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  1. K

    What do u say when a girl asks u if u like her ?

    Thanks alot , but can u answer my other questions ? Ok ... I found this method to work real good in driving your girls crazy :- Tell em u like someone from the school (if yur in school) they'll go crazy trying to figure who that girl is, and who ever they say , just reply with I dont...
  2. K

    What do u say when a girl asks u if u like her ?

    Ok ... I found this method to work real good in driving your girls crazy :- Tell em u like someone from the school (if yur in school) they'll go crazy trying to figure who that girl is, and who ever they say , just reply with I dont know, whatever you do, dont say no, nope, naa too much or...
  3. K

    What do u say when a girl asks u if u like her ?

    What do u say when a girl asks u if u like/care for her ? Im sure its not (yes) or it wont be fun anymore . Any ideas ? And how do u ask a girl if she likes u safely ?
  4. K

    How do you know if a girl likes you ?

    Ok , some great news . According to my guide :- *$&#&$&@$*@&$*%&@#(%(%(&%@ So after remembering what I have written , I made my move . I saw her talking to some of my friends (that are boys) , and I was standing with them , (she was in my friends' class) then I reminded one of them...
  5. K

    How do you know if a girl likes you ?

    Ok , forget all of the above , im really ok with girls in my class (just got an email/number of 1) , but ow do I reach this other girl in this other class , if there are no (when the time is right) chances ? When should I Strike ? When shes alone (pretty rare) , when shes in a group (usually) ...
  6. K

    How do you know if a girl likes you ?

    I have my own unique style , Ive always had it , it makes everyone treat me differently (usually worse than others , because I dont irritate them back when they irritate me -unless im taking revenge- ) except for my best friends and other friends who are ok with the way I am , but its not...
  7. K

    How do you know if a girl likes you ?

    nope , But im thinking of something like chewing gum , smint , polo , any or these small sweet stuff and give her 1 or 2 , Right now , my objective is to be one of her good friends (almost best friends) , or vice versa (one of MY good friends) . Like once seeing me , she greets , and does you...
  8. K

    How do you know if a girl likes you ?

    Thanks , But how do I trigger attraction inside her ? I remember someone posted something bout this long ago but I cant remember it . And more importantly , That girl is in a different class , but our break times are the same , she always hangs out with her group of girls , sometimes shes...
  9. K

    How do you know if a girl likes you ?

    how about you give me a link to one of the threads then ?
  10. K

    How do you know if a girl likes you ?

    How do you know if a girl you have already talked to likes you ? Are there other ways to know if she never talks to you unless you start asking questions ?? And if a girl doesnt like you , how do you fix that problem ?
  11. K

    Please help if you're up to it !

    Ok , I didnt talk to her yet (not enough confidence , even though the chances that i waste are seriosuly golden) , But now i know where exactly she will be at all times = Always in her class , not moving a metre . How would you start a conversation in this position ? I thought of this when shes...
  12. K

    Please help if you're up to it !

    thanks , ill give it a try .
  13. K

    Please help if you're up to it !

    Ok , now i know how to get her involved , we are down to the last thing , how do i approach her for the first time ?
  14. K

    Please help if you're up to it !

    Thats great , but as i said before , how do i get her talking herself (how to make her start her own topics , instead of just commenting on mine) and more importantly whats the first thing to say or do when i find her alone .... in class for example ?
  15. K

    Please help if you're up to it !

    Ok I will use that too . In Recess When Shes Alone In Her Class (not library) :- Im thinking of asking her (using her name) where (one of the guys in her class) went , and she'll say she doesnt know (obviously) , so ill then ask her whether shes new here (to this school) or not , if she...
  16. K

    Please help if you're up to it !

    Is the only way to make her laugh is to tell her jokes ? me : ive read this book before , its not very informative she(obviously) : looks at me , smiles , looks at back at the book Is there a way to make her talk even though shes embarrased ? So far ive only got her to say her name...
  17. K

    Please help if you're up to it !

    Thanks , any more posts are appreciated , tomorrow is a day where its optional to come or not , for many reasons im thinking shell come , while others ofcourse will take the chance to skip school , but since we will finish earlier , i can donate me time to try and get her , ofcourse shes less...
  18. K

    Please help if you're up to it !

    Kitty must have been an open girl , how about my shy one ? All i want to know is when to meet her (in recess when shes in class/library alone , etc) how to meet her (what to say) and how to give her the "lets start being friends " atmosphere , shes hardly got 1 friend , so if I try to be her...
  19. K

    Please help if you're up to it !

    im sorry , but can you give me an example ?
  20. K

    Please help if you're up to it !

    I found this girl at our school and shes extremely shy . Too shy to even talk to girls , and when recess is crowded , she stays in her class, she looks like a very nice person , how do i start making friends with her , but not be stuck in the friend zone so that I can strengthen the relationship...