Dates Every Day


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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I'm exhausted. Just got home at 1am cos of f**king London tube strikes. got another date tomorrow. i think soon i'm going to be ready for pipe and slippers. this is unsustainable. and always involves at least moderate drinking (although i'm working out a lot).

think only Adderall is going to get me through the rest of the week. have a date on Friday as well. can't wait for Saturday. got to slow things down.

smashed and have 8am meeting tomorrow. i'm 36!!! i can't do this s**t anymore.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2014
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Spain (currently S.E.Asia)
Rest if you must man. Too much of everything will took it's toll on you in the long run. Yeah, slow things down. You need to recharge man.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
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Yo'Mama said:
I'm exhausted. Just got home at 1am cos of f**king London tube strikes. got another date tomorrow. i think soon i'm going to be ready for pipe and slippers. this is unsustainable. and always involves at least moderate drinking (although i'm working out a lot).

think only Adderall is going to get me through the rest of the week. have a date on Friday as well. can't wait for Saturday. got to slow things down.

smashed and have 8am meeting tomorrow. i'm 36!!! i can't do this s**t anymore.
Heh heh heh. I remember those days. Just after I broke up with my long term partner and fixed up my life I went balls out for a month. Started the month with zero plates and ended up with six, three of whom I was fvcking, and two of whom were only giving BJs. It was insane. I only really did it to see if it could be done.

What I ended up doing was (a) using a calendar to arrange all my plates, (b) quit drinking except for tiny amounts on pub dates, and (c) ditching the lower interest girls (i.e. the ones who were only giving BJs). You'll probably need to do something similar.

Oh and BTW... Keep on rockin' mofo!


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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Turuwal said:
Heh heh heh. I remember those days. Just after I broke up with my long term partner and fixed up my life I went balls out for a month. Started the month with zero plates and ended up with six, three of whom I was fvcking, and two of whom were only giving BJs. It was insane. I only really did it to see if it could be done.

What I ended up doing was (a) using a calendar to arrange all my plates, (b) quit drinking except for tiny amounts on pub dates, and (c) ditching the lower interest girls (i.e. the ones who were only giving BJs). You'll probably need to do something similar.

Oh and BTW... Keep on rockin' mofo!

This is gold. I have another date tonight and im shattered. I cant remember the names of half the plates. I just wanted to put in the groundwork and get 3 or 4 *****es available to fvck regularly.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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You know what, buy me a ticket to your town. Ill fix myself a hotel, we go on double dates with these hoes lmao. Introduce me to all those broads and lets game bruff


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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i totally understand man, I have only been doing 2 dates a week on average and it still is making me exhausted. I have to drive an hour to get to the nearest town with interesting night life. I gets exhausting. I have become resigned to the fact that I don't have the time to balance more than a couple chicks at a time. I don't want to sacrifice too much of my other interests and responsibilities.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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dire straits FTW


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
MOTU said:
Haha I feel ya, this is my theme song:
This is becoming my theme song. I love it.

Just got back from another date. They're all following a pattern. Drinks/Dinner (I know, I know), decent conversation (I've become good at just talking), some kissing, me trying to escalate and get them back, no luck, go home.

I thought I would put in the groundwork with a lot of first dates, then get 3 or 4 women in rotation but I'm already messing things up, messaging the wrong girls, confusing names. My memory just isn't good enough for this. And I don't have the energy. I'm also drinking too much and spending too much money.

And I can't claim my game is great because all I'm getting is make outs and I'm spending money. A true player would spend nothing and get more.

Dates have ranged from 26 to 35 (I'm 36) and I'm feeling the older ones aren't worth it. I've been messaging a 21 year old and she's straightforward and super sexual. Supposed to meet her next week, I hope it works out. I would rather date a girl in mid to early twenties, not just because they are physically better but because late twenties, early thirties are uptight and really focused on developing a relationship, not just jumping in bed (which is what I want).

It's stopped being fun. Most of the dates have been 7/10 with an 8/10 and on 9/10 who was no more interesting than the others but I would absolutely date just because she is so hot.

Am thinking of just getting a high class ***** on Saturday.

Any London bros that want to go out and go for SNLs, I'm absolutely up for. I'm just not keen on taking more than two dates to get sex. They guard their pvssies like they contain precious treasure.

Another date tomorrow, but at least the girl is warm and I really hope will be DTF. Rest on Saturday (although may get a *****), another date Sunday. Think I'll take next week off.

Am becoming pretty confident though and starting to see all these girls as pretty much the same, so not really intimidated by any except the hottest of them.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2014
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One suggestion that saves my ass.

NOTE CARDS. write down their name and info on it plus a couple details they have told you. Helps refresh the mind when dealing with each one.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2014
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Im in almost the same situation, except I live in the city and I'm not trying to bang on the first date. I've got something like 6 girls lined up, waiting to go. It definitely is exhausting managing it all, but Im fresh out of a 5 year relation ship and its great going balls to the wall like this. My goal is 2 or 3 quality plates.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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Guys, I figure I might as well turn this into a journal. I will go back and do a post about the dates thus far and will keep progress updated as well. I think it might be entertaining. It's not going to be one of those, 'look at me i'm so smooth' type threads, more like story of a generally smart but capable of amusing f*ckwittery wannabe playa. I know this site is all about self improvement, living a health life, taking care of business, building a stable environment, etc but I've just come out of a long relationshio and some fun is needed.

The point being that I'm going to be very honest but some of the stuff I do is going to be a bit retarded. I know it's retarded, I'm just going to do it anyway. Sound good?

Woke up this morning shattered after ending up speaking to various plates last night til 1am (after I got back from the date around 1130pm, only a bit tipsy). The week has been exhausting (hey, I'm 36, not 21). Thought about calling in sick to work but after ten minutes of internal debate, decided I should go into work and 10mg of Adderall (which I'm legall prescribed) should do the trick. Am feeling decidedly more lively now. Have another date tonight so will take probably three doses today. Brings a whole new meaning to the term 'speed dating'.

Edit: I should mention that I'm phyically fit and work out almost every day, either running or rowing/weights. And I eat well. Just mentioning that to illustrate that I'm not hell bent on damaging myself. Although clearly this kind of lifestyle is going to take its toll.

MOTU: I'm loving Heavy Fuel. This is pretty much my life for the next couple months.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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I just want to meet hot sluts who want to party, guys. Is that too much to ask?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
Yo'Mama said:
I just want to meet hot sluts who want to party, guys. Is that too much to ask?
lol, Im only 31 but im gettin up there. I was doing what your doing for the past 2 and a half years after i got over my LTR. Bro it is Very exhausting and expensive dating/fvcking many girls at once. Dinner, Drinking, Cab rides, sometimes hotels ($180 min a night here in NYC) back and forth texting this girl then that girl etc... I have slowed down a bit but i still like going out and meeting girls, I just cant stop. Just when you think... Ok i gotta chill out and take it easy... The next hot piece of azz walks by and your right back at it lol.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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In2theGame said:
lol, Im only 31 but im gettin up there. I was doing what your doing for the past 2 and a half years after i got over my LTR. Bro it is Very exhausting and expensive dating/fvcking many girls at once. Dinner, Drinking, Cab rides, sometimes hotels ($180 min a night here in NYC) back and forth texting this girl then that girl etc... I have slowed down a bit but i still like going out and meeting girls, I just cant stop. Just when you think... Ok i gotta chill out and take it easy... The next hot piece of azz walks by and your right back at it lol.
Yes! The thirst is unquenchable!!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Houston, TX
YM, I went out last night too. Feeling it this morning. Met a new OKC chick, really pretty face but more @ss than I expected. Kiss close. After she left I went back in the bar met another, hotter chick. Kiss closed her too. I shouldn't have been driving, I need to be smarter.

And today is a lifting day for me so I am chugging water and gonna eat 4 or 5 eggs for breakfast. I am throwing a party at my office tomorrow so I'll try to be good tonight.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
MOTU said:
YM, I went out last night too. Feeling it this morning. Met a new OKC chick, really pretty face but more @ss than I expected. Kiss close. After she left I went back in the bar met another, hotter chick. Kiss closed her too. I shouldn't have been driving, I need to be smarter.

And today is a lifting day for me so I am chugging water and gonna eat 4 or 5 eggs for breakfast. I am throwing a party at my office tomorrow so I'll try to be good tonight.
Really impressive that youre sticking to a lifting routine even when tired. I invariably dont exercise after a night of drinking too much which isnt good as exercise is a big thing for me.

Great work on kiss closing the second girl! I know the feeling when youre not quite sated. Im getting kiss closes galore but am hoping ill get some of these bishes back to my place soon. If not im stopping dating for a week and using the money to get a high class *****