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  1. 9

    Returning to the forum after 3 years to share useful information

    I can say that I am so thankful for this forum. it has helped me grow into a man that I dreamed of being. It's kinda weird saying this because I almost feel like I'm listing to someone elses story as I write this... But anyway I took some advice from this forum a few year back and it literally...
  2. 9

    Interacial dating?? Different expierience.. Comments

    My family would always be supportive of me dating another race. They might have their little comments on the side but it'll generally be lighthearted. I guess we both have something to learn from each other. We're different but anxious to learn about eachothers culture...... DAMN I MISS THAT...
  3. 9

    Interacial dating?? Different expierience.. Comments

    Hello fellow djers... I havn't posted on this forum for a whiile so I figured I'd give it a stab and get the opinions of some of my fellow djers. Imust first start off and say that I am not a racist!!!! So this comment I make may bother some of the sensitive ones. Keeping it real and being...
  4. 9

    GF won't give head

    Get rid of her ass point blank. You'll end up frustrating yourself.
  5. 9

    What to do with an inexperienced girl?

    We were never on the same page. She liked me I didn't like her, I liked her she didn't like me. Vice verse over and over and over again. I got frustrated with her and started dealing with other chicks. I didn't have the patience to deal with all that so I wasn't ready to commit. Now everything...
  6. 9

    What to do with an inexperienced girl?

    I kinda understand where your coming from. My girlfriend is very inexpierienced and I was her first boyfriend and first love. I've known her for over 12 years and weve been dating for roughly 4 months. You'll need alot of patience with this girl but remember, if you put her out there...
  7. 9

    South American Women!

    I've been with a girl from Brazil and i can tell you that they are the most beautiful women IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!! They treat their men like kings, but the only problem is when they get Americanized it all falls apart.
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    Flirt heavily with girls you don't care about

    I completely disagree with you Francisco. How could that be settling for less when you only go for the best??? That's just having a level of standards. If I know what kind of woman I want why the hell will I even waste my breath on an hb4. Granted, the hb4 might have a better attitude and...
  9. 9

    Flirt heavily with girls you don't care about

    Because, once you get used to one thing, most likely you'll stick with it. Then, your standards will be lowered. It wouldv'e been so much better if the topic was "FLIRT HEAVENLY WITH GIRLd YOU DO WANT" Why test drive a hyundai when you could afford a Mercedes????
  10. 9

    Flirt heavily with girls you don't care about

    But thats the problem, all this does is lower your standards for undesirable women.
  11. 9

    Flirt heavily with girls you don't care about

    That's like saying "act like a faggot" because they always have the hot females aroud them. But then when its time to get close, turn on your dj skills and act straight.
  12. 9

    Flirt heavily with girls you don't care about

    Are you friggin serious??????????? That was a horrible case of djing!!!!!!!! I dont even have a strong enough comment for that.
  13. 9

    How persistent are you ...

    I always thought going to someones workplace was a serious no no. Your so blinded by your infactuation with this girl, you are coming off as a stalker. Seriously!!!!!!!! I'm sure thats something you don't want to hear, but face the facts. You have that "Icant lose until I'm sure she's not...
  14. 9

    Now she is pregnant

    Trust me. Things could be alot worst than that. This happened to my friend.
  15. 9


    Re: Re: Dj FRIEND WITH HIV!!!!!!!! EVERYONE PLEASE READ AND RESPOND. VERY SERIOUS!!!!!!! Here's the link to the one's in Nyc. Call them up and they'll tell you. And yes the quick hiv test "rapid result test" was free.
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    From what the doc told me, it does take a while to show up in the blood. He referred to it as the window period. Wait for about a month or two and take the test. Keep it in the back of your mind and don't forget it though.
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    Welcome to all my fellow Dj ers. I think it is my civic duty to bring up this EXTREMELY important topic, definetly not discussed or not discussed enough in any of these forums. As we all may know, we are on this site to better ourselves in the realm of getting more women, improving social...
  18. 9

    Freaky Sex tale.....

  19. 9

    Has this site helped you?

    I definetly agree.