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  1. R

    The Best Pick-Up Line EVER

    actualy..i think ur all wrong,..from what i've learned from the site, the best pick up line is no line at all..every situations different and u gotta adapt what u say to that situation, a simple "hi" can start a convo but if u have nothing else to say after it ur gonna look like an...
  2. R

    Friends with girl, starting to see her differently, about to make a move....

    the beauty of this one is, if u feel its just too weird or awkward u can play it off as just a freindly evening, if she confronts u about it saying that she's just looking to be friends and she just doesn't see u that way...just be like..same here, i dunno what made u think i had more then...
  3. R

    garden center girl

    no ideas yet eh
  4. R

    Where are the girls?

    i'm in the same boat as u dawg.... i guess the other guys are right tho..its not so much a set time..just the luck of being in the right place at the right time and then knowing how to handle it.. i wish finding chicks was as easy as going shopping..u hop in a store pick out what u want and make...
  5. R

    garden center girl

    alright fellas, i need some ideas... i'm 22 and do local deliveries with a transport company. i delivered a few times to this greenhouse company. theres a bunch of ppl working trying to get things set up for the spring opening. there was this one girl there and man was she hot, but not just...
  6. R

    Pimping at work advice needed

    try introducing urself to a new place to pick up chicks
  7. R

    Girl at work

    yea..but the girl has a b/f right? unless she's a huge player/slut theres no real reason she's trying to start something...know what i mean? some girls are just friendly like that...unless she's planning on leaving the b/f...if she's not..i really wouldn't want htis girl anyway..if she'll do...
  8. R

    Why are some here so obsessed about women?

    just to add most men do...i think its safe to say we enjoy getting laid...maybe u don't...but that couldb e why u ask such gay questions..sorry..the topic just rattled me for some reason...i'm done now..
  9. R

    Why are some here so obsessed about women?

    yea really eh..we should really start to focus on other topics on the Don Jaun site! maybe cars...moron...
  10. R

    Girl at work

    i agree with pretty much everyone on this thread.. plus it sounds more like she's a "Buddy" then anything... the goofing around and the piggy back rides and all CAN be playful romantically..but it sounds more like she's just wanting to be pals with ya...u've given her every hint...
  11. R

    What's the one most important thing a DJ should be thinking?

    ..and be positive and always leave them wondering. let them WANT to say yes..confuse them if u have to.. i remember iw as at a wedding once and i was pretty drunk so as we all no when a lady see's a drunk guy approaching her first reaction is..eek! run! haha..but i kept it cool and walked over...
  12. R

    well, I finally have a girlfriend and something cool happened. chek it out!

    being a DJ isn't just about picking up chicks..its about changing the way u are. congrats on the g/f but don't be like me and forget everything u've learned...cuz as sad as it is..days months or even years down the road..u might have to get back out there at it again. what i'm saying is if u get...
  13. R

    WHere are these girls

    just a lil side note just wanted to mention how powerful the info on this site is. despite my hopes to go pick up a good girl and all that..i'm still a big fan of goin to bars/clubs and what not..jsut for whatever. well last night me and a couple friends went and for the first time i decided to...
  14. R

    WHere are these girls

    good tho..i do live in a smaller canadian city with just under 70,000 ppl...most older..and the closest city is 3-4 hours away and not much bigger..then there's toronto about 8 or 9 hours from ya..not a very big selection of peeps
  15. R

    WHere are these girls

    wow ..all great valid points! keep'm coming..and i'll keep u guys posted..thanks!!!
  16. R

    WHere are these girls

    no response i guess?
  17. R

    WHere are these girls

    I gotta admit this is definatley the greatest site in the history of the www. I've read a good amount of it..but still have one slight problem. I'm seeming to be getting the hang of the idea of being a dj..but theres one problem. I can't seem to find these girls. like i do go to bars and clubs...