Girl Seems More Interesting Than Me...


Oct 1, 2006
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I met this girl online (yes, online). She seems very excited to meet me, according to herself, and willing to drive half an hour to come to my town. But here is my problem. She told me what her interests are, such as various sports, games, hanging out with friends, shopping, etc.

I clearly told her my interests: "washing my car, mowing the lawn, cleaning up after my pets, and watching the sun set"

How could she possibly want to meet a guy as boring as that? I feel like she is more interesting than me. Not that I don't enjoy my own interests, but if her interests seem so fun, how could she possibly want to hang out with someone with such mundane activities?

She's single, and despite being single, she goes out and does all these great things and has a fun time. Not like I don't do things and have fun, I do. But it's almost like she makes her life sound so interesting...

Point being, when you take a girl out, usually you're supposed to invite her to join you to something you would be doing anyways (that's what I've usually done in the past). But I wouldn't be doing anything anyways. Should I invite her to wash my car, mow the lawn, clean up the house, and watch the sunset in my yard?

If it was just me, a fun night for a single guy like myself would be going to B&N to read and drink some coffee. Or maybe some ice cream, and stop at Best Buy on the way home to check out the newest gadgets.

So I'm getting stuck at that part where I tell her something like "Hey I'm going to do xyz..." or "I'm going to xyz" on such and such day, and that she can join me because it will be fun. I'm stuck because I'm never doing anything that fun that would warrant bringing someone else along. I'm afraid I'll invite her to some activity that won't be as fun as she would have doing one of her interests by herself.

I want to do something fun with her that isn't a traditional date, but the best things I can think of are things I typically wouldn't do alone. Biking would be cool, but I don't do that by myself (although I've been meaning to start).


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
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I'd invite her to wash your car, then you make dinner together (if she does wash your car) and then watch the sunset.

But this sounds better for a second meeting.

Dark Chivalry

Don Juan
Jun 24, 2007
Reaction score
Not having hobbies is making you feel insecure, so find a hobby you enjoy, maybe a sport.

Watching the sun set sounds romantic, pets are a legitimate hobby, so the damage is probably low. Mowing the lawn you can call gardening.

Just invite her for coffee, lunch or icecream some place you can watch the sunset. Talk about the sunset a bit, get to know her, make a second date if you like it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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Watching the sunset isn't exactly a hobby. Now if you were watching it set as an amateur astronomer with a telescope that might be a different story.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
We're just talking about the first date, right? Why not keep it simple to just find out whether the two of you can get along? If you both are interested, you can then plan on something different. She sounds like a interesting person, she should be able to plan a date herself. After learning more about her, you should be able to come up with some ideas yourself. Hell, she may be able to expand your horizons.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
speakeasy said:
Watching the sunset isn't exactly a hobby. Now if you were watching it set as an amateur astronomer with a telescope that might be a different story.
Umm? Wouldn't that lead to a blind amateur astronomer?


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
theunflushables said:
Umm? Wouldn't that lead to a blind amateur astronomer?
No, I had a telescope as a kid, you have sun filters to look at the sun.