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  1. S

    Adderall and Erection Problem

    So i've read that adderall can lead to erection problems/smaller penis size/lack of sex drive, and figured that 'i never get side effects from stuff', so i took a 30mg pill yesterday afternoon. Well, after 2 attempts, i haven't been able to get it up. does anyone know how long these problems...
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    How can you do a good "first kiss"?

    what you're gonna have to do first and foremost is not worry about it. if you go to kiss her and you're nervous or whatever, you're moves might not be as smooth as they should be. Try to relax and *enjoy* it, don't think of it as something you HAVE to do. I've been called a good kisser by...
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    is she interested?

    why don't you just ask her out?
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    Lost too many friends feel soo lonely and sad, how to meet more friends? = (

    don't get it too mixed up. Girls are not the ultimate end. Being happy with yourself, and living your life as best as you can is the ultimate end. having no regrets in life. girls come in time, and they are in a way a "side-effect" to being happy with yourself, confident in yourself, and...
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    I was just in the same situtation as you. this chick was giving me ALL kinds of signals, even tho she had a bf, her roomate even asked why I msg'ed her and said, "aren't you and her talking?" - i totally thought it was mine for the taking. however, just the other day we were talking on the...
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    What EXACTLY are "the bases" anyway?

    Hell ya, baseball is great! for this, but yea I've always known them as the 4 Fs as well, but Ever Onward's 'post modern version is pretty entertaining. never thought that there could be that many things associated with baseball terms. props on that.
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    "I have a boyfriend" is a REJECTION, NOT A SH1T TEST!

    back to original topic, i think if she comes straight out and is very blatant with it, saying "i have a boyfriend." then she is basically telling you to forget about it. however, i've gotten with girls who've mentioned something about their bf, like, ya, me and my bf went to some game last...
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    Where To Have Sex or Get A BJ?

    the possibilities are endless dude. be creative and have no fear!! sh!t just go for a drive and catch some roadhead. just be careful, one time i veered off the road a little bit and hit a rock, busted my tire.. never lost a hardon that fast before, haaaaaaa.
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    upper leg hair, butt hair?

    i just got one of those norelco bodygrooms - heard good things about it, gonna give it a try....personally, i'm not about shaving anything other than my face, its all about being neat and trimmed. just my .02
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    hardcore mixed signals making me miserable

    even though the girl did nothing wrong, i personally think she should be nexted anyway - because of the situation. I know I'm new here and I don't have any rep, but if you think about it, he won't be nexting the girl, but the situation in whole. The failure to act the first time, the...
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    What do you do for a living?

    student and car stereo/electronics installer :up:
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    the difference between showing interest and showing feelings

    this may seem a little offtopic, but it relates to the showing interest/feelings idea... once classes start up again next week, i know for sure at least one girl i'm gaming in one of my classes will ask me if i missed her. I know this because before she left, i told her to try not to miss me...
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    I have a "date" tonight with someone who LJBFed me before

    would have been interesting if she didn't stand you up... i'd say next her
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    Should I give it some effort or forget about it

    UPDATE: i appreciate the help guys, but i'm still stuck on this girl. interesting fact too, while writing back and forth during class, she mentioned totally out of the blue, that her bf was going to be in tokyo for this week and next....i thought that was pretty convient, and quite...
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    female orgasm?!?!?!?

    next time you're getting jacked off by a chick, ask her to finger your a$$ at the same time. Would ya like that? (if you answered yes, then i'm done talking to you, lol) dude, despite what you hear, a lot of chicks don't like you playing with their a$$ like that. focus on their ****oris, it...
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    need advice on overcoming emotions

    I agree with jackman, if you want to get over her, you have to do what he said, and basically tell her to go fvck herself. Let her know that you don't care anymore. Everytime that she calls, and you come running to her to talk/fvck, its giving her the impression that she can use you for what...
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    Should I give it some effort or forget about it

    In one of my college classes, this girl started sitting next to me. We would talk a little during class, then for a few minutes after class, as she usually goes to the gym right after class with some friends. Anyway, the other day the teacher never showed up, so we chilled in the room for a...