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  1. J

    Face it, Direct Game is not a good way to meet girls.

    This video is so funny! I see no kiss though.
  2. J

    Where can i get a new Don Juan Bible

    Darkness falls...The sun rises...The New Don Juan Bible is Born!
  3. J

    PUA's Uncovered... women know what you're upto

    Oh, man. They're onto us. :D
  4. J

    new girl, no english

    If you need any help with specific stuff you want to tell her PM. I can help you.
  5. J

    First Time Sex Omg Its Shocking

    Before you try it again, have a few drinks if you're too nervous. Depending of your level of resistance, two beers should do it. Don't get drunk though. DON'T GET DRUNK.
  6. J

    The aftermath of the "Mystery Method" and "The Pickup Artist"

    Sometimes I wonder how men get laid before there was a
  7. J

    Casanova's Guide to Humor

    Some quotes from him. - I never fvcked a ten, but one night, I fvcked five twos. - You can’t argue with a good bl0wj0b. - Instead of warning pregnant women not to drink, I think female alcoholics ought to be told not to fvck.
  8. J

    Rejection vs. Doubt.

    Today I met the hottest girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Seemed like a sane person. Seemed smart. She seemed interested. No isolation, no phone, no close. I feel like crap. :cuss: I don't know if she would have rejected me but I wouldn't have cared. But this feeling of "what if" is totally...
  9. J

    seduced by my moms friend

    Why do people find this story so hard to believe? This can happen. I've gotten FMRN (F-ck Me Right Now) looks from old ladies . I was once totally picked up by an old lady (50 years, I think). She did EC, kino, cold reading, went for the kiss telling me how we should do try new stuff (I...
  10. J

    i set myself a challegne to be able to walk a mile grininig naturally

    From this post: Great post, It's on the DJ Bible for a reason. How to smile::crackup: Now how to really smile.
  11. J

    men who hit women?

    Don't hit women...
  12. J

    someone really needs to...

    Everytime you hit an awkward silence, remember the Seinfeld episode where he says he hasn't kissed certain woman because he and she have really great conversations and they never hit awkward silences. But on the next scene, they are talking. Next thing they hit an awkward silence and they...
  13. J

    Don't ever think a girl is out of your league

    This negates the previous part of the post.
  14. J

    Quest to get a gf or get laid by Feb 32nd, 2039.

    Wasn't the title of this thread "Quest to get a gf or get laid by Feb 3rd, 2008"? So you have given yourself anoter freaking year? At this point, I'd get a *****. Then once that tension is gone, get a "real" (as in not-paid) lay and count that as my first time. As I haven't read all these...
  15. J

    Dwarf + Hot girl= ???

    Maybe by being a man? Let's speculate. I think this girl is probably NOT screwed up in her head, she might be even better than other people. I mean, just imagine the amount of pressure from her family, her friends, other men saying bad stuff trying to AMOG his boyfriend. And this is PC talk...
  16. J

    Girl Seems More Interesting Than Me...

    I'd invite her to wash your car, then you make dinner together (if she does wash your car) and then watch the sunset. But this sounds better for a second meeting.
  17. J

    "Why do you ask"

    ****y and funny it will be then.
  18. J

    Extremely friendly?

    Okay, lurker for a while. just recently decided to post. Is always a extremely friendly woman interested in you? Or do you just assume she is and go for a close?
  19. J

    "Why do you ask"

    So you know a girl at work or college. You ask her something about her life and she says: "Why do you ask that" in a normal tone of voice. I usually say: "I just wanna know" or "I don't know, I'm bored, entertain me". What are good answers to this kind of test?