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  1. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I haven't posted in a while I hope everyone is staying strong. Trust me the best thing to do is walk away and never look back. I'm 100+ days without contact, I started right away didn't beg. It was really hard for the first 2 months but it gets a lot better. I have been seeing a new girl we...
  2. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 50! Hey guys hope all is well. Jarel stick in there one day at a time man. Get the little things out of your day that gives you nourishment even if it's giving a smile or having a really good laugh. Then think about how good it makes you feel and build on it. Also have something to look...
  3. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Cookies Day 45 for me I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking to it. I have weak moments but I accept it and tell myself STOP! You're alive and have so much to offer. Screw anyone that doesn't want to spend time with you. The night I saw her getting in some guys car to go on a date I was...
  4. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Thanks man it helps to hear that I'm doing the right thing. I just don't understand why I'm hurting when she just moves on like nothing happened I really cared about her. I have a feeling right when I move on she'll be ringing me up too bad I'm not going to answer and I'll have someone better...
  5. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 43 Guys I've had a lot of struggles in the past week. Just last night I have a pretty vivid dream that she came to me and wanted me back. I remember in the dream that I was so happy and relieved. Obviously when I woke up my feelings turned into disappointment and sadness. Just last week...
  6. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I was in number 1 hoping giving her time and space to realize that we had a good thing. Now that I saw her yesterday going on a date I have to think number 2. I'm a little relieved now knowing it's never going to be but also really hurt. Just a bad day for me on day 37 now and feeling pretty low.
  7. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Damn it! So I'm getting home from work today and I see her getting into some guys car for a date. We live in the same building. She look right at me I just turned my head and shook my head and just kept going. It's been a little over a month. Her reason to stop seeing me was she needed time...
  8. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 36 Looks like a few of you have had some set backs. It's part of life and relationships are tough especially if someone you really care for dumps you. One of the worst feelings in the world. This is why no contact is the best and only thing you can do. I'm on day 36 now I'm slowly...
  9. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    As for the dude, I'm going to train my wimp body to the maximum, mantain a good diet and also begin boxing classes (Physical Health), so I can break that scumbag face in half.:trouble: Yeah! Revenge! The darker path... The path for destruction. I understand where you're at and everyone...
  10. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    One month I hit one month today it's be a wild ride of emotions. I do know that going no contact straight away was the right thing and all of you don't doubt yourselves for one second that it's not the right thing. A Radiohead song came on today that reflects exactly how we are all feeling...
  11. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    29 Days So 29 days now of no contact that I started right away. I haven't seen her or talked to her. Yesterday I passed her walking I was in my car shot her a waive and just kept going. It brought up a lot of thoughts I do really miss her and want her back in my life. We didn't break it off...
  12. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    3 weeks So it's been 3 weeks since we split. I went no contact right away and I have to say it has helped, but it has been tough. I do really miss spending time with her and because she lives so close to me it's hard not to think about her. I'm hoping she'll contact me but I'm working hard...
  13. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 15 Man some days are really tough to get through. I'm proud of myself from going into NC right away and sticking to it. I've had moments that I'm hoping the phone will ring and other times I don't want anything to do with someone that doesn't want me in their life. Sticking to no contact...
  14. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 11 I really miss her but I have done a lot of reading and working on myself. Which has helped. Not sure if she'll ever contact me and if she does I know because she is proud it won't be anytime soon. I'm not really ready for dating right now so I'm spending time with friends, working out...
  15. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 10 Now on day 10 I'm getting some acceptance that we both did nothing wrong. I'm not mad at her she was not in the place to give and I deserve someone that can. I hope she finds her way soon and realizes that we did have a really good thing going. I've been working on myself and just...
  16. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 9 and I'm doing ok. The hard part is she lives right underneath me so she is always on my mind. I'm sure I will run into her soon which is going to be tough to play it off like everything is cool and I'm doing great. I want her back in my life we never fought we always had fun. I miss...
  17. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    So during our break up I didn't beg or cry for her to stay. I just told her I understood where she was and good luck. She told me she still likes but isn't ready to be in a serious relationship at this time. I kept it short. I'm in day 7 now. Do you think she'll contact me ever? I want her...
  18. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 7 Day 7 made it though my first week. It's been complete hell. I feel like I'm lifeless and have no purpose anymore. I know I'm doing the right thing not seeing her but it's really painful not having the person in my life that I truly care deeply for. Today is though knowing one week ago we...
  19. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 6 everyday I'm going back and forth with emotions. Sometimes I feel strong knowing I'm doing the right thing. Other times I just want to see her so bad but I know that won't help anything at this point. I need some advice to stay strong help me I'm feeling weak today.
  20. C

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Hey buddy stick with it you're doing the right thing. Keep posting it helps to get out what you're feeling. I'm on day 4 and picked up a rubber band yesterday and put it on my wrist every time these thoughts you're having snap the rubber band. Only have had it one day it helps me get...