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  1. Q

    Have been on 4 dates with this girl I like, no sex yet

    Dude, come on, you should have gone for the bang the first time you were at her place, and then you went back a second time and still didn't go for it? You probably haven't heard from her because she thinks your a weak bish at this point. I'd be surprised if this girl gives you another chance...
  2. Q

    Women staring at a guy's bulge in public.

    I was on a packed bus the other day, I had to stand and hold the railing right in front of this cute Asian chick. She would stare at my ****, look down at her hands, and then glance up at my face, then go back to staring at my junk. She had this look on her face that said "I know you see me...
  3. Q

    Universal HB Rating Scale

    On your scale, six and up are all the same to me, everything bellow (didn't look sub 3) is questionable, meaning, would probably bang on her best day but not going to walk around showing it off. These scales are dumb, boner test trumps all.
  4. Q

    Avoid girls who said they've been beat by their ex-boyfriends

    Yes, stay away from girls who have been in abusive relationships. My ex (who had past abusive boyfriends and an abusive father) did 2 things (besides other things, like numerous suicide threats, these were just the big ones) that really opened my eyes. At one point during a fight where I just...
  5. Q

    Funniest thing you've said post sex

    "I told you to stop" She wouldn't stop sucking after I came and was very sensitive, I pissed in her mouth, she swallowed it with the most bitter look on her face.
  6. Q

    Any other guys grow up without a father figure?

    I have only a couple memories of my father before he moved out when I was about 6, and they involve violence (beating my mother, fighting my brothers). My father was a piece of sh1t and that's probably what led me to be a dysfunctional youth. I didn't get out of the gutter (drug use, crime...
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    As a short man

    I'm 5'7, don't see it as a problem really, its never held me back. When I was 19 I fvcked a girl who was probably 6ft tall and looked like Mandy Moore. Its all about attitude and how you project yourself. All that said, I typically go for girls as tall or shorter then me, its just what I prefer.
  8. Q

    Got a great girl just need a little advice she was complaining the other night.

    Listen, women expect men to lead the relationship, she'll make a suggestion here and there, but the majority of the things you two do is determined by you. You want to make yourself seem more fun? That's the lamest sh!t I've ever heard. How about actually having some fun. Go out on a limb, try...
  9. Q

    Do some guys just not have the player gene?

    I got the "I just want to party and have sex with as many girls as possible" mindset out of my system by 21. I see a lot of guys on here going through that now who are late 20s - 30s. I have no interest at all in that anymore, and I also don't really have a strong desire to settle into another...
  10. Q

    Dates Every Day

    Im in almost the same situation, except I live in the city and I'm not trying to bang on the first date. I've got something like 6 girls lined up, waiting to go. It definitely is exhausting managing it all, but Im fresh out of a 5 year relation ship and its great going balls to the wall like...
  11. Q

    Girlfriend will not perform oral/BJ, nor does she want me to go down on her. WTF!?

    If I trust the girl (relationship worthy) and her hygiene is on point, I eat ass and go in raw dog. Same goes for the juices, bring it on, I'll kiss right after I nut in her mouth, in fact, I've never even thought about it till now, its just part of the primal urge. I could never be with a chick...
  12. Q

    Whats up with the obsessive trend of getting big

    I've been eating good and doing calisthenics for 3 months, I don't want to get huge and jacked, I want to be lean and muscular, so far so good, fvck the gym and the dbags.
  13. Q

    How do you become a member of the "in crowd" after college?

    The in crowd isn't always the frat boys and the jocks, theres more to the world. You have access to hobbies that can lead to a drastic lifestyle change, these hobbies aren't watching sports, going to the gym, or playing video games. Think art (anything from painting, to filmmaking, to...
  14. Q

    EX pours her heart out

    I'm not trying to get involved with her now, I'm just wondering how I can respond, but leave the door open and continue NC. Who knows, maybe in a month I'm totally over it, honestly, before this text, I was on my way, I was doing great, but of coarse this stirs my emotions.
  15. Q

    EX pours her heart out

    First post here, and I need advice. I was with her for 5 years, she's 24, I'm 27. We talked marriage, kids, everything. Honestly we had a very strong relationship for a long time, but for the first few years I was the ******* boyfriend, totally neglected her and it tore her apart at times...