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  1. X

    What to write in yearbooks

    honestly... who cares??? it's a friggen yearbook... just say something to give them a memory of you, and tell them to keep in touch. not like a yearbook signature will change their opinion of you.
  2. X

    I like her,does she like me too?

    like yea seriously... just forget about her... she got a boyfriend and isn't givin u any IOI's. U seem to have come off as too desperate.
  3. X

    Prom Page

    hey guys, I just asked a girl to prom (which for me is like 2.5 weeks away) and she said she'd love to go with me I barely know the girl, I'm not really sure if she likes me but for now I'll be optimistic that she does like me (lol), but I dunno if I should try taking her on a few dates...
  4. X

    boy likes girl, girl has a boyfriend

    lol... I was just in this situation except that I didn't know that she had a boyfriend until I asked her out... my girl just dumped her ex for me and it felt great taking her lol. We both liked eachother, as soon as I was positive she liked me, I got her alone n asked her out, she told me she...
  5. X

    "I have a boyfriend"

    OK, so, me and this girl have been flirting it up for around a week. I ask her out before a 4day weekend (we go to the same school). She says that she has a boyfriend. I know she likes me and I know that it's a long distance relationship. what's the best thing to do in this situation??
  6. X

    Fashion Thread

    i honestly think there shud be a fashion forum...
  7. X

    They say im "cute", then fcuk another guy?

    i look younger than my age too... but I enjoy it
  8. X

    Should you shake a woman's hand when you meet her?

    give them a handshake everytime... kiss her cheeks too as much as possible
  9. X

    sup all

    I went to a school football game yesterday... I was supposed to be recording thegame but noone had a camera -.-... So I ended up talkin with the guys on the sidelines cheering and stuff. Talked with HBCyprus, tried getting her to go out but couldn't since she's lame. Afterwards, I arranged with...
  10. X

    A problem

    weird i'm the opposite... in groups I let other people take over, one on one I find it easy to continue any type of conversation.
  11. X

    sup all

    woah, I got some readers of my blog!! LOL, thx for it. I'm literally feeling like a better person everytime I wake up. no chance with the girl with a boyfriend now since she left the country, she was only here for a night... if she was here longer I might've tried escalating. so anyways...
  12. X

    sup all

    K went out again yesterday. Met up with one of my AFC friends then went to a bar where we saw like 20 freshman but we didn't go talk cuz well we're AFC's lol. Anyway, we decided to bar hop since it was kinda boring but I saw one of the new guys who's cool and another dude from last year who I...
  13. X

    sup all

    yeah, I'm doing that anyways, at school I've actually got a lot of people to chill with. Including the american jocks who a lot of them are just friggin *******s -.- ... I'm a lot more active than last year and a lot of the guys think I'm ****in funny as ****, guys are startin to love me, n i...
  14. X

    sup all

    lol, I'm just doing this for myself, if anyone wanna read then you can. This could be looked at more like a blog I guess.
  15. X

    sup all

    I swear I'm the biggest ****ing ***** on Earth.I'm looking a bit better physically btw... i'm no longer skinny to the bones but am finally startin to get some tone which is nice, gotta keep on workin out regularly, started rippetoes program. I should've gone out on Fri and Sat, turned out I...
  16. X

    The pictures game....

    first one is wowowowow my favorite in this thread second one is lol...
  17. X

    No is wrong with me guys?!

    haha you're a "pvssy monstAh!"
  18. X

    sup all

    Alright, so have continued going to the gym and I feel better everytime i go, my confidence is definitely higher. Last night, I called some guys and met up with some of my school buds. A lot of them were sophomores though and they are SOOOO immature, the only cool guys were the guys who had...