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    The Woman Number scale

    why dont you just stick with Tucker Max Female Rating System I'll copy and paste his post on it:
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    What can I do right now?

    Have you tried looking at your body language. That might be your biggest problem because >>> negative thinking reflects dramatically through your body language and women can pick it up easily even if YOU are not aware of it. Download David DeAngelos Body Language dvd and you wont regret it. Your...
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    Expert Opinions please

    Watch the movie "how to loose a guy in 10 days" and turn basic principals around to loose the 7 but dont let the HB8.5 know what you're doing. You should loose the 7 really fast if you're really gona try. Then hook up with HB8.5 Good luck
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    Running Away: Going homeless for 4 days

    Vouch. Go for at least a week. If you've really got balls, try 1 month.
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    A little help from Experienced DJ

    No one here will be able to determine your mindset or what your approach to women is. You've got to figure that out yourself. Start by learning the basic fundamentals of the DJ mindset and attitude. Read step one of the DJ Bible and keep going from there. I suggest...
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    If you're seriously unsure whether she'll be receptive to your kiss, lean in to touch her hair, and comment how soft it is. Then look at her lips, then back to her eyes. From the expression on her face you should get whether she wants to or not. If you're clueless, just go for it anyway. Whats...
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    Dude, you gota do this. Absolute must. Learn to bridge things from one to the next and learn the human mating sequence. Get David Deangelos Bridges ebook. If u can't buy it, then d/l it. Human mating sequence is like a dance, all females know it and sadly, hardly any male knows it. When you're...
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    Movies can be really fun if you get things going there. Its really easy. Next time you go to movies, after the previews, when the movie finally starts, say 'come here' and put your arm around her and she'll lie on your chest. And during the movie hold her hand and rub her arm slowly and gently...
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    Strike one - You already made the mistake of confessing to her. Strike two -you're worrying about the fact that all her other boyfriends didn't last long. Go out with her but try not to make mistakes if you want to keep her. Don't be too clingy. By also going on your holiday while yous are...
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    Calling chicks "dude" in conversation..

    I don't think there is a difference, as long as you call her something she's not use to being called when being picked up by a guy. Its got to make her wonder whether you like her. But don't take it too far. Dude is fine.
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    Ahah these are great. They will defenetly help, if you actually do them.
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    Calling chicks "dude" in conversation..

    Yes, I call girls and women, who are not in the friends zone "dude" and "man". It does not put you in their mind into a friends zone. If you're interested in the girl and showing sings that you are, and then you come out and say 'sup dude' or just call her 'dude', you're sending a mixed message...