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  1. T

    The two keys of attraction

    I think that the number one thing that attracts the ladies is your outer appearance (looks). If you're an average looking guy than work on improving that the best you can. You can workout, wear cool clothes, have a cool hair-style, etc. The better you look the more options you have the faster...
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    Money for Pu$$y

    I found this blog called It has some really good advice. Here is an excerpt. What she really wants - My friend Joseph W. South just posted this great quote from Neo-Rio, an old ASF poster: "FORGET having a nice car, outfit and job. These things do NOT give women...
  3. T

    Cheating: No Longer Just a Man's Sport

    Yeah, a lot of women cheat on their boyfriends with me. So although some women aren't loyal, it definately doesn't hurt me in any way.
  4. T

    Girls talking about what they've done in the past.

    She wants you to make a move. LIke the previous poster said, get her in your house or her house, alone, and kiss her. Escalate from there.
  5. T

    avg looking guy need high end car to get hot girl

    Buy a lexus. Give it to the girl. She deserves it cuz she's beautiful. That will make her soo horny for you. TRUST ME. Girls don't care about you, they care about the shiny stuff you own. And get famous. Because gurls love famous guys and if you're not famous you're not good enough. Be like...
  6. T

    Filthy Rich: Permission to Cheat?

    Yeah if you meet a woman like that, it's probably because she has no father, or, her father abused her. That will f1ck anybody up. I only say this because my own mother was abused by her parents and it hurt her very badly. She would be someone that most people would call, "disrespectful and...
  7. T

    Filthy Rich: Permission to Cheat?

    Maybe you've been conned and manipulated. But that's your problem. I won't let it happen in the first place. If someone attempts it, they are out of my life immediately. I'll find someone who won't attempt to play such games. Yeah I agree, that why I said, "When women cheat, it's usually...
  8. T

    Filthy Rich: Permission to Cheat?

    "Natural born con artists" haha, complete horse-sh1t. When women cheat, it's usually because their husband, or boyfriend, is a complete dorky loser who doesn't know how to be a man. It annoys me when dudes get mad at women for cheating. When you get a burned by a woman, it's because you...
  9. T

    The inverse relationship between looks and character

    What the hell makes a girl hot? Imo, most supposedly hot girls are average when you remove the make-up, the fancy hair, and the tight clothes. Kim Kardashian goes from a 9 to a 6. Eva longoria goes from a 9 to a 5. Of course, imo. I think if we werent bombarded with images of what a "hot"...
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    todays society

    You're watching tv. What do you expect? Reality? Turn the goddamn tv off and get on with your life.
  11. T

    Money for Pu$$y

    Well, I agree with the last post a lot. The only thing is, most guys don't have millions of dollars and will never have millions of dollars. So what do these guys do? That's why my previous posts were centered around the fact that men who aren't rich can be wildly successful as well. And I...
  12. T

    Girls getting lap dances

    Yeah I think a lotta girls play up on the girl on girl fantasy because they are qualifying themselves to you and want to impress you with how naughty they are. I don't think it's because they are actually very attracted to other girls. I mean, if you are start asking her, "How do those girls...
  13. T

    Money for Pu$$y

    So everybody, if you lack confidence, you better start making more money. Because making more money, will definately increase your confidence. How do I know this? Because Str8up and Ketostix said so. (i guess from their real world experience?) What if you're already confident? You still need...
  14. T

    Money for Pu$$y

    If you believe wealth increases confidence, then that's great. Go make some more money to increase your confidence. But you should've been confident in the first place. Because if you're not a confident, outgoing individual, no amount of money in this world can change you. The only thing that...
  15. T

    Money for Pu$$y

    So my point is, if you're a secure, outgoing, confident, cheerful man, with butt-loads of money, women wil flock to you. If you're a secure, outoing, confident, cheerful man, with very little money, or even no money, woman will still flock to you. If you're insecure, analytical...
  16. T

    Money for Pu$$y

    Yes, being a band can certainly help anyones status. But the real truth is that you gain status from being outgoing and energetic. I have met women at the laundry mat, and because I was outgoing, energetic, and cheerful, that wildly increased my status, and I succeeded. She could sense that I'm...
  17. T

    Money for Pu$$y

    Maybe I should tell you a little bit about myself. I play in a band and have played in many bands. I also have a part-time job at wal-mart. I live in a one bed-room apartment. I think my advice is very sensible and if you disagree with it, that's fine. :)
  18. T

    Money for Pu$$y

    This post is in response to my previous posts, and ketostix's reply. Any man that makes it difficult for himself to speak to any woman, anywhere, is limiting himself. He's clouding himself behind ridiculous ideas that he created in his own mind. He's out of touch with reality. I don't know...
  19. T

    Money for Pu$$y

    Yeah, my friends are strongly attracted to fat, smelly, hairy woman. You figured me out. And i'm sorry you've never slept over an attractive woman's house. And i'm sorry that the people you know are unable to, as well. I think you need to hang out with guy's who get laid, so you could finally...
  20. T

    Money for Pu$$y

    This thread is funny. I have a lot of musician buddies who were completely broke yet moved into their girlfriend's place. The girlfriend pays the bills and provides the man a place to sleep. So, do women factor wealth in the equation? Well, often they don't at all. I actually think if...