DAMN---- I cant believe I froze up.......


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Queens Ny
Cant beileve I froze up in the perfect situation.......... Now i'm kicking myself in the ass.
I recently went to a resturant to order take out. The line was out the door and while I was walking to the line I noticed a okay looking girl(id say about a 7) walking towards the line too. There was no way I was going to let herr beat me to the line so I walked extra fast. Of course I beat her to it. (I didn't make it obvious that I was trying though). So while we were waiting on line she asks me " Is this the line for ordering". Obviously a dumb question because it did lead to the cash register. I turned around and said yeah in a cool and calm way. Then I added on "I hate waiting on lines and if you want I could order your food with mine to save you some time". She said she was with her "friend" and her friend probably would be ordering something too. I said okay... I asked her, her name and she told me Patricia. Ironic because thats my mothers name so obviously I wouldn't forget that. She asked me mine and we started to have small conversation...... About a minute after her friend comes in and stands next to her. Then --------------------------------------------A moment of silence. She introduces me to her friend which was a guy. I must say this guy looked like a total herb, an insecure loser. This guy clinged to her like he didn't have a friend in the world. I said whats up to him but I felt ****BLOCKED and I didn't even get to finish our conversation. I ended up leaving the resturant with a "nice meeting you Patricia" not a "i'll call you later". DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN. WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING................
I'm a true dj at heart and feeling but what the F happened.
Any comments............
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by 91redrotary
I asked her, her name ...She asked me mine
Haha, she aeked for your name - this was a good sign!! You should have asked her right away if dude was her man! Awkward situation though - you didn't do much wrong - "Mr Freeeeze Pop"!! :D


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Hey just look at the emotional pain of regret as a reminder to ask "how do you know each other?" next time. That is THE question to pose when there's a dude with the girl.

But don't beat yourself up. You did make a step toward success. Some dudes would've answered her question and turned away without starting a convo with that nice counter-opener that focused on emotions rather than facts. Keep being aware and creating opportunities. Eventually the joy of learning from your mistakes will outweigh the pain of the mistake. It recently happened to me and is an AMAZING shift in consciousness!

In fact, proceed toward this point by thinking about what you did good this time, what you will do next time, about how you felt during the encounter, how your total attitude/mindstate will be next time, and MOST IMPORTANTLY why you are feeling that depressed ache from lack of success. Where does that intense emotion come from? Why is success important to you personally? Why don't you feel happy that you made a small attempt instead of focusing on the negative? Why do you feel fear in social situations, even when losers are present?

BTW, it's perfectly natural to have these feelings. I'm not saying that you SHOULDN'T have them or that you should try to deny or suppress them. What I AM saying is that I've found it useful to explore the feelings that social situations trigger. It helps me know myself and improve my game. But the KEY is to constantly go out and have social experiences so you can have something real and current to relate all these DJ techniques and self reflections to. So don't spend too much time ruminating and writing down your thoughts. Get back out there!


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Queens Ny
Originally posted by AlwaysExcel
Hey just look at the emotional pain of regret as a reminder to ask "how do you know each other?" next time. That is THE question to pose when there's a dude with the girl.

I tell you this. I'll never freeze up like that again!!!!!!!!!!