someone really needs to...


Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
post a list of things to say when u hit akward silence. or if anyone knows any links that would help me that would be great.


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
There is no right thing to say when you get in those situations. The best advice I can give you, is to not hit awkward silences.

Conversation should flow naturally. If you're forcing it, then you're gonna hit a gap where nothing happens. My rule is to always ask questions that I want to answer. I'll ask her a question that I would want to answer, then after she responds, I will agree with what she said, and flip her answer into mine. (basically say the same exact thing she said in my own words)

That way, it seems like you're asking her questions about herself and not talking about yourself when in fact you're doing the exact opposite.

Next, tell stories. Whatever the situation is, tell a story about that situation that YOU have been in. If you tell someone elses story, it's not gonna be as funny and she won't feel associated with you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
miniPIMPIN said:
post a list of things to say when u hit akward silence. or if anyone knows any links that would help me that would be great.
Don't feel like you HAVE to say anything. But it might be a good time for an activity transition. "Hey, let's do this!" Or if it's just a pickup (not a date), that's your time to get the digits and eject.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
"Tell me a story."


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
A land near you
Francisco d'Anconia said:
"Tell me a story."
So this one time I was banging this chick right....

Alright... quick story. Probably a "You had to be there" story, but I'll tell it anyway.

I use to be in the Marine Corps (enlisted). Well as being junior Marines we didn't have offices. Instead we had a big common area. So about 15 junior Marines would sit in this area and talk and b/s about any and everything. There wasn't a topic that couldn't be touched.

Every now and then, our superiors (officers) would come into the common area. Everyone would stop everything they were doing and look to the officer. Most times, the officer would say "At ease.. please carry on with whatever you guys were talking about"

I would always reply with "So this one time, I was ****ing this chick right...."


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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It depends on the situation...can you give some context? Like if it isn't a first date or whatever you don't need to be talking all the time.

And I'm new to the board, not the game.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
I agree with squirrels, dont feel like you HAVE to say anything, but for the most part talk to her like you would a friend. Ask general questions and be comfortable, you're not on a interview with her so be relaxed and get to know eachother, and if you're just gettin her number make it as quick as possible and go!


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
Everytime you hit an awkward silence, remember the Seinfeld episode where he says he hasn't kissed certain woman because he and she have really great conversations and they never hit awkward silences.

But on the next scene, they are talking. Next thing they hit an awkward silence and they kiss.

Really funny.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
In the club/bars
"My dads gay..."

"do you prefer hip-hop or country?"

"My little sister has a new boyfriend... i think he is a punk, you think thats normal for me to be protective?"

"What size are you're tits?"

"..have you everrrrr had a lesbian experience?"

"I'm thinking of dying my hair blonde, what do you think?"

"I tend to get alot of dingleberrys, do you have any crack-hair? do you even know what a dingleberry is?"

"This awkward silence you have forced me into is really turning me on!"

"Have you ever been attracted to a cartoon character?" (the answer will always be yes)

"Do I have anything in my teeth?"

"you're amazing looking, your so hot looking that I bet you're feet are just butt ugly nasty looking... cause no one is perfect.. ewww just thinking of your feet is so nasty my mom might puke"

"My moms gay"

"My brothers gay"

"I want to go on a trip somehwhere.. recommend any good vacation spots?

"please sit on my face"

"I sometimes get this weird urge to slap a persons face... usually a girls"

" the other day I was wearing my manly G-String.. Backwards"

"Do you have a smoke... You nasty cancer patient"

"OMG do you smell that?.. jesus, I hope thats not coming from you"

"Do you have a friend named sally by chance?"

"I feel so good right now, I went on a huge hike yesterday. You ever feel your muscles ache but it just feels right for some reason?"

"I have a weird tendancy to drink pepto-bismol as a beverage"

"Yesterday I was chased by a pack of wild dogs... I narrowly escaped death because they started fvcking each other"

"ohhhh Fvck"

"fvck... you know what I just remebered? ....ARGHGHHHH FVCK"

"Goddammit fvck... **** you know what I just remembered... its a good thing you stopped talking finally so I could actually remember this... Fvck"

"oh fvck"


"Do you have any younger sisters?"

"How often do you have a bowel movement?"

"Are you're nipples like pepperonis or pennies?... really? let me see"

"I want to get a cute puppy, know of any breed that grow up slowly? I love that puppy stage"

"ooh fvck sh!t"

"what day is it?"

"....hmmm well. this. is. awkward."

"silence.... of the lambs hahahahaha.... ohhh fvck"

"I want to be a writer... yeah and i'm gonna write your silent film a$$ right out of my story!"

.... I dont know, just a few off the top of my head... I LOVE awkward silences, they bring so much opportunity!!! Look at all I have to choose from.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
In the club/bars
JuanMoore said:
Everytime you hit an awkward silence, remember the Seinfeld episode where he says he hasn't kissed certain woman because he and she have really great conversations and they never hit awkward silences.

But on the next scene, they are talking. Next thing they hit an awkward silence and they kiss.

Really funny.
hahaha f'ing hilarious... Love seinfield... brilliant writing.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Every time there's a silence and I'm with a girl, I always play thumb war with her. And I ALWAYS cheat. The part where you have to count to 10 in order to win, they usually try to let loose and when they do, I claim that they're the ones cheating and playing with them isn't any fun.


Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Randallpink83 said:
"My dads gay..."

"do you prefer hip-hop or country?"

"My little sister has a new boyfriend... i think he is a punk, you think thats normal for me to be protective?"

"What size are you're tits?"

"..have you everrrrr had a lesbian experience?"

"I'm thinking of dying my hair blonde, what do you think?"

"I tend to get alot of dingleberrys, do you have any crack-hair? do you even know what a dingleberry is?"

"This awkward silence you have forced me into is really turning me on!"

"Have you ever been attracted to a cartoon character?" (the answer will always be yes)

"Do I have anything in my teeth?"

"you're amazing looking, your so hot looking that I bet you're feet are just butt ugly nasty looking... cause no one is perfect.. ewww just thinking of your feet is so nasty my mom might puke"

"My moms gay"

"My brothers gay"

"I want to go on a trip somehwhere.. recommend any good vacation spots?

"please sit on my face"

"I sometimes get this weird urge to slap a persons face... usually a girls"

" the other day I was wearing my manly G-String.. Backwards"

"Do you have a smoke... You nasty cancer patient"

"OMG do you smell that?.. jesus, I hope thats not coming from you"

"Do you have a friend named sally by chance?"

"I feel so good right now, I went on a huge hike yesterday. You ever feel your muscles ache but it just feels right for some reason?"

"I have a weird tendancy to drink pepto-bismol as a beverage"

"Yesterday I was chased by a pack of wild dogs... I narrowly escaped death because they started fvcking each other"

"ohhhh Fvck"

"fvck... you know what I just remebered? ....ARGHGHHHH FVCK"

"Goddammit fvck... **** you know what I just remembered... its a good thing you stopped talking finally so I could actually remember this... Fvck"

"oh fvck"


"Do you have any younger sisters?"

"How often do you have a bowel movement?"

"Are you're nipples like pepperonis or pennies?... really? let me see"

"I want to get a cute puppy, know of any breed that grow up slowly? I love that puppy stage"

"ooh fvck sh!t"

"what day is it?"

"....hmmm well. this. is. awkward."

"silence.... of the lambs hahahahaha.... ohhh fvck"

"I want to be a writer... yeah and i'm gonna write your silent film a$$ right out of my story!"

.... I dont know, just a few off the top of my head... I LOVE awkward silences, they bring so much opportunity!!! Look at all I have to choose from.
hah thats hilarous dude. thanks.


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
For those of you who have never seen "Inside the Actor's Studio", watch just one installment for the last few minutes. The host does this sort of simple set of interview questions:

"What is your favorite word?"
"What is your least favorite word?"
"What sound or noise do you love?"
"What sound or noise do you hate?"
"What turns you on?" - Often gets a quizzical "did I hear you right?" look.
"What turns you off?"
"What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?"
"What profession would you not like to attempt?"
"What is your favorite curse word?"
"What do you want to hear God say when you reach the pearly gates?"

For girls who have seen the show, they get that sense of being a starlet for a few moments. And if she's into you, she'll ask you the same questions.