Wit Lessons


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Right, I've had a lot of interest about guys wanting to learn how to be witty. It's a pretty great talent to have, all things concidered, but many seem to think its something you have or you dont. I want to buck the trend, anything is possible if you work at it.

But wit is a *****.

Still, aparently I'm quite witty, and I believe there is a definite science behind humor and wit. Somethings are funny, some aren't- but why the **** are they like that? And how the hell did that guy just come up with that hillariously funny comment on the spot!? Wit is hard to learn because it's the product of many different skills, and knowlege. But i submit it can be learnt, and hopefully this will help those who want to put some work in.

Problem is it might be a thing you've either got or you havent. That would kinda take a dump on how I see the world and my entire mindset, so please give this a go or I will feel royally stupid.



Salacious D

Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
Strawberry Fields
If you want to be funny, and witty, you might learn a thing or two from watching The Daily Show on Comedy Central. For people who just want to laugh, it's probably the funniest show on television, but for people who want to [try to] dig deeper, it has a lot of social commentary you can pay attention to. I would also suggest looking for something that interests you other than video games and MTV, like science, biology, history, etcetera. Try learning a different language, or even just pay closer attention to English and how complicated it is. I guess if you don't consider yourself witty (and if no one else does hehe) then you need to expand your horizons. I've always found history interesting, but I know that isn't the same way with everyone else. I read history books in my spare time--I'd suggest Zinn's A People's History of the United States and JM Roberts' A Short History of the World, if you are in fact interested. Getting into philosophy is always cool as well, try Nietzsche, Plato, or Rousseau. Bear in mind that if you're going to read philosophy you need to be a good reader, you need to concentrate on what you're reading.

That feels better. Feel free to ask any questions, I usually just read the forum for little tips here and there, but I'll check back here later.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Breaking it Down

Ok, let's take what we're after here apart. Wit is a word that has been thrown around a lot, but I'm going to take it to mean "the art of quick minded responce".

And for us, this is in responce to conversation and the outside world, and the responce is intended to be funny.

And here is where I'd like to say what I'm not trying to make a guide to. It is my opinion that very few, if any, people in this world frequently think up totally original and funny comments on the spot straight off, with no previous knowlege of comedy. It's like a first time painter painting a portrait- it'll end up looking rubbish because the guy has had no experience. To be witty, and not be a genius, it is far easier to work on witty comments you've heard.

The contents of my posts will not be everything you'll need to be able to snap out witty comments on the spot. As I just said, I'm taking the approach that you need previous comic knowledge. Therefor, I'm seeing being witty as a 4 part thing. And this is why its a difficult thing to master, all 4 have to be in place for your **** to come together.

These 4 are your conversational skills, your ability to think quickly, your comic knowledge, and your audience/surroundings/self.

I will explain how each of these is a main factor in what we call your wit.

Conversational skill is your ability to talk. Its a huge topic, but basicly we're after being able to deliver a comment, tell a joke, describe an object and present a story. We're not just talking about saying it, we're talking about delivery- voices, vocabulary, timeing, speed and more. Its a very useful skill to have though.

Quick thinking is pretty essential, since we're after quick wit, which is where this differs from stand up comedy, and simply telling a joke. It's the art of picking up things from the outside world, making them funny, and delivering them within a reasonable time. Sadly, reasonable is usually about a second.

Comic knowlege is your brain's joke book. This is important because I'm taking the view that instead of plucking a funny comment from nowhere, you can apply a joke you know to something you come into contact with in the outside world, and are able to change the base joke so it becomes applicable. Yet more things for you to do in that one second of time:rolleyes: !

Finally, your audience and surroundings are vital, as are you. Your audience will change, and you need to be able to change with it. Your surroundings will change too, and you'll need to be observant to actually find things to be witty about. Last is yourself. If your ****ting yourself over weather you comment will be funny, its more likely to go wrong. Plus you have to have balls to speak out, and not be disheartened by jokes that dont quite hit home....but I'm sure if you follow this guide you wont have any of those;) And of course there's possibly the biggest challenge of all, turning the science and theory into something natural.

So, that's the 4 huge nasty sections. I'm guessing some of you will be pretty good at one or 2, but not all. If you suck at them all, that's ok, you've just got a lot of work to do:D For example, you might be your schools top public speaker, but you cant think up anything on the spot. Or you might be hillarious to your close friends but sieze up with people you dont know. That's why wit is a *****, if all 4 aint there, what comes out (if anything) will probably bomb.

Well, I'll start with some stuff to do and some real advice in my next post. At least now you know where I'm going with this:D


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
This is looking great! I'm really interested to see where this is going.

Mr. Latte

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
Wit isn't about having funny things to say. It's about saying everyday, mundane things, and making them funny. With is 10% in the content, and 90% in the delivery and timing. You just have to get it down to a second nature.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Guess what? Yeah, it all starts with mindset!

First some replies:
Cheers Sammo, I hope this works out well, could I have a few more posts just to check that people are interested- as well as criticism on my basic view of wit- I just want to know I'm going the right way:)
Mr. Latte, I agree. Wit isn't about having funny things to say, it's not stand up comedy, and its not "knock knock" jokes. Most of it is delivery, timeing, and observation. But it helps if you've seen some comedy before, because you can apply jokes you hear to the mundane things, creating a witty comment nice and easy:) After that, coming up with fairly original comments becomes much easier. At least thats the view I'm taking.

Right, the first thing I'd like to say can actually be shown. Think about this. Serious people are very rarely funny. Serious people also tend to have about as much social skills as death, waste their lives in dead end jobs, dont take risks, and dont seem to have any fun.

So, lets start with the last part of number 4. YOU.

I've had a few PMs saying that people think they are far too serious, and they see this as killing their wit. I think that's fair enough, a lot of my personal mindset is not to treat life to seriously. Recently I had a girl cheat on me with 8 of my mates, now I laugh about it ( I admit, it was a bit less funny at the time, and since I keep bringing it up I'm sure I'm hurt about it...ho hum). Heh heh, I think I'm a DJ and I cant even keep a girl down! It pays to laugh at yourself. Its attractive.

This is basicly your DJ mindset, not being so uptight, having a laugh, and relaxing. A funny thing about having a laugh and being witty is that it allows you to relax and untense, but you're also far funnier when your relaxed. Go figure!

Still, trust me on this, if you think you're too uptight and you take things too seriously, its a mindset problem. Do a search for people that talk about it better than me. Maybe you'll want to tackle that first, but I think learning to tell jokes and be witty helps relax you anyway, so give it a shot if you cant seem to chill out.

I'm not going to tell you how to sort your mindset out, as I've said its been done better. But once you can relax around strangers, laugh at yourself, and let petty things go, you'll be in a much better position to be funny. And you have to have the confidence to take a risk and be funny. Everyone makes bad jokes, but admit it was awful and have a laugh at yourself! It's better than keeping your mouth shut for your life because someone might not laugh. As always, just grab your balls and say it.

If you're all doom and gloom dont worry, you be unhappy for the rest of your life, but you can still be funny. But it might be more laugh at than with, if you catch my drift.

Anyway, you have to see life as funny, and this will tie in with observation. You have to be able to laugh at things, serious things. If you can laugh at iraq and september the 11th you're there.

But this is the point that most of you will need, its being able to laugh at stuff, not finding the whole thing funny. Both aren't very funny events, actually their saddening and terrible especially for those directly affected (and surviving), but you must be able to at least find aspects of it funny. Think about all the ripping the piss out of Bin Laden, but no one makes a film called "carry on killing americans with planes" and releases it in cinemas across the country.

You must be able to laugh at stuff, but be able to draw the line. Not only does this mean you have to be able to stand up for yourself and even show you're angry when the time is right, but also to know when a joke is inapropriate. Dead baby jokes- funny with your mates late at night when pissed off your face, not funny with the pope. See where I'm going here? Nothing kills your comedy faster than a joke that is not funny because it offends.

So, your first task, work on your mindset, but be concious of your audience . Your jokes should work with who you're talking too. Get it bang on, as in make it something your audience can directly relate to (example, the opposite sex to an all male crowd) and the audience will eat out of your hand. Mess it up by eather being offensive or making jokes about something your audience can't relate too and you wont be funny.

Remember, you're funny if your audience thinks so. If you're the only one laughing, that makes you wierd.

The final thing is your surroundings. Now, being witty is not stand up comedy. You ahve to make a funny comment quickly about something you sense (see, hear, smell etc). So you have to observe! EVERYTHING CAN BE SEEN AS FUNNY- BUT YOU HAVE TO SEE IT FIRST! So be observant. This is something you will ahve to teach yourself to do. Next time you are out, look for things you can make a joke about, odd items of clothing, the way people walk, statues in odd positions, advice than can be easily misinterpreted, and the oddly shaped turnip in your kitchen- there are so many it stupid. But you have to see them. This will get easier after watching comedy and learning about a few ways you can easily make a witty comment.

So, now you see that how you see the world, who's listening to you, and what you're making a joke about are all intrinsic to being witty. We havent even got to actually being funny yet! Still, you have to keep this in your mind and work on it. Post all the things you saw today, and what funny stuff you could say about it. Think about what would make specific people you know crack up. Think about yourself, and how a great guy like yourself will soon have people rolling on the floor laughing, and think about how life is better lived with a smirk;) .


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
I keep up with allot of current events and politics, and compare some of those stituations to stuff that happens daily life. Also when you wanna make a funny remark or comment its good to just come outta the blue with it and then shut up or switch topics, you really don't want to overstretch it. Try to obeserve thing and or person and really think before you say it,(if it sounds funny to you and its not off the wall, then alot times it is.) The tone and way you say it also makes a difference. I have heard guys say stuff that is totally off the wall and stupid, but the way and how they said made everyone crack up. Remember when people consider you a smart ass its a good thing:D


Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2002
Reaction score
I don't know where I'm coming from
I suppose I'll chime in on this, because a good wit will get you into and out of many, many situations.

The basis of humor is seeing or hearing something we didn't expect to see or hear. For a small example, my buddy likes to tell jokes so stupid they're funny. He's been telling this one lately: "I once knew a guy with one leg named Steve." I'd heard it before, so I go "What was the other leg's name?" And we all have a good chuckle. A rudimentary example taken out of context, yes, but an example nonetheless. Humor is what you weren't expecting. That's why sarcasm and irony are so popular. I was at a dance the other night, and the girl next to me (referring to the breakdancing circle) says "Wow, look at it. It's so big." Try as I might, I have to say "That's what my girlfriend said." I'm always finding new ways to use that one. :)

Always look for what wouldn't normally be said, because that will often be the funniest. The cheerleaders at my school do seven pushups every time we score a touchdown. Their was a new girl that was a bit...husky, and could barely crank out one. I say to my buddy, "Look at the fat one go! I think I can hear squealing!" It makes me an *******, but it got a big laugh.

Also, a habit I have to break and that annoys me to no end, is going "heh" at the end of every joke. I try not to laugh at my own jokes unless the other person is cracking up or unless they actually think I'm serious. Jokes are much funnier when they stand alone. Any um, like, or something like that, chuckle to finish off a sentence, etc. should be dropped from your vocab anyway.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
There are lots of types of humor. I'm naturally a pretty funny guy. That being the case I don't really think about being funny often (much in the same way guys that naturally get lots of girls don't think of dating often) I once heard someone say that absurdity is the basis for humor. I don't not agree.

It's all about your own style. My favorite people are people that are funny completely different than I.

Here's an example: a friend girl of mine from school told me a story about a guy we both know. Matt. What makes Matt funny is that he doesn't talk too often. He's very aloof.

So she, Matt, and some other girl are in a car. Some guys try to pick the girls up and they aren't being very receptive. One of the guys in the other car screamed out of the window "show us your boobs!"

Naturally, the girls weren't happy about it. So about 5 minutes later Matt says from the back seat in a very genuine voice "so girls don't like it when you say 'show us your boobs?'"


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York

But first- replies time!

Something I'm noticing is that the guys who are replying to this post all seem to be naturals. This is great in that anyone reading this is getting lots of good info, but bad in the same way you cant really ask a jerk why he's good with girls. They have an idea, probably, but they're not going to explain it to you, as they have no need to sit down and think about it.
If you dont mind guys who've replied with advice, I'd like to add your input into the lessons part of this thread- I am by no means the worlds leading authority on humor, but a lot of the stuff you are saying is hitting serious chords with me. I concider myself a natural too, and you just sorta feel when someone has the right idea. I'm not saying you didn't think about what you are saying, I'd just like to take it, and get further into why it works.

Anyway- lets continue!

Go do your homework.

Ok, it is my opinion that by watching comedy videos you will improve your wit. However the feeling I'm getting is that "naturals" here think this is irelevent (well ok, I dont, I think they think the same I do, but I need something to argue against, so nob off.).

It's a good point, because wit is not stand up. Being a funny guy may be lovely, but you need to be funny, a cunning linguist, quick witted and observant to fulfil my criteria of being witty. STanding up and reciting pre-planned comedy routines or coppied stuff is not being witty (it is being funny though, just with a bit less soul).

They instead say
Wit isn't about having funny things to say. It's about saying everyday, mundane things, and making them funny. With is 10% in the content, and 90% in the delivery and timing.
YES! I agree, that is good stuff, but where does that leave the aspireing DJ, who wishes to better himself? I think it will help him to have a base. A base of what is funny. Some ideas, that will then spark off his own. I therefor think that watching stand up, and any other kind of comedy, will ony give him a clearer picture of what is funny, and the different types of funny.

I agree though, comic knowledge is a major part of being funny, but not in the way I first thought. We're moving onto something that hasn't been suggested yet, so this is purely speculation. but its my speculation so just treat it as right and get on with learning to be funny. If I realise I'm BSing you I'll say so.

Anyway- comic knowlege is not watching Adam Sandler movies and stand up comedy. Its recognising why something is funny. Admitedly watching stand up is a good way to work on it, but you have to know what you are doing.

Ok, we've had a few examples, lets take this one:-
I once knew a guy with one leg named Steve." I'd heard it before, so I go "What was the other leg's name?"
Ok, actually that may not seem so funny to a reader, but that's because it's out of context. Anyway, WHY IS IT FUNNY? When you have the answer to this, you will begin to have a comic knowlege.

Ask yourself, what kind of comedy is it? Well, what kinds are their? I can't being to mention them all, but try using words like derogatory, slap stick, black comedy, irony, poetic justice, proleptic humor (when it's funny to the audience as they know something the character doesn't), anti climax, confusing humor, a joke that's funny because it's clever, sick humor, satirical humor, those jokes which are so unfunny they are funny, jokes that play on words, and humor that is funny because it paints a vivid and funny picture through words. Then of course their is humor that is funny because it sounds funny, as in the teller makes funny noises, or uses long pauses for effect. Jokes told in funny voices, tones, and accents. Then there is jokes that are funny because of hand movements, and visual stimulus. Mime. There are more, and all can be combines with each other. Get what I'm saying here? Natural's may say "bah! but that is obvious! It does not even need thought!" but I know there are those that have never thought about WHY something is funny.

To me, being funny is in the same league as being sucessful with girls. I love making people laugh. I love laughing. I love being able to show I'm a quick, funny WITTY individual, and I'm going to share it with everyone, because they'll feel good after I do it, and I'll feel good too. Being a DJ is not about girls, it's about self improvement. Making people laugh is something I love- and it's probably more important than girls to me.

Back to the point, by comic knowlege I mean being able to see why things are funny. I'd say that last joke is...so bad its funny!heh heh:p -ok ok...but I'm sure its that mixed with anticlimax and a little bit of clever humor throw in. Maybe it's just silly humor, like shouting penis really loudly in a crowded place. Yes, that is still funny, especially when drunk.

Lets try one more:
"so girls don't like it when you say 'show us your boobs?'"
Ah, this is a new kind, its funny because the guy is acting like he is an idiot. Like he clearly doesn't have a clue. You see what I mean? Watch some stand up, and understand why the jokes are funny.

Manage that, and you'll have a great base to create your own jokes. When you understand the mechanics of what makes a comment funny, you will be in a great position to learn what by many is seen as about 90% of being witty- delivery.

That is going to be a ***** of a post....


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
Im liking this thread! :D


New Member
Apr 29, 2003
Reaction score
Great stuff, guys.

I like the pairing of examples with explanations. This really provides a window of access into understanding the mindset of being witty.

I'm hungry for more. :cool:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2002
Reaction score
I don't know where I'm coming from
Yes, this was an overdue thread, and many thanks to Cloud for putting it together.

The leg joke...you would have had to have been there.

How many times has everyone had to say that? And how embarassing is it when you have to deliver that line? Here's a comedy tip: Don't tell stories that are taken out of context (I used my little joke as an example, so that counts.) If you can tell a funny story, by all means do it, but make sure you have the end in mind. I think it's Miller Lite that has the line of commercials where they all tell funny stories over beer. My favorite is the guy that thinks someone else took his wallet, takes his wallet back from the other guy, goes home and finds out he left his own wallet at home, and mistakenly took the other guy's wallet. You see him chasing down the "thief" at the end, trying to return his wallet. (I just said wallet five times.) That's an example of a good story to tell.

As for watching stuff to improve your wit, I highly recommend it. But, that's only if you enjoy it and don't treat it like homework-wit is natural and should come to you, not be forced into you. One of the best shows around is Daria. I especially love Jane's wit. She's a great example. Look around for re-runs. A show I enjoy is Whose Line is it Anyway? Yes, it can get corny, but most often it is hilarious. I've played most of the games in acting and improv classes, and it's harder than it looks. Then of course there's Seinfeld, the Simpsons, Family Guy, Black Adder, Chapelle's Show, South Park, etc.

Anyway, to recap my blathering, to improve your wit, don't tell "you had to have been there stories," and watch Daria, the Simpsons, and British comedies starring Rowan Atkinson.

I think I'll gather up a big list of "homework." My little list above doesn't do nearly enough.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Delivery, Part 1

There was a teacher at my old school, a short, old teacher who wore glasses and looked like Woody Allen. No, he looked like a personification of Woody Allen. Like a cartoon. The man never shouted, and was quite quiet.

He was a pretty good teacher, but this was accentuated by the fact that most of the other teachers were rubbish. As I said, he was quite quiet, but he wasn't afraid to talk. What he did say was pretty much genius, and he's sort of the reason I realised i could write this post- that you could teach wit.

He once held a lecture on public speaking. This was basicly a guide to delivery. It was pretty short, and to the point, and sadly I'm not sure if I can remember all of it, but I'll make up for that with stuff I'll add to it. This is good stuff not only for being able to deliver a joke, but being able to talk in general. I think he would agree that in fact, all talking is public. Unless you're mad.

So, you're telling a joke. You've been able to observe you're surrondings. You see a girl with a mini skirt so short it begs you to say something. You walk up by her with a smile, and with a slight nod and say ...hmmm..."nice belt."

Visualise me saying that. There's a lot that goes into that, not just saying it. And what isn't simply saying "nice belt" in one tone to her face is what we call delivery.

In this post, Delivery, Part 1, I want to give you a crash course in what my teacher called "public speaking". I will deal with timeing and becoming mentally quick in my next post probably, but for this one I wish to concentrate on delivery. Some of these ideas may be more for telling a joke, talking to a group, or something that is not really making a witty comment. I know this, I'm just giving you more lovely information.

Tip No. 1. JOIN A DRAMA GROUP. Guess what? There are people you can pay money to for this information. And give you proper lessons in posture, delivery and lots of other great stuff. You can probably do a course. It will help, a lot, so if you can get some cash together (might be able to blag it to your parents...? ie. you not pay? Comprendez?)

Tip No. 2. Silence is powerful. This is basic pausing. If you wnat effect, shut up before you say it.

Tip No. 3. Work on your voice. You delivery will suck if your voice blows. If you talk to fast no one will understand what you are saying. If your accent is very odd and people have to ask what that last word you said was, you've got work to do. Plus a deep male voice sounds sexier, so work on it. Same goes for if you speak very quiet.

Tip No. 4. Know what tone/voice/volume to speak in. If you're telling an...Englishman/ Irishman/ Scotsman joke, do the ****ING ACCENTS! Some things are funnier shouted, some are funier whispered. Just add some stuff to the mix, and get some variety. Be interesting!

Tip No. 5. Tell a story. People love them, this post started off with one. They just generally rock. Repetition is good in jokes too, but if you're saying something funny, recalling a funny story or what ever, DO NOT JUST STATE WHAT HAPPENED. Set the scene, make your story as cliche'd and over the top as possible. Make it wacky. Unless you're telling it sarcasticly, or darkly, then make it so dark and sombre its funny. In a book I once read, the character's description of a room was-

"It was quite musky, a square room, fitted out in browns and greys. There as an old, un used fireplace, unused as the heart was home to decorative, wilted flowers. There was a dull chair, a drab desk, and a boring bookshelf. On the desk was a picture, its bright red frame the only thing in the room to catch my eye. Well, that and the mutilated body nailed to the wall..."

You see? Its so sombre, and intensely descriptive, that you could not image a human being walking into the room and noticing things in that order. Hence a very black humor emerges.

Tip No. 6. Delivery is not just words. Its body language. You MUST accentuate what you are saying with hand movements, your expression, and every part of your body. Want to tell a good joke? Get up and mime it. Look silly, you're only looking silly if you didn't intend to look silly in the first place. Be creative, be fun.

A little personal advice...

Ok, so you can follow all this, but its a lot to take in. I just want to tell you something I do, which makes things work very well.

Actually, I do two things. I learn how authors create literary impact (by paying attention in english lessons....damn, can you sence the effort i put in?!) and I create characters.

Authors are cunning people, they have a load of different weapons in their arsenal to be interesting and create impact. These are concepts such as repetition, onomatopoaeic words and phrases (where a word sounds like the noise it denotes- such as a dog's bark, a bell's ring, and the thud of a dropped case), anti-climax or bathos, suprise in plot twists, and creating tension and elicting emotions from the reader.

All can be used in speach, and probably easier. But you mush, and this is a huge must, EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY! Read a dictionary if you have to, and write down interesting words. This is good because it increases your ability to describe things, make's you a better linguist, makes you sound smarter than you are, and big words (or should I say polysylabic? Screw spelling, I can say it:)) can be funny, or add to humor, especially when you...

...USE THEM IN A CHARACTER! One thing I find very funny at the moment is going into a really out of place voice and using lots of stupidly big words. Recently, my dad pointed out my mum had bought this rele crappy new clock and stuck it on the fireplace. It's a really cack clock. Anyway, he asks me "What do you think of it?" I turn to my mum and say "Well done mother, you have further defiled this ornate sanctuary of a dwelling". This is in a voice that makes it sound more like "wewl dun mova, you av futha defiled dis sanctuary of a dwelling." Think any character from snatch, two smoking barrels, or the italien job. It works because it sounds so out of place.

And it doesn't matter if the words are a bit out of context, no one gives a ****.

So, try saying things in an odd character for comic effect. Like using a "dirty old man voice", I dunno what would be suitable in the US, butin Britain, the word combine harvister must be said in a yorkshire voice. Its basicly law. That's basicly what I'm talking about, dont just use voices to add to a joke, use them to MAKE the joke.

Just to let you know, I'm planning on two more lessons, one on timeing and actually becoming quick, and the last on little tricks of the trade or things that dont fit in anywhere else.

Also, a habit I have to break and that annoys me to no end, is going "heh" at the end of every joke. I try not to laugh at my own jokes unless the other person is cracking up or unless they actually think I'm serious. Jokes are much funnier when they stand alone. Any um, like, or something like that, chuckle to finish off a sentence, etc. should be dropped from your vocab anyway.
Bit like that really...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
LA, California
this study of humor is rather interesting.....
however I find that it is far too complex to *explain* to a person how to be witty..... it's just not possible. Wit comes in too many shapes and sizes. It's just.... a mindset, as you said. You can't explain how to be witty; it can only come from yourself.

listening to people be witty, adn then field-testing your own wit, I believe, is the only way to achieve wittiness. You HAVE to pay attention to reactions, to find what works best.

BTW - I think drama is great and all (big fan myself), but ifyou REALLY wanan sharpen your wit, IMPROV is the way to go!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
LA, California
I like watching/listening to different types of humors; becuase they can all vary so much, and I can often learn new ways of being funny.

For example. Who woulda thought that some stupid action being repeated for too long would be funny? It doesn't soudn funny. It's dumb, it's repetitive. After seeing it for 3 seconds you get bored.
Well, actually, it's interesting. Watch Family Guy. Every now and then, there will be an action that is pushed for *JUST* a little too long, AND IT'S FUNNY!
Example: in the episode where Death comes to take PEter away (the first one), Death pretends to laugh at Peter (you have to see it), and Lois keeps trying to ask him a question, but every time death cuts her off to laugh. You'd think it gets repetitive, but after about the third time audiences start to crack up!

Then you can watch britcoms. In britcoms, the actors are very witty; but they act as though they weren't. They just say their lines so casually and nonchalantly it's as though they were saying every-day conversational lines (but; they are actually witty goldmines :)).

All types of shows have different types of humors; and you can learn from all of them.

Well, besides that, I find there are two types of humor which always get the best laughs:
first, putting an unexpected twist on something. This of course branches into different sub-categories; one of my favorite being acting like an ignorant person on a subject (where something that is obvious is a total "shock" to me). A good example is the "so girls don't like it when guys say show us your boobs?" above)
The second is call-backs. It's when you reference an old situation. I don't know why it's funny, but it simply is. It's like an inside joke. It's very enjoyable.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
^^^^ you say its funny I'm trying to explain humor? heh heh, but don't you see as soon as you say that you then start to classify what types of humor are the funniest?

Heh heh, of course you can explain humor, it's just brain processes, on it's most basic level its just physics. Just because no one on this board has done an in depth thing into humor yet doesn't mean it cant be done (personly I think what I'm saying is pretty good).

The way I see is that we can go into a huge debate about how humor should come from you naturally, and that if we philosophise and try to classify it we wont get anywhere. Sound familiar? Sounds a bit like an article in the bible by Pook. You know, about being a testosteronised male. It is true, acting like a testosteronised male gets results, but that will just confuse the newbies who know nothing of what that means.

The way I see it is that you learn why what works works, then you begin to copy it, usually with some sucess- but as was said in the post "imitation is suicide". When you know how to do something you eventually assimilate it into part of you without any effort. You cant tell an unfunny guy the way to be funny is to act funny.

Simillarly sitting a guy infront of a tv with comedy shows wont help very much because he doesn't understand why he is laughing, and he wont be able to then in turn be funny as he wont be in the right, spontanious frame of mind and he wont be able to deliver something in a funny way. If he can do all these things, he's naturally funny and doesn't need this post.

Anyway, I'm glad someone said that you can't teach humor, I needed to put those thoughts into words.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Delivery, Part 2: Timeing.

"Time, timeing and times, we'll go over these time and time again."

Because they are what separates being funny from being witty.

Let me get something through to you, You're 90% of the way there if you can say something relevant quickly after seeing or hearing something.

You can understand all of the stuff here, but if you cant slam down that witty comment fast enough after the event you're not where you want to be. This kiddies, is crunch time, because this is something you are going to have to work at.


The problem is, I know what I mean, and you know what I mean. It's that mental agility that allows you to get the witty comment out there with perfect timeing, delivery, and everyone cracks up. Problem is you'll now be expecting me to explain how exactly to understand and have this agility. Problem is I cant, I agree with seloifter partially on this topic, I cant explain to you how to be mentally agile, I can give you an ide aon how to develop it, but you WILL NOT be able to read what I write and become mentally agile through it.

But i can give you help.

I dont feel I have to describe what you are after anymore, but you have to, HAVE TO get out in the world and at least say something, anything, when you see something you think you could make a witty comment about.

And to do this you need all the stuff we've talked about. Confidence, delivery, observation, all these things will make you funny. But you have to bring them together to say the comment quickly enough, and think of it in the first place quicly enough to actually be witty. And then you have to refine this, by being able to hold yourself back for the smallest fraction of a second, to give it the right effect, and this is called timeing. That will come with delivery though, so all we're dealing with, the final part, is being able to think the joke up and say the joke in time.

You know you're going to have to go out and just keep making comments, lots of probably badly delivered ones, which aren't funny, untill **** starts to click. So do it, do it all the time. If you're a starting DJ this will be easier, take advantage of the fact no one likes you and just give it all you can :D

But here's some hints to get you on your way...

Access your data bank. You've been watching lets of comedy right? And worked out why its funny? Good, wll if you can adapt a joke you've heard to fit the situation you're in now, you can cut valuable seconds off your thinking time. Look at this:

EVENT------>(thinking time)------>COMMENT....(result)

Something happens, you have to give it time to sink in, and to come up with a joke. Then you have to say it. The result could be laughing, it could be you getting shot.

What we've done is to improve your COMMENT and improve your awareness to spot an EVENT. Now we are cutting down the (thinking time).

Please understand that the comment you make might not be the best one you could have come out with, but the fact that you get one out at all is the main thing. REMEMBER THAT.

So, use your knowledge and build on that. That's the reason i suggest watching comedy. Other than that, make a concious effort to be able to manipulate language and thoughts better. Take a drama class, do crosswords, play word games (best if they're timed). For example, always try to play that gave where you ahve to say a word, then the other person says something that is connected to it as quickly as possible. The main thing at the moment is you get something out.

Seriously, you just have to keep at it, for many reasons, not least that when you get a good joke about a fairly common event, you can just add on it everytime! You're going to have real trouble if your really not mentally agile at all, but if you really work at it, improving your vocab and you verbal skills, then you wont need to think about it so much. Lowering your thinking time comes from mastering all the other parts of being funny. So master them.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Tricks of the trade

Sorry this post got a bit (a bit?!?!) lengthy, it's a big topic, and I feel I've presented it pretty well, and this is the last bit. Just sort of little things that will help ya out:)

I guess if you don't consider yourself witty (and if no one else does hehe) then you need to expand your horizons. I've always found history interesting, but I know that isn't the same way with everyone else. I read history books in my spare time--I'd suggest Zinn's A People's History of the United States and JM Roberts' A Short History of the World, if you are in fact interested. Getting into philosophy is always cool as well, try Nietzsche, Plato, or Rousseau. Bear in mind that if you're going to read philosophy you need to be a good reader, you need to concentrate on what you're reading.
Lets start with this- exactly as he says- BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS! Think of wit as a celebration of all that life has for you to do in it. Keep up with current events, and generally do more things, cook for example! Have a thirst for knowledge, do this and you will improve your wit, and your life, no end.

(if it sounds funny to you and its not off the wall, then alot times it is.)
This is a gut instinct thing. Its just like girls, you can swat up all you like, and this will help, but you ahve to go on your gut intinct. Have some faith in your skills. The best seducer is a DJ, not a jerk. He knows his stuff, he improves himself, he knows he can get girls, and he goes on his gut instincts, he takes risks. The only reason on the planet the most witty guy is not a DJ too is because its not something we have singled out as something to aquire. As a group, we can have that too.

Always look for what wouldn't normally be said, because that will often be the funniest. The cheerleaders at my school do seven pushups every time we score a touchdown. Their was a new girl that was a bit...husky, and could barely crank out one. I say to my buddy, "Look at the fat one go! I think I can hear squealing!" It makes me an *******, but it got a big laugh.
No.1- look for what wouldn't normally be said. No.2- If you really aren't witty, just make fun of someone. Sadly, you will get a laugh, at the expence of the other person. I'd like to say, I do not condone derogatory humor (frankly its just like racism is my books) unless that person has done something to piss you off. If they make that mistake, they're all yours, rip this piss all you like!

Also, a habit I have to break and that annoys me to no end, is going "heh" at the end of every joke. I try not to laugh at my own jokes unless the other person is cracking up or unless they actually think I'm serious. Jokes are much funnier when they stand alone. Any um, like, or something like that, chuckle to finish off a sentence, etc. should be dropped from your vocab anyway.
Yup, kill that umming and err ing. It makes you sound uncertain and it just sucks. If you dont know what to say, dont say anything. If you have an idea of what to say, just say it.

The leg joke...you would have had to have been there.
How many times has everyone had to say that? And how embarassing is it when you have to deliver that line? Here's a comedy tip: Don't tell stories that are taken out of context (I used my little joke as an example, so that counts.) If you can tell a funny story, by all means do it, but make sure you have the end in mind.
Ergo, if you're going to tell a funny story, or a joke you said some other time, TELL IT LIKE A STORY! You MUST MUST MUST explain the situation to your audience, and well, so they can practically smell the surroundings. If you cant, dont tell the joke. You will get that feeling in your gut it wont go down a hit, but your head will say "no! it was funny then! It will be now!" Listen to your gut.

Then you can watch britcoms. In britcoms, the actors are very witty; but they act as though they weren't. They just say their lines so casually and nonchalantly it's as though they were saying every-day conversational lines (but; they are actually witty goldmines ).
The classic smart man plaing an idiot pretending to be smart always works. Acting thick works, its easy, and its a good thing to start with. Read my part about developing a character. Make the stupid fool your character, and get the voice right!

Play on your audience. Your joke may be immature, but if it gets a laugh it doens't really matter. Think about it, especially some of you younger guys, you can probably get by just by making a comment about ejeculation everytime anyone says come. Through some penis, vagaina, and period jokes into the mix and it really is easy to have an imature and simple grasp at being witty. I still get laughs with the term "period juice" anytime any red liquid is seen.

Some may argue that doing this, as well as being derogatory to others is not true wit. They are, they may not be what you want to do, but they're always an option. They're just not jokes for a family dinner (tomato ketchup anyone?).

Being witty and clever is a responcibility, a lot like being good with girls is. You ahve to make a decision about wheather you think hurting girls is wrong, and that you will give up sex with some girls because you know it will hurt them. Similarly, you have to make about whether its ok to make a joke about the looser in the class, or whether your not doing yourself justice by makeing tons of penis jokes, maybe it doesn't fit in with your suave character (it doesn't really with mine, but think about it, sexual innuendo is almost in the same boat.... And I know I do a lot of that). You have to find out what fits you.

If your really stuck, make a mind map of things you can say before you go to a party. Think about all the events that will ahppen, and give yourself some things to say. Start off with the pre-planned stuff, the stand up stuff, and move onto the instant witty stuff. For example, ages ago I gave this a go, as I knew I was seeing this girl who had dreadlocks. The line was something about whether it was dreadlocked "anywhere else?". That worked pretty well, but I came up with better stuff on the spur of the moment. Go figure.

Anyway, thats the end of my advice on the topic. Hope its helped someone, especially one of you bastards who asked me to do it and havent posted back to show your warm and sincere apreciation of all the god damn typing I've done! I really deserve a cookie for all of this...ah well, if it helps some humourless sob I guess that will be enough.

Guess all that's left is for you to put the effort in...

Which I guess is the hardest part.

Good luck:cool:

Salacious D

Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
Strawberry Fields
Oh yeah, speaking Latin (the language Romans spoke for you ignoramus') will really make you seem like serious ****, but it may be overkill if you're generally thought of as a dumbass. Even if you're thought of as being intelligent it's still kind of overkill because hardly anyone understands it anyway. So, use it sparingly. Here's a brief lesson:

et al: means literally "and others." Joey et al pansed fat Stevo, and much to Joey et al, fat Stevo wasn't wearing underwear.

id est: means "for example," that's what i.e means when you see it written down. I don't feel like thinking of an example, you're a smart cookie, you should be able to handle it.

ergo: means "therefore." Use it in place of therefore. Fat Stevo was pretty rip****, so ergo he tried to beat the crap out of Joey but tripped on the pants around his ankles. Kind of an awkward use of the word but you get the picture.

etcetera: means "and so on." Dogs, cats, etcetera, began to chew on Fat Stevo's schlong because it was hanging out of his pants.

ad hominem: accusation of. If you're debating someone, avoid ad hominem attacks--this means changing the subject if you're losing, saying "well you're wrong because you're stupid" instead of "well you're wrong because Fat Stevo had his schlong chewed off." When you're debating, when you're arguing with anyone avoid ad hominems at all costs, because when you use them you become a child. You're using personal attacks instead of logic, and trust me, you will become the good guy regardless of how good your argument is if you avoid them at all costs and the other guy is shouting them at you left and right. For more information see here.

anno dominae: after death, generally written as A.D. Refers to every date that occured after Jesus Christ's death, like 1900 A.D.

Also, bits of language trivia that I've picked up from my studies to impress the ladies:

Tsar is Russian for Caesar. The Tsars considered themselves descendants from the Roman Empire

Polis is Greek for "City." Indianapolis means "Indian City." That's also where the the words Police and Metropolitan come from. If you really want to sound like you know what you're talking about, in place of Greek say "Hellenistic." The Greeks called themselves Hellas, and Hellenistic translated means literally Greek. A lot of modern architecture, columns, pillars, etcetera are Hellenistic.

The words mother, father, and brother are quite similar throughout the languages of the world, excluding natives of North and South America. I can give you a chart of the similarities if you so request.

Since probably everyone reading this speaks English as a first language, and because I find language so fascinating, I'll give you a run down of what I know about our language itself. As you may know, English as a language originated in England when a band of Germanic peoples migrated to their island at some point in history, when I don't know, however I believe it was sometime before christ. English is mostly a Germanic language, we have more similarities to modern German than any other language. If you want to learn an easy language, go for German.

So, fast forward to the year 1066 A.D. Britain as we know it is about to take new form, as is the English language, which, if you've read any from that area, is completely unintelligible to modern english readers. The Normans, a band of French Nobles, invade Britain and conquer it, and over the course of several centuries in essense become British. They force French onto the natives of England, and that's why we have so many cognates with languages like French, Spanish and Italian. All of those languages and several more descend from Latin, while English itself has only a strong Latin influence. There is more to the story, but that's pretty much it. English does evolve further, read some Chaucer if you want to see how different it was, but not much further, I guess. Because of how the United States is the most powerful nation on Earth, and because it is ahead in virtually every technological field, it is likely that most people five hundred years from now will be speaking some form of English, although we wouldn't really be able to understand them.

Language is in a constant state of flux, always changing. Dictionaries and grammar schools have slowed language evolution, but really nothing can stop it entirely. You can see examples of how our language is changing thanks to technology by looking at the conversations on instant messangers. Although words are still pronounced the same way, they're written differently with a focus on making the words easier to type.

This post is huge, I hope you enjoyed it if you read it all. Farewell!