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  1. V

    Creeping out a girl

    Hi. I ran into this girl the other night with high interest. She was in one of my classes last semester. Lokking back I should've asked her out then. Do you think she'd be creeped out if i just run into her after my class Tuesday? Her class is like 40 feet away and let's out at the same time. I...
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    Older Girls

    Thanks for the encouragement guys.
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    Older Girls

    Are they in the Bible? ill do a site search
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    Older Girls

    My question was the first line of the post. Maybe it would have helped you if I'd taken the time to paste a question mark. And how the Hell is that DJ comment going to help me.
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    On Becoming A Successful Man...

    God some people here are so crass. I totally agree with Wyldfire about how she can sort the men from the boys. Can we get back to the actual point of the post. I'm actually curious about what a "man" is in the opinions of others. I've always considered myself one but it seems some guys can't...
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    Older Girls

    Basically my question is does a junior undergrad student have much of a chance with a graduate student. I think she's only a first year one. I met her today in my Medieval Europe class. This was after mentioning that I too plan to become a Medievalist History Professor. I'm sure she's impressed...
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    ****y funny

    How do you guys go about instilling the ****y funny attitude. After reading the Bible I figure that's the key to being ****y funny. Could you guys offer some examples as well?
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    Ignorance, on Campus.

    I'm gonna take a wild guess that your a freshman. In the beggining of the year most ppl will say hi since so many ppl do that (primarily freshman). Now by December most everyone has found there own groups of friends and doesn't have an urge for becoming great friends right off the bat.
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    Declaring Intent

    Grab coffee, smoke weed, talk
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    Declaring Intent

    The problem is they somtimes assume it's a friend thing.
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    Declaring Intent

    I already do that.
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    Declaring Intent

    Hey I got an issue with declaring my intent. Sometimes the girl realizes I like her and sometimes she doesn't. A lot time it ends up let's just be friends. What are some good ways to be clear with your intent from the beggining? I didn't notice anything this specific in the Bible.
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    Moodiness ruining my Game

    Close on the Druids, I've read the book. I'm more interested in actual La Tene Celtic culture though. Wanna be a history professor.
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    An avatar is the human vessel for a God. What an avatar means around here I've got no clue.
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    Moodiness ruining my Game

    Listening to music helps. I like to hear Jimi Hendrix when I'm in the hole. Also Alice in Chains and bluegrass. Find out what form of depression you have, it sounds clinical to me. If you feel great a lot you could have Seasonal Affective Disorder or Bi-polar. Find out if any of these run in...
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    Mental Illness, Schizophrenia, and Hopeless AFC's --- Bible Post ---

    You know, i always think the visual hallucinations kick ass
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    Mental Illness, Schizophrenia, and Hopeless AFC's --- Bible Post ---

    It's really common to think other people have a certain mental illness when you have been recently diagnosed. I was thinking everyone was somewhat bi-polar after being dxed manic-depressive. It lasted a couple years.
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    Bi-polar people have the habit of falling in love very deeply very early. It's hard for us to tell the depth of a relationship, we tend to think it's a lot deeper then it maybe. In other words yes there's a good chance she's crying cause she feels in love with you. Now borderline personality...
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    Hey I'm severe bi-polar. I know a lot about it if you have any questions post.
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    Dazed and Confused

    we were just talking online, is she displaying sexual interest? I'm Sven she's "M" Svengali777: Hey townie what's up? m: where the **** do you think you get off saying that m: >:o m: :-P Svengali777: HAHAHA Svengali777: love a rise liek that Svengali777: did u just get off work? m: yes...