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    Breaking up...saying she's not good enough?

    HER: You're too good for me YOU: Yeah, I am... and i've been considering finding someone new for a while now. ha.
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    Breaking up...saying she's not good enough?

    edit: double post :crazy:
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    Breaking up...saying she's not good enough?

    Surely, "I'm not good enough" is woman code for "you're not good enough" Woman are cowards, you will never hear an honest opinion when it could affect them negatively. You have to ask yourself why would anyone break up with someone thats out of their league? surely, women especially would...
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    If I don't call, will she think I don't care?

    hanging out for two months but not being together.. that screams friendzone. not being funny, but if she wanted to be with you she wouldnt have played the 'alot of things on my plate' card.
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    Game Over

    ok guys, thanks. i'll be honest, i wanna improve myself... its not the 'doing' i find hard and can follow all the rules well and act suitably. Its just that damned rejection that makes me feel like shyt, and no amount of confidence boosting posts has helped me. i move to vancouver in 3...
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    Game Over

    lol, wow. strange after thinking it was going so well. She was coming over for a movie and already established she was staying over.. few days after, get a call from her... she wants to bring a 'FRIEND' what the frig?! turns out this friend is a guy named scott, i was like errrrm okkaayy, im...
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    Apologizing! Ahhhhh.

    look, i didnt apologize for HER leaving! i felt bad for calling her a b itch and her seeing... i wouldnt have cared if she didnt see in all fairness but there you go. shes a good girl, definatley not a b itch.. i just dont want to say the wrong things and let her think she can treat me like...
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    Apologizing! Ahhhhh.

    ha, i mouthed the work b itch, it done that automatically. so you dont not think i should have apologized? i dont like to be all kiss-arse but i know when you have crossed the line. i got busted and if i stuck to my guns i would have come off alot worse, in my opinion. EDIT: @DJDamage, i...
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    Apologizing! Ahhhhh.

    Ok, so i have done wrong... was down the casino, a needed to go meet this girl in a club... was a little late (maybe 30mins). She said she was staying till 2am, when i got there about 11pm she said she had an argument with her friend and was leaving. now, i just paid £10 to get in this...
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    ok guys, thanks. ill take it into consideration I cant see why she would be to busy to answer the phone or text back... but maybe your right, im really not that bothered if she does or doesnt turn up. I just wanted to know if it was indeed a test. thanks, Joe.
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    So, getting close to this girl after she broke up with her boyfriend. she has been phoning loads recently, so i asked her nicely to stop because i felt tired and needed sleep before work. I didnt hear anything after that, and seeing as we have a lunch arrangment tommorow i gave her a quick...
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    Can't translate these signs.

    I was on this date with this girl and we got onto the subject of sex and the like... always good to talk about i feel. Anyway, she starts to tell me something and then is all like "you cant tell anyone i told you that, you are the first person i told" Ok, ive known her a for a long time and...
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    Don Juan Bootcamp Recruiting, Summer 2005

    well, im not sure how this thing actually works but i think there are what, assignments (Do 5 cold appraoches in a day, that sort of thing).... research and reading up on things such as the bible and putting it into practise.. i may be wrong though :D emailing the steps i have to take or what i...
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    Don Juan Bootcamp Recruiting, Summer 2005

    Is there anyway someone could keep me posted over email for the first three weeks.. ill be checking my email everyday but wont be able to comply with certain times for an online chat.maybe i could jump in on week 3... im travelling alone so i have to meet a ton of people anyway.. that was my...
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    Don Juan Bootcamp Recruiting, Summer 2005

    :( i literally leave the day this starts.. will there be some kinda log where i can catch up on? how long does it last?
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    Carry around a pad of paper?

    e-mail?!?!! call me old fashioned but i still use a chain of beacons.
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    Don Juan Bootcamp Recruiting, Summer 2005

    im going travelling on the 24th for a couple of months so i guess ill miss out on the teachings :( but ill get the oppotunity to pull some tasty european birds and improve my skills.. i still gotta finish off that bible :D
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    Don Juan Bootcamp Recruiting, Summer 2005

    bootcamp hi, what is this bootcamp do? im a n00b :D so ill probally need it aswell!
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    Is this a test

    I met this really cute, intelligent girl who i really like we have been on a total of three dates now, and it has been going really well, i got an invite back the house and basically we have been really cosy together, in bed. we would always have flirty phone convosations and flirty text...
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    Please Help Me!

    Good question, im confident but find it hard talking to girls.. this seems the easiest path to sex at the moment.