From the beginning to the very end.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
I'm practically disgusted with the state of things in the highschool forum. SoSuave is starting to push negative examples onto people. Our golden garden is dying.

It's time for something better, something above what we have now. What was once a great place to improve yourself, is now a 'guy problems' forum with men asking why they are single.

My goal in this post is to start from the beginning and end at the end. I will keep it simple, because for the love of god it is. We are in highschool, and I am tired of some of you making it out to be more then it is. You shall see....

Step 1: Why don't I have a girlfriend?

I've met many men in highschool who are in lack of, or ever having a girlfriend. These kids know girls, are friends with a girl or more, and somehow can't fathom why they are single. "Why do these other kids have girlfriends when I don't? I'm tired of being alone." -- The reason why a man is single is so simple. It's been contemplated by so many, different answers have been drawn, yet it's so simple.

Step 2: Ok Smooth, so how do I get a girlfriend?

You should first shutup and not ask a question like that. You'll go nowhere with that kind of attitude. I'm dead serious.

Step 3: ...?

Stop denying yourself of reality, it's in the back of your head. Your looking for confirmation for something you already know. I will not be your tool like the other men on this forum. Tell ME dammit, why don't you have a girlfriend?

AFC Question Asker: Your right Smooth :( . I know why I don't have a girlfriend, but accepting reality is so hard... Why should I answer this question, when I can ask you it and deny your answer. I can't of course deny my own...

Step 4: Accept reality for what it is.

Ok, I'm done with that similer to Pook style for now. Let's look at this though, why don't you have a girlfriend and those other guys do? Accept reality for gods sake, I know it's hard but you must do it to improve. Do you know where all these other AFCs have failed to becoming DJs? They didn't accept reality for what it is and lacked the motivation to change. Change is the nature of this game you chump, we all must change to benefit ourselves.

Joe the jock is banging that hot cheerleader, when Sammy the chump is masturbating to Jenna Jameson at home. Sammy comes to SoSuave, in his nerdling searchings for an answer and discovers this wonderful forum. SoSuave he screams, I have found my answer, perhaps the fact that I'm not as good looking as him, and am shy aren't the reasons why I am single!

Step 5: Don't even think about finding a target yet.

You won't get her, you know why? You just accepted reality, and reality for you is total sh!t. I'm here to change that, young AFC, we will change. The future is bright and beautiful for you son, for you have found me and I shall guide you down the path of happiness. That is what we are searching for right? Or is it?

Step 6: Why do you even want a girlfriend?

Having a girlfriend is not a prerequisite for being happy. If you do not realize this you will forever be frozen in the state of desperation. A day will come when you find that you are no longer single, you are in a relationship. This gaping hole inside of you is still there, and you don't know why. She loves you, doesn't she? She said she did, but I don't feel whole. Why am I not happy even with a girl of which I desired?

Step 7: Women are a drug.

Pook (a famous poster on this forum), followed a path of making women out to be in his mind, no more then beasts of the opposite sex who's only emotions are natural responses of which mean nothing. To this he found he could never be in love, for how can one be in love when there is no love in return?

Pook had something there though, he just took it to far. Women are a drug, they are a an opiate to our senses. When our day gets rough they give us oral sex. When we are horny they make love to us. When they are cold they hold onto us for heat and make us feel as if we are productive to someone who is deserving.

You will realize though, opiate's are dillusions of reality. Women are there to blind you of things. Don't make them out to be anymore then a drug.

Step 8: Ok you crazy.... how do I get a girlfriend? I still want one.

You must change.

Step 9: Wonderful, now how do I change?

If you search this board you will find people telling you to 'be confident', 'walk with good posture', 'dress decent'. I'm not going to tell you to do that.

Step 10: Ok...

I will tell you to do that is to sellout and be artifical. Do you want to be artifical? Do you want to live behind a mask, knowing people only like you for that mask and not yourself? I didn't think so. I think the idea that you should change your image is a confused conclusion.

If you look at the kids who are getting laid, you'll see infact that they do dress decently, walk with good posture, are confident, and all those wonderful characteristics. So a kind DJ said, hell, you must do these things to get laid!

If you wanted to dress like that, you would. Do you? Apparently not. We must not change your image but your character, your being.

Step 11: I see..Ok I'm willing to do as you say Smooth. How do I change my state of being?

Why don't you wear good clothing? Why do you walk with bad posture? Why aren't you confidant?

Your answer will be different from the next guy, but the questions will be the same.

If you don't wear good clothing because you don't care what people think about you, start to care. You want to get a girlfriend don't you? Girls like good looking guys, now go look good. If you don't want to look good, fine, don't. It's up to you bro.

Step 12: It's that simple.

Want to lift weights, want to look good, and you will. You will be attractive to women. The women will like you in turn.

Step 13: Experince

All else will be learned from experince. This isn't a complicated game, the things at stake here are miniscule. Remember now, this is highschool. Nothing aside from these things matter. I'll talk to you again young chump, when you graduate. When you have realized I was right. When you have travelled the path of happiness.

You may not have originally wanted all you shall receive. Popularity...Sex...but they will be given to you. Things you dreamed of perhaps, will now be no more then common. You will become a master of all that you see. It seems like a big change doesn't it? Fear not my brother, for you are very that. My brother. No matter how pathetic you are, you will change into something beautiful.

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
Excellent job, Smooth. I commend ur effort to reform the forum. You outline the course that someone should follow in order to achieve their goals of understanding females.

Im about to hit up this forum with a post that will also help all the newbies out there.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Excellent post.

This one is getting BUMPed to the top. ONWARD!

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
*cough* Bump *cough*


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
This is a great post and this it should be read by all new people to this site.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
I have always liked this one :) - bump


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
Lets keep it at the top Smooth! I think the Don Juan brothers need to all ban together and shape up this forum (not just the HS one). I suggest we tell the new guys to read the BIBLE if they ask a dumb question... :cool:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Smooth as Anything
AFC Question Asker: Your right Smooth :( . I know why I don't have a girlfriend, but accepting reality is so hard... Why should I answer this question, when I can ask you it and deny your answer. I can't of course deny my own...

Great post Smooth!

Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
the best place on earth- cali
*clap* *clap*

it IS hard though, smooth. today I saw couple after couple hand in hand, head in shoulder smooching as if they're all shouting "WHY DONT U HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!"

bleh... junior year sucks :p
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
SUPERB!! exactly what some of these people who are having personal probelms with a chick(s) need to read!!


Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
I would never bump my own post.

...or would I?

Hot Ice

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Smooth as Anything
I would never bump my own post.

...or would I?
I will:
Here it comes....


You won't get her, you know why? You just accepted reality, and reality for you is total sh!t.

Good post bro.
Basically, the game is really simple.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Hot Ice
Basically, the game is really simple.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Honestly, this is some good ****, Hs bible material, ALOT of high school guys have this problem. Not enough people read smooths posts, there some of the best on the HS forum.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
:D Thank you very much.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
I feel like bumping my old thread.

I'm still taking responses :p

Lt dan

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2003
Reaction score
dude i remember when i first got here everybodys like read the bible read the bible..... people dont say that much anymore. maybe its because people quit being all help im gay. all i remember though is people always saying read the bible and its like people never say that anymore