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  1. F

    Kino Suggestions

    Hmmm.... good idea. She was already pissed that I kept throwing the beach ball at her head... lol
  2. F

    Martial Arts that help in a fight..

    I disagree with this statement. You're generalizing such a broad range of different styles when you use the word Karate. There's sport karate, which is obviously designed for competition. There's karate designed for self defence. And then there's the karate that revolves around...
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    Kino Suggestions

    I had a date on the weekend with a girl I've been seeing for about a month and a half. It was very hot outside, so we spent the day in her pool. I found myself in an awkward position because I was stumped when it came to generating kino. I got her to rub suntan oil on my back before we went...
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    Long Distance Blues (Long!)

    I totally disagree. I have known many people who have made LDRS work. I'm currently in one myself right now.
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    confused: good friend

    I agree with Bnuts... I was in the same position for years. Good friend, was crazy about her. She finally became available, I made my move. Went good for awhile, then I started acting a bit AFC (silly me). So gave her the LJBF line. Then last night we were hanging out, I decided the time...
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    Dating A Good Friend

    The dump was the curve ball. If I didnt do it, I would've got stuck in the LJBF zone. I would've had no hope of climbing back from there. Plus it was some what spur of the moment.
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    Dating A Good Friend

    I decided that I care about her too much to be her friend. If I cant have her as a lover, then I dont want her as my friend. I'm not going to keep her around in hopes that I can someday have her again. So I'm going to give it another shot, if it fails, it fails... Thats life. As far as...
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    Dating A Good Friend

    Wow, this **** works! So its been about a week and a half now, just thought I'd post an update. First few nights after I end it, we talk briefly over MSN (our usual chat medium since she moved out). All of those conversations except one she started (I think I started it the 3rd day)...
  9. F

    Dating A Good Friend

    I called her tonight, and dumped her. I dont think she saw it coming. Hardest thing I've ever had to do. Only girl I've had to dump before had cheated on me, so I had no remorse there. This was hard, and ackward. However, I think its for the best. I salvaged the friendship, and maybe...
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    Dating A Good Friend

    Yes, very interesting indeed. Its basically telling me to do what I think I should do. However, do you think I should dump her? Or just stop talking to her?
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    Dating A Good Friend

    Ganja? I like ganja...
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    Dating A Good Friend

    Thats exactly what bothers me. Out of all the women that have left me, none have ever bothered to end it properly. When I'm done with a girl, I tell her. Personally, I need closure. I know woman demand it if they're on that end. Do they give us closure? Nah. They dont want to hurt our...
  13. F

    Dating A Good Friend

    Bonhomme - thanks for the article, I remember seeing that a few years back when I first found this site. Was full of usefull info. themanwithnoname - I hate you too Other than that... I've come to the conclusion over the years that women often dont bother to tell guys when they dump them...
  14. F

    Would you flirt with someone

    Why not? Its good practice, as long as you dont lead them on, I see no harm.
  15. F

    Dating A Good Friend

    lol I was thinking there's something I could do to throw her off track. Like call her up and tell her I've noticed she seems distant, and I think its because she's not ready for a relationship yet, so we should take a break so that we dont ruin things. Either she fights to stay together...
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    Dating A Good Friend

    I dont think its come to that quite yet. However I am aware that it is a possibility.
  17. F

    I LOVE MY JOB, but I hate everything else...

    I've always found exercise to be a cureall... Vent your frustration into going to the gym, or a sport you love. I've made my greatest gains at the gym while depressed about "Beautiful What's Her Name" Plus they say that when you exercise, it releases chemicals that make you happy. Not to...
  18. F

    Does anyone felt this?

    It may not be bipolar, there's also a thing called unipolar. Bipolar occurs in cycles at like 3 weeks to 6 (if I remember correctly). Unipolar can be a day to day thing. I had a roommate who was crazy, at first I thought bipolar, then unipolar, turned out he was schizo. See a doctor...
  19. F

    Dating A Good Friend

    Dating An Ex-Roommate I live with a girl for 2 years in college. During which we were always very close (often too close). However she had a boyfriend so I never tried anything. During that time I dated several girls but they all fell apart. Now she's graduated and moved home, she also...