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  1. C

    People discuss “why is it that women like jerks”?

    By no means claiming to be a DJ, I am only a short ways on the life long path but if it ends in homosex maybe I'll reconsider...:crazy:
  2. C

    Ghost Rider

    300 is going too take my IMAX cherry. I've planned everything out so it will be perfect. Hopefully it won't be too much and ruin me for other lesser theatres...
  3. C

    The Secret Society ("Taken" Women)

    1.Latinoman's advice is spot on. 2.Avoid the ones with a ring or end up in a "Crime of Passion". People get killed over this all the time. 3.There are FAR too many single women to waste time on one(or 3) that is already taken. 4.If you do find yourself with a taken woman or an easy woman...
  4. C

    so I{m in Buenos Aires, now what?

    Start in the same places you would at home. It is up to you, where do you meet women at home? While I was in Argentina, I met women in the supermarket(asked which wine they would reccomend), the plazas, and partying at night. I found the girls in B.A. to be beautiful but many seem to suffer...
  5. C

    DJing your income

    Thanks for the responses guys. Surfing is my passion. I made a mistake and took a job inland. I may have to wait a while longer but I will have to get back to the beach.Soon. While I was here(inland) I took up martial arts because it was a dream of mine since childhood. I was the oldest of...
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    DJing your income

    Guys I am 25, and about a year and a half into a job that I do not like, at all. Some days it is not that bad, which is not good. I often go in miserable, am bored at work, and do not have much interest in the career in general. I have a Masters degree and knew from the first course that I did...
  7. C

    What are you single guys doing on Vday?

    That is complete bull****. I am happily single today. Today is the best and easiest day to find a girl looking for a one night stand. That may not be your cup of tea but it is mine. What am I doing tonight? Banging a girl I haven't met yet. It is my self-fulfilling prophecy. Cut your...
  8. C

    Completed Week 3 of Boot Camp

    I didn't quote that telling him to win the approval of anyone much less an american, or a female. I told him not to give up. If you scroll back he seems pretty low on himself(I think he edited it but it said something to the effect of I am going away for a long while). If it reads like that...
  9. C

    Completed Week 3 of Boot Camp

    Don't Give Up It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who...
  10. C

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    Two notes: 1-when the chick said, big dudes have small wangs...if your friend had any balls he would have whipped out his trouser snake. Sounds like he is seeking a little too much validation from a chick. Are you? 2-Are you juicing brother? Hitting the gym, working out, getting big-those...
  11. C

    Best Halloween costumes for DJ's?

    Freelance gynecologist...but you have to dress up.
  12. C

    how not to be intimidated - pep talk me

    Dude, If they like to travel and they like to talk about themselves, it seems like it should be easy to get some poo-nanny. Just ask them about where they've been, get them talking about themselves, and all the sudden you've switched the script on them. Most girls I've met who've travelled...
  13. C

    When should I call?

    Here is the situation: I met this girl last Wednesday night. I sat down next to her friend and then started to hit on her. I know she was/is interested. The problem, which is not a problem at all, is that I am in South America for the next three weeks on business. I left on Saturday. I usually...
  14. C

    My ex sometimes lets me do her

    Maybe she's doıng you a favor by not f*ckıng you when she gets there that night. It might be that when she gets there, her puzzy ıs filled wıth hıs jızz. But ıf she ıs the slut you make her out to be she'd probably do you anyway cause she would already be horned up. Mıght not be the case but ıt...
  15. C

    did your dads ever give you good advice on girls?

    When my Dad dropped me off at college my girlfriend and mother were with me. There was only about a two minute window when neither my mom or my conniving bytch of a g/f were not around. He said, "Son, blondes are more fun. Brunettes are nothing but trouble. If you f_ck average looking girls...