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  1. I

    There are two types of DJs

    Type A I'm definaty a type A but I guess you mean what sort people usually are. I like SS a lot(though trying to go without it) though.
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    Girls with short hair.....

    Next her,takes a LONG time to grow hair(I have chin lenght hair and can talk from personal experiance). Personally though I think it dpends completely on how it looks with her.
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    Uhh whats wrong with ****ing someone withouth knowing them for like 15 years? I'm a little paranoid(mainlybecause f past experiance)but the only ruber you should use is the non novelty stff from a pharmacy. Ona side note if its your first time at it you might want to fo someone with more...
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    Off the wall phrases?

    "or what" thought this one up now but could it work as a presuposition.Like "you want to give me your number or what?"
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    Small talk

    Thanks alot!That really helps and I hope to use it soon
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    Small talk

    Sorry for the double post I came back from binging dinner wih my dad and while we were waiting dad went to buy something.I'm waiting infront of the shop(its prety small and was crowded)when I saw an HB8 and made EC with her.I moved in imidatly and said hey.She said she'd been waiting for almost...
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    The FINAL Debate: Looks Vs. Personality

    Maybe just me but I say people are people.Its like that 5 I had to dump.She had lots of ponts on th personalety but not much looks.If Jenifer Lopez showed up right now and acted *****y most people would take it allot better than if it were rossie O'donal(since there arent many DJ chicks and all...
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    Need Help Handling Sexist Remarks From Women

    little stoned now but... I get this alot since the only one with enough time to lsten to everyone ***** is me.Best thing to do is just say "sure..."
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    Losin ya virginity

    On my 14th birthday a girl from my old school(we met at some shope and she kept calling me and ****)brought a bottle of some prety strong vodka.... Wasnt that great but I started seeing her for about 2 weeks(same first time thing)before she ditched me.
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    Small talk

    Thanks all Specially you cgraz.I think I probably oing ot have to wait around a lot today so I'm going to a chat room or something(unless I'm lucky enough to see a real person).Thanks again.
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    Small talk

    Since I'm going to be doing some travling it seems I thought it best to try and do without paterns for a while. This is an old problem for me:I cant make small talk.I know it sounds stupid but all conversations without a specific point always turn ackward.Any advice?
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    Culture problem..

    I'd say you just ave to test her some.It will probably hiner the general course some but you know which is which.
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    Being picked up

    About 4 weeks ago at some restoraunt an with my last X.Both came over intoduced themslevs and started a convo(kept going-I'm not the best conversationalist).They were both 5's and I gave/got a headjob in a janiters closet(was the same place).The one that would be my last X asked for my number...
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    Cold pickups

    Good for you man and I'm waiting t hear what hapens I usually work with e-mails.Though ask for the phone or a voice convo then.Focus on the e-mail(she'll probably be suprised about not wanting the phone number bit).When you start e-mailing move it onto IM she may want to call you up(I'd say...
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    Stop worrying. Seriously, stop now.

    I've taken a break of sort from the high school thingo but it a long story which basiclly copmes down to harly ever seeing a non ugly 13+ chick but anyways I'd say the followig about worryig : Worry not about that which you can fix and worry not about that which you cant Its a taoist btw...
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    Should I be collecting panties ?

    Sounds like something from an old french film I once saw from about 40 years back about some farmer's son who used to do old wealthy chicks or something like that. Could be interesting I guess.A guy in one of my cousins schoos used to take pictures of nearly every girl he slept with.Just some...
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    When & How did you discover how attractive you were?

    Right now I'm in a real slump(to top it of 'm going to be traveling) so 6.5-7 but before 8.5. The first chick I dated(incidentally also slept with)was a 7 and her fiends were 5's mostly so I'd get a few ompliments.During my 'peak'(about 5 weeks ago)I saw myslef in a full lenght mirror after...
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    Off the wall phrases?

    Fu/ck has worked for me a few times.Just indicate yourself but usully has to be done a few times.Best for long lines in a mall or something I guess.THat way you can work out some raport by complaining about it(once I cracked a joke about how they might 'really like' anoying peope and worked a...
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    Learning NLP first then SS

    I dont know about that.I've made one(just atractio though-its what I always do thugh)but rex sykes book would have helped me some I guess.It's lke he says just dscribe the felings but rex sykes's book would really have made me better at the description
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    PLEASE HELP!!!!!! --> Older Girls

    Not includig the 5 in my confusion thread every relationship I've had is with a chick older than me(1,3, and belive it or not 6)the best advice I can offer is to ignore the age diference.When something comes up concerning it you'll know.Lying about your age will not only makes things worse but...