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  1. S

    How did I do? (1st date, ya)

    Great job, it really couldn't have gone better I think. There's always something that comes up but yours weren't anything to worry about. If she saw you online but not busy she might think your ignoring her, which is ok but not advisable if it happens more than a couple times.
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    highschool cologne

    I'm in Jr. High so I can't afford much, I get axe bodyspray, and then the axe deoderant. I get lots of compliments on my smell (only from girls so far lol) you may want to look into that. I'm not sure as far as more expensive colognes go.
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    Seperating yourself from friends...

    I had a similar experience. I was talking to a girl I had just kinoed with pretty heavily (she started it though) and a kid, possibly the biggest AFC I have ever met, said "eddie, stop flirting with her" I just shoved him and said she's the one flirting with me (close to Raven's idea). She...
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    Staying out after prom?

    What parent doesn't expect their kids to stay out late? What is going to happen really? She might punish you for a couple weeks, you'll live and it will be well worth it.
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    Girl Problem

    I'm no expert but... I'd pretend like you're upset, just tell her all the lame excuses and ask why she said anything if she's not going to chill anyways. This way she'll have to explain herself and make up for it ;) And if she doesn't bite and just gets mad its not a real loss anyways right?
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    Continuation of "I have a huge problem. . ."

    So what did you end up doing?
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    So what do you reply when a girl asks you who you like?

    Ok, I said that I liked another girl. So then she asked if I still liked her, so then I said "why do you want to know so badly? Interested?" and then she came back with "of course I'm interested in who you like" so she didn't fall for that at all. Then she said "we seem to be drifting apart"...
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    So what do you reply when a girl asks you who you like?

    Yeah, we are pretty juvenille. 14 to be exact.
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    So what do you reply when a girl asks you who you like?

    Alright, so the girl that I am interested in (Anna, again to those who have read previoius posts) sent me an email. It had a ton of stuff in it, but one of the things it said was asking who I liked. Well I like her.... a ton. More than I have ever "liked" a girl before. So what do you think I...
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    Friends... BAD!

    I hang around different girls than my friends, that's how I solve the problem. But I'd probably have the opposite problem as you. I mean I'm not good looking, I'm about average but my friends...
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    flame me!

    God man, what was the point of this whole god damn thred. Sure you might be depressed but just suck it in dip****. That's what half of this stuff teaches us and then you sit there all whiney. "Oh god I can't believe my life is so horrible, people in somalia have it so EASY". Just suck it in...
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    Why DJ Techniques are harder to pull off in High School

    There is nothing wrong with change, if its positive people might mention it, but they would probably praise it. People go through most of the big changes in the Jr. High and High school years, everyone around you is changing as well so its not too hard. After two days of reading and working...
  13. S

    I messed up

    Gobar, good strategy. Seperation+kino+axe=irresistable. Then I'll ask her out. Another thing, I have started working out and tried to be more teasy friendly instead of outright nice. I noticed a lot of people warmed up a lot more, and laughed. Jokes can really warm up any tense situation...
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    I messed up

    Thanks again. After exploring this site I realized how true/screwed up this stuff is. I always wondered why the girls liked me AFTER I liked them. The answer: I made it feel like I didn't need them anymore and suddenly they were all over. This has happened so many times its sad that I haven't...
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    knocked off some bimbo off her game

    Nice very nice, how could you say that to the hottest girl in school? That takes courage.
  16. S

    Met a girl at aparty, question though

    I'm not an expert and I'm not pretending to be. So if this is wrong just let me know. But why don't YOU call her, an unexpected call from someone she likes would be great to rebreak the ice. Chances are that neither of you were being that coherrant but letting her know that you remember her...
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    I messed up

    NRM: She didn’t tell me that she didn’t like me, she just hasn’t ever said she would be interested in hooking up. Except for when she said that we would make a good couple. I know I don’t HAVE to talk to her a lot for her to gain interest in me, often occasional meetings make people want one...
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    I messed up

    I met a girl (Anna) last summer with another friend. We've been talking on MSN ever since then and recently we've been hanging out a lot more. She knows I "like" her and that I'd want to go out with her. But there are two problems, one is that she doesn't like me. The other is that I made a bad...