No is wrong with me guys?!


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Rebound Material said:
Alright so tonight me and a group of friends went to a club for me and my friends 23rd bday(happy bday to me). Apparently one of my homeboys chick friends found me "cute". Its seriously been a while since ive been considered that(i put on a few pounds) and honestly I lost game. I didnt know what to do. She was a pretty cute girl herself and she was a year older than me(i like that) and I lost game. I guess to me, if even the girl finds me slightly attractive, I lost interest. OR I find that gaining a girls approval of my looks is good enough and I dont wanna risk fcuking sh!t up with her which then makes me nervous....anyone else have this same probelm? Sorry guys, i would get into more detail but im intoxicated and sleepy...

Pretty women have pre-requisits ... i.e.
you need to be good looking for them to even listen to your "game"..
Then your Game has to be good for them to give you their number...
Then you have to show patience and interest but not needyness to get a first date..
Then you have to ace at least 2 or 3 dates to get to F....

good luck

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alright guys, its been a while since i updated this situation so here it goes:

Last week we went to DnB's together. We walked around and we introduced eachother to our friends. It was the first time in a long time for me to have gone on a 'date' like this and all these guys were obviously checking her out and would at time hit on her in front of me. I really didn't care(thank god) and told her that she should fish me a drink from one of the guys hitting on her and say that it was for her hahaha(ended up getting one free drink). Anyways, when we were leaving, there was some heavy ass kino between us as we walked back in the car...before we got in, I pinned her up against my car and macked her for a good 5 minutes. When we got to her house, I parked up on top of a hill 2 houses away, placed her on top of my hood and we went at it again. After about another 3-5 minutes I said "I think I should let you go now." She made a facial expression that said no and started kissing me again. I stopped it and said "fine, get in the back seat then" and I opened the door gesturing for her to get in. She had a bit of doubt and said "youre so bad!" and jumped in the back seat...Thats when we made out some more and I was rubbing her pvssy through her shorts...I then went for her neck and thats when things began to intensify...thats also the time I said:


"alright, we gotta stop....I forgot the rubber". She then said "So you planned this out?!"...It gets uglier..."Rebound, are you a player?! Are you some sort of pvssy monster?! How many times have you done this?! I heard you have a kid" I got interrogated to the core...

I said that I wasnt a player, ive only done this twice and she didnt believe me, and the thing about the kid was a joke me and some co-workers made up 2 years ago to mess with new employess and it bit me in the ass now...btw, all my answers were completely true, but she was having the hardest time believing me...she said "do you always take girls to the backseat of your car?!" got ugly, but anyways I took her back outside and for some reason we still made out and felt up eachother LOL...As I was driving home, I called my bestfriend and told him the disaster...When I got home, she called me up and we spoke for about an hour. Most of the time, I was explaining to her that I wasnt a "pvssy monster"(ROFL) and especially about the joke about me having a kid...Other than that, I still didnt reveal that I was a virgin even though she sounded excited that I might have been?

Past that, I broke a DJ rule and saw her everyday for a week. I dunno if this counts, but she visited me at work on sunday and yesterday she came over to my house and got me lunch...

(sigh) Input guys?!