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  1. M

    Is she mine!?

    No problem man :D I hope I was of some help! So yeah, just relax, go for it, and tell us how it goes. Good luck!
  2. M

    Is she mine!?

    Hey man, It sounds like you've started out on the right foot with her so far. Good work on connecting with her. As for the kiss, first kisses aren't always awkward unless it's your first time ever kissing a girl! And if it is, well, just relax. You'll know the right moment, she'll give you a...
  3. M

    can't believe that the whole thing

    Haha thanks. I think the reason that I was so freaked out about it was because I hit everything else off so well and then this randomly happened. But I'm just going to leave it behind me, like both you said, obviously she's not so shallow to let that bother her as she told me (LearningSlowly -...
  4. M

    can't believe that the whole thing

    Okay, so I know a couple months ago I mentioned a girl I've known for 6 months now, but we can't go out or anything because she lives 3 hours away from me. Well, since then we've been able to get together twice more, the last being today, about 2 hours ago. In short, it was great. She came...
  5. M

    Being a jerk

    I wouldn't say it's so much as being a sterotypical 'jerk,' but rather a guy who can pull off being cool, suave, and confident without emotionally caring or being full of himself. Trust me I've lost out on some ***** because of being the 'nice guy' so I can totally relate to the post above me.
  6. M

    How do I fight this...

    haha okay like I said, I know it sounds crazy but she's such a good fit for my personality. Honestly. Yes we've made out. Obviously. :rolleyes: I knew my chance and I took it! We're still crazy about each other and I'm going to stick with it. I don't feel as lonely today for some reason...
  7. M

    How do I fight this...

    Alright. Story time. It all started last June, when I was competing at a classical guitar competition. There I met someone who I think is as close to 'the perfect one' as possible. Sounds really corny and cliche, and I know I've said it before, but I've totally never in my life experienced...
  8. M


    V.U, thank you very much for your insightful comment. If I'm in demand, I'm in control - I'll remember that for next week! There are a couple of them that are definitely worth exploring but I'll have to reward them the time ;) Thanks again :D
  9. M

    Do women hate physically attractive men?

    Easy answer. It doesn't take much to make a female jealous. So when they see how easily you can attract women, they feel bad about themselves, think they're not pretty enough or whatever, so they'll try and bring you down to make themselves feel better. I imagine you look pretty decent if...
  10. M


    This might seem like a weird thing, but I'll just give it a try. After doing courses by correspondence for two years, I'm back in public high school. It feels really good. The two years I took off gave me a lot of my confidence back that I lost at this other school I went to. Anyways. In my...
  11. M

    Pozitron's journal

    If you want the life you really desire, then nothing should really stop you from getting it. The only thing standing between you and getting this girl is you. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Act cool, confident. Be yourself. Just casually ask her one day if she'd meet you at the coffee shop or...
  12. M

    Dealing with this Situation

    Been there, done that. Sometimes you just gotta walk away. But, if you think she's worth the effort of fighting for, do whatever you think. Try and act cool around her - and obviously you have the talent of knowing what cool is since you've picked up on what douchebaggery looks like - just try...
  13. M


    Just a question, why the hell did you say that....?
  14. M

    About school -help

    Ok well look. I didn't mean to offend anyone when I said what I did (which is actually quite true - do your research amohield :P I never said that people suffering from ADHD are 'all over the f*cking place') but quite honestly, what I meant was that Poz, don't diagnose yourself with ADD or ADHD...
  15. M

    Friend Zone

    It's tooo late bro. I did the same thing and I still can't believe it happened. So, just keep being friendly to her, and more importantly learn from this mistake, move on, and explore ALL of your options.
  16. M

    About school -help

    Come on, man. If you think about it, anyone 'has' ADD or ADHD to a certain extent, but people 'diagnosed' with one of the above two things are just more scattered, hyper, or more unable to comprehend with things than the rest of us. Face it: it's not exactly in our human nature to just focus on...
  17. M

    Where do I go from here...?

    Alright, so, it was going great. We were both at a party, having fun, laughing together, made out a few times, overall, she seemed really into me. Right? So at the end of the night, which is when I was planning on asking her out, she said she was already going out with some other guy who asked...
  18. M

    Where do I go from here...?

    Luke, guess what. They got it through to me and, since he stands out as the most logical one, I'm going with Norwegian's advice. I know exactly how to do this. I've done it before and I can do it again. Thanks man :rockon:
  19. M

    Where do I go from here...?

    Look, dude, I can't just leave this behind me. There's gotta be a way that I can turn this around, I mean, she used to really like me and I'm sure she still would if I showed her a different side of me. I'm going to see her again tonight (party) so what do I say?
  20. M

    Where do I go from here...? there any way I can fix this?