to you then dont be worried. but you might not be as good looking as u think though.

This is what i look like


Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
First be make sure that you have well clothing that give you best look to your personality. Then hear what your true friends saying if they appreciate then believe on them.