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    Steroids for working out

    Steroids are awesome. I recommend heavy overdosing, so you can look like Ronnie Coleman. Your workouts are gonna be great; the pills are guaranteed to make you a real-life Hulk. Imagine that! The masculine charms of your steroid-chiseled physique will make the ladies faint and wet their...
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    2 totally unrelated questions

    Dig the Funk, I second that.
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    Relationship Dilemma

    How do you maintain your macking skills while you're having an exclusive relationship with a girl? I've got the girl I really love, but every relationship has an end, unless you marry her. The key to DJing is action, but how do I retain my knowledge without hitting on girls left and right?
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    From the beginning to the very end.

    Another (overdue) bump.
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    Asking for Number

    What do you think? Had this idea when I couldn't fall asleep last night : ***fluff convo*** You: Would you think I was hitting on you if I asked for your phone number? Her: Yeah. You: (clever, confident smile) Can I have your phone number? I haven't tried it, but I think this could...
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    Wit Lessons

    Great stuff, guys. I like the pairing of examples with explanations. This really provides a window of access into understanding the mindset of being witty. I'm hungry for more. :cool:
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    Witty lines, and turning the tables on a female

    A sharp wit is an extremely desirable commodity for a DJ. I can't imagine how to train this muscle, except with life's experience. This is what makes it so precious. Cloud, if you know some shortcuts to this arduous route, please share your advice with this forum. We'll be eternally...