Should you shake a woman's hand when you meet her?


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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I think you absolutely should. I read that in a men's magazine one time and I think it's a great piece of advice. I find you exude confidence and set a great tone by doing so.

I was passive last night and didn't shake a girl's hand upon meeting her. I ended up regretting it because I think shaking hands is a great way to introduce yourself to any woman. It will consciously and subconsciously make you more desirable and confident.

Look her in the eyes, smile, shake her hand firmly and watch the attraction increase!

Hooligan Harry

Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
Is it a cultural thing with yanks not to shake a womans hand? I have always done it, business or social.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
I used to do it a lot, I got pretty lazy and stopped doing, it but I've heard a lot of women think its really cute. But it obviously depeneds on the situation don't do it on a dance floor of a club, or she's gonna think your socially retarded. And don't be to serious.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
I do it whenever introducing myself to someone or when meeting someone, women and men.

Hooligan Harry

Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
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SharinganUser said:
1/4 of all people don't wash their hands after taking a huge dump.
I wonder how many bother to wash their hands before they eat?

Germs are everywhere. Your hands are in constant contact with them. As long as you not licking your palms every few minutes and washing your hands before you eat you should be ok.

Hooligan Harry

Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
hondo928 said:
I used to do it a lot, I got pretty lazy and stopped doing, it but I've heard a lot of women think its really cute. But it obviously depeneds on the situation don't do it on a dance floor of a club, or she's gonna think your socially retarded. And don't be to serious.
Again I ask, is it a cultural thing with Americans not to shake womans hands when you meet?

I cant understand why you would be that impolite not to shake their hand.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
I always thought it was common sense to shake a person's hand after meeting them.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
It really depends on the person, I was in a job interview 2 days ago, got the job went to shake the ladies hand and she walked away, I don't think she noticed but I was just like uh um ok. I wouldn't open with a hand shake, but maybe when introduce your name, may let down a little guard on her part


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
If you are introudcing yourself, always initiate the hand shake, no matter if its a chick or a guy.

If I am interested in a chick, when I shake her hand, I always shake with my palm facing down, look her in the eyes and smile. Don't shake her hand like you shake another guy's hand and pretty much avoid the business meeting handshake all together.

From this first approach you could really tell if a chick is digging you or not.

One thing you want to avoid is hugging chicks you are interested in but never fvcked them. Chicks hug each other because its a non sexual feel good moment and also it affirms to them they are non threatning. You don't want to be in that catagory. After you fvck her then you can hug her but make sure you do other stuff and don't lose your self and be a fvcking teddy bear all the time.

The second time you see that chick you are interested in again (after initially you shook her hand from the first introduction) you can remain cordial but don't shake her hand again or hug her. Go for the number close or else you might miss your opportunity.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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DJDamage said:
If you are introudcing yourself, always initiate the hand shake, no matter if its a chick or a guy.

If I am interested in a chick, when I shake her hand, I always shake with my palm facing down, look her in the eyes and smile. Don't shake her hand like you shake another guy's hand and pretty much avoid the business meeting handshake all together.

From this first approach you could really tell if a chick is digging you or not.

One thing you want to avoid is hugging chicks you are interested in but never fvcked them. Chicks hug each other because its a non sexual feel good moment and also it affirms to them they are non threatning. You don't want to be in that catagory. After you fvck her then you can hug her but make sure you do other stuff and don't lose your self and be a fvcking teddy bear all the time.

The second time you see that chick you are interested in again (after initially you shook her hand from the first introduction) you can remain cordial but don't shake her hand again or hug her. Go for the number close or else you might miss your opportunity.
Good stuff Damage...never thought of the hugging thing that way. I almost always do the hand shake but sometimes a girl comes at you with a hug and you almost have no choice but to hug back!

I'm gonna put your method into action and see how it works..


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
I agree that you should shake a girl's hand when you meet her. It is an effective way of illustrating your gentle touch and it exudes confidence. You do not shake a woman's hand like a man's. While you will grab a man's hand around his palm, grab a woman's hand around her fingers. So the back of a woman's fingers will be against your palm and the inside of your fingers are touching the inside of her fingers. This can be very sensual if done right and it immediately shows the woman that you have a sensitive touch.

You do not want to squeeze her hand, just grasp it enough so that she knows that you are in control. If you want to you can hold her hand for a few seconds while you look into her eyes and ask her name or some other small-talk question.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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assobsessed said:
Good stuff Damage...never thought of the hugging thing that way. I almost always do the hand shake but sometimes a girl comes at you with a hug and you almost have no choice but to hug back!
If a girl is so willingly wanting to hug you then it doesn't matter what you do with her, it might already be a lost cause. You can tell by the way a woman hugs you as opposed to how she hugs other people, if she is interested in you or not.

assobsessed said:
I'm gonna put your method into action and see how it works..
A word of advice, ease into it slowly. It may sound simple enough (palm down, looking her in the eyes and smile) but over thinking about it or worring about how you will be precieved can damage your confidence and your approach. You don't want to come off as an unnatural, like a robot because you might creep her out. As soon as you are comfortable with looking in a girl's eye and smiling at her then incorporate the palm facing down handshake.

Cr1msonKing said:
Damn dude, I've been wanting to try to kiss the cheeks after meeting a girl, but I've never done it. I've seen my natural friend, he goes to a different school and he does it, and it just looks suave.

Like I said I've never done it, and I'm just afraid it might be awkward or whatever. But its just me being a *****, I'm gonna try to incorporate it in me.
Majority of the kissing the cheeks after meeting a girls (or guys) has cultural implications. Italians, Greeks and people with Latin background have grown up accustomed to this formal greeting so naturally they will come of as natural because its second nature to them (and to the women who also grow up in this culture or been around people from those cultures and are used to this greeting).

My thought is that if you aren't comfortable doing that, it ain't going to make or break your game. Work on the areas you know you are good at.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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Hooligan Harry said:
Is it a cultural thing with yanks not to shake a womans hand? I have always done it, business or social.
Yea I think it's an American thing. We usually shake hands with men only. But in business settings, I shake hands with everyone. I guess it kind of depends on the environment and where you are at, sometimes I shake hands with girls, sometimes a hug, sometimes a kiss on the cheek.

I personally like Europe, when I met someone we kissed on both sides of the cheek. I remember doing that in America when I came back and the girls were like WTF! lol

Anyways, if you want to standout, go ahead and kiss their hand intead. I know its a lil cheesy but she'll get a kick out of it and it'll make you look smooth. I've tried it and it works.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Ahhhh soo many things to quote in this thread I don't know where to begin.

One thing you want to avoid is hugging chicks you are interested in but never fvcked them. Chicks hug each other because its a non sexual feel good moment and also it affirms to them they are non threatning. You don't want to be in that catagory.
That is MONEY. I realized it about a year or two ago and it's true. Well said my friend.

I agree that you should shake a girl's hand when you meet her. It is an effective way of illustrating your gentle touch and it exudes confidence. You do not shake a woman's hand like a man's. While you will grab a man's hand around his palm, grab a woman's hand around her fingers. So the back of a woman's fingers will be against your palm and the inside of your fingers are touching the inside of her fingers. This can be very sensual if done right and it immediately shows the woman that you have a sensitive touch.
I could see that working. But I could also see it as coming off a little soft and not dominant enough. Might want to use that depending on the situation. Good advice though, if she is already interested a sensitive handshake like that could spike up her IL.

But in business settings, I shake hands with everyone.
+1! Also, if your seated and someone enters the room, stand up when you shake their hand.

You want to be similar to George Dubya.
NOOOOOOO. Haha, that's the last person I want to emulate. BUT, I remember watching a special on the Election in '04 and some folks in the South were literally saying they were voting for him over Kerry because he shakes hands like a real man. So, you picked a good example.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
never fvcked them. Chicks hug each other because its a non sexual feel good moment and also it affirms to them they are non threatning. You don't want to be in that catagory.
Ok so say you just had a coffee date, you have the number, but sticking your tongue down her throat is out of the question, how do you say bye with out awkwardly just leaving if you don't hug either?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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hondo928 said:
Ok so say you just had a coffee date, you have the number, but sticking your tongue down her throat is out of the question, how do you say bye with out awkwardly just leaving if you don't hug either?
That is why you shouldn't go on coffee date with someone new.

You take her to a bar, have fun with her, play some pool, liquor her up, use some kino and by the end of the night if you did everything right then there is no reason for her to reject your kiss goodbye (and sometimes you end up going all the way on the first night).

If a girl turns her head or gives you a hug goodbye instead, you failed to raise her interest in you and if you failed the first night chances are very small that she would want to see you again.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
take her hand and kiss it like you are courting her in the Victorian era... then smile and tell her you always wanted to do that