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  1. L

    GREAT personality vs. SEDUCTIVE personality - big fvcking difference!

    I agree with both of you, a great personality is not all that great if it doesnt attract. Great post Skip
  2. L

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    Angelus is right, looks do matter. First, for the guys who treat women as another species, you have to understand women are also human. They have most of the tastes a man has, just directed to the opposite sex(unless they are lesbians). Think about it, you yourself probably want a woman who...
  3. L

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    Whatever lets you go to sleep at night.
  4. L

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    Amusing, you must have misunderstood me. There is no level I need to reach, my friend. I dont believe that I am better than anyone else in essence, but in reality I just may be. I never in my head think, "Leonardo that is un-alpha", "Leonardo that is a beta thing to do". What I mean is most...
  5. L

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    I understand but I could care less about women making generalizations about men. I consider myself THE MAN rather than a part of men,. But I stick to my words, in my experience most women are very self-concious about their appearance and its rare to find one that's not. And I consider a man who...
  6. L

    Women won`t bring you happiness

    Women are just that women, they are not from venus, they are not gods. Behind the makeup and all that, they are just human beings, they bring with them good and bad. They don't fulfill your life, only you can do that. Like Francisco d'Anconia "Never depend on others to give you things which you...
  7. L

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    Bro, you just proving my point, you don't have true confidence, its just a mask, feminine posture. Only females rely on looks for confidence. There is no such thing as instant confidence, no instant success. Your giving a lot of people who need real help a false hope. Trust Leonardo, you will...
  8. L

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    I completely agree that self-improvement boosts confidence, what I disagree with are unnatural boosts of confidence such as not feeling good about yourself because of haircuts and new clothes as such. But as far as self-improvement goes, Leonardo concurs. Confidence in yourself should never...
  9. L

    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    I completely disagree with your confidence theory skip. What you have is not confidence at all, it's what I call feminine posture. What you think of yourself should never, and I mean never ever depend on exterior factors. This is not exhibiting Male qualities, only females depend on their looks...