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  1. B

    Two quick questions.

    haha, thanks wc2, ill stop overthinking XD. its not every night usually. just this week that shes wanted me over pretty much every night. don - didnt think of it that way. i had heard stories of girls that ONLY feel close to guys during the sex part. i was just over thinking. over thinking...
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    Two quick questions.

    1 - my girlfriend and i have been together about 2 months. this last week i stayed at the night every night. usually come over later cuz im busy with work and doing other things, so we hang out for a little bit then its straight to the bedroom for some fun then sleep. im curious if i should...
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    question about a situation with girlfriend

    gonna try and keep it short. back when i first met my current girlfriend she had a huge crush on some dude. but he didnt want anymore than random hookups, she wanted a relationship. they would talk every once in awhile, she always ended up getting pissed at him. few months later, she and i...
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    I'm Changing for GOOD!!!!!..My Thread to Self Improvement!

    nice, man. keep it up. im gonna try out that writing things down to help with my procrastination... gonna start writing a list at this moment.
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    Got a date. Some pointers would rock.

    now she wants me to go to the local sex shop with her and her "bestie".like right this instant... interesting.
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    Got a date. Some pointers would rock.

    so i called her a little before i was supposed to be there. "hey, you almost ready?" "oh im not home yet. sorry" "ok we still on for tonigt, right?" yeah ok let me know when youre ready calls me like 10 minutes later: hey im home okay im dropping some stuff off at a friends and ill...
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    My c0kblocking friend

    just do it. motion her over to you, go say hey to her, hell, make a giant sign "HEY (NAME) COME HERE" lol idk, do something. you wont get anywhere by sitting around wondering how to talk to her.
  8. B

    Got a date. Some pointers would rock.

    igetit!: thanks, thats exactly why i asked... didnt wanna come off as needy haha XD jcballin: lol, smooth :P. ill keep that in mind; dont get lazy! lol
  9. B

    Got a date. Some pointers would rock.

    thanks for the advice guys. i just dont wanna make a lame mistake and end up in the friendzone lol. also, another question. date is set for tomorrow at around 7. should i call her up a little before hand and say "hey dont forget ill be at your place at 7"? (she doesnt have a car.. lame) i...
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    Got a date. Some pointers would rock.

    Ok, first off, the girl. She rode my bus back in high school, never really talked to her or anything. I was always listening to my mp3 player, talking with friends or sleeping. Recently she kept popping up on the "people you may know" for myspace so i added her. Couple days later i sent her a...
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    need som advice on burning more fat

    alrighty, cool beans. thanks much :) alright, advice taken, gonna start that up tomorrow morning.
  12. B

    need som advice on burning more fat

    alrighty. im trying to cut out sugar, but its tough haha. always have it around the house with my parents and brother. completely cut out grains? i thought it was good to have some in your diet? i tend to eat mostly those on a regular basis, probably too much beef sometimes though haha. i...
  13. B

    need som advice on burning more fat

    so me and my buddy have been working out 3 days a week, every week, since october. were both happy with our muscle mass, for now. right now we are mainly trying to lose more fat/get more toned. mainly around the belly region and pec region. ive heard low weight, high rep helps burn more fat...
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    How to stop slouching?

    just keep checking yourself basically. every few minutes or so if you have to, and if youre slouching correct it. i know sometimes its easy to forget stuff like that when you get busy, but just try and keep it in the back of your mind so anytime you feel yourself slouching you can fix it.
  15. B

    i need some inspiration please help me..

    i agree with both ItsTheAttitude and EvilAgenda. stick with it, youre bettering yourself. dont let anyone stop you.
  16. B

    need some advice to get this back on track.

    first off, banged her same night i made the call. first time having sex as a single man :) woo haha. i told her maybe saturday, because i usually have plans but if some time opened up ill see what i can do. i dont think im being needy. ive let her come to me every time except that call...
  17. B

    need some advice to get this back on track.

    ok, called her up, she wants to hang out for a bit tonight. then something saturday.
  18. B

    need some advice to get this back on track.

    yeah, i dont know why i didnt just call her after a couple texts. and i know her excuses were legit, cuz she has been back and forth between her house and her bros the past 2 weeks moving and whatnot. and all her friends know her mom is a horrible alcoholic. and it was her idea for me to come...
  19. B

    need some advice to get this back on track.

    wall of text incoming :O alright here goes. theres a chick who apparently has had a huge thing for me for a couple months. i didnt know she had a thing for me at the time, and i randomly texted her out of boredom, and we had a long text convo. hung out a couple days later, she took my jacket...